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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 31

The chapter is inspired by the song Demons by Imagine Dragons.

"You cant hide from me forever, you know?" Ryder says while caressing my cheek. I lean into his touch and close my eyes while embracing his warmth.

Then it hits me,

"I gotta go." I say while looking away from him. I am not supposed to be here and i should probably get going to meet the girls.

I know i am lying to the both of us, honestly, all i want now is to stay here with him and feel his touch. I am running away from my what my heart wants.

"Why are you hiding your feelings for me?" He says as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to me.

I have demons in me which haunt my past and they are not good looking, i'm afraid if he gets closer, he'll see the shattered me and he'll leave me without a second look.

"I dont have any feelings for you?" I lie while looking away from his eyes.

I really dont know whom i am lying to. Is it me or him?

"Then why do you always react to my touch?" Ryder says in a husky voice, sending chills down my body.

"I very much know your weakness." He says while his hands slide down up my back and then down until they reach my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

His face is so close, i could count each of his dark eyelashes...... every light fleck in his blue eyes. I was spell bound...... completely and absolutely hypnotised.

My breath caught in my neck as he leaned in, drifting his lips over the skin on my neck, making me shiver in anticipation. Ever so gently, his lips pressed against my jawline, causing me to gasp and shut my eyes, savouring the sparks that he is igniting.

My entire body feels like it's on fire as Ryder continues to leave trails of smooth, lingering kisses down my neck, each sending a strong current through my body.

Why do i have to react to him like this? Something is seriously wrong with me!

"Do you have feelings for me?" He murmurs against my skin. I can't think straight, not when Ryder is making me feel like this. Why was he doing this again? I can't even remember.

A billion thoughts are running through my mind, but i push them away, only focusing on Ryder's lips, his hands and him.

My call ringtone goes off and i immediately free myself from Ryder's hold. Its Pat calling.

"I'm sorry, i gotta go." I rush and enter my car and drive off leaving a sad Ryder behind me looking crushed.

"Hello. Is everything okay over there?." Pat speaks through the phone with worry in her voice.


"Hi, everything is all good. So where are we meeting?" I say.

"We are meeting at my favorite spa which is, "The Healing Touch". I'll send you the directions. " Pat says.

She cuts the call without a bye. She has something against goodbyes that i don't know.

Pat sends the directions amd i drive off to the location of the spa.

"So girls, we are being invited to a hiking trip this weekend." I tell the girls lazily.

I am so relaxed right now, i feel like this massage i'm getting right now is reducing my stress levels. I feel so calm.

"Ooh, where?" Melisa slurs while also getting a massage. We are all getting a massage with face masks on our face. After this, we shall go to treat our hair while getting manicures and pedicures.

Bless Pat for organising this day.

"Umm.... a hiking ground probably." I say while shrugging.

"She is trying to mean, who invited us because that person probably knows where we shall be staying." Amelia says probably rolling her eyes.

"Oh. Its Jason West." I say and receive ear blasting screams from Melisa, Carol and Pat.

Amelia is the only mature one here.

"Why?" Amelia says, "And how did you two even become friends?" Amelia asks.

"He said for a relaxing weekend. I became his friend at the party when you guys left me all by my self." I say while inwardly scowling at them.

"First of all, we apologised already and secondly you are a lucky bitch!!!" Pat says while screaming.

Poor masseurs and masseuses. They have to tolerate three teenage girls yell at the top of their voices. I would have put masking tape on their lips.

"I don't get the big deal about this." Amelia says.

"Oh my God, me too!" I say.

"The Jason West invited us for a hiking trip on a weekend with his friends." Melisa says like Jason is some kind of prophet.

"Soo?" I drawl out. I can imagine Melisa rolling her eyes at me now.

"Its gonna be fun, that guy has a really good sense of humor and he is fun to be with." Pat says and we all look up to stare at her with raised brows.

How does she know his character? Last time i checked, Jason was an asshole and he made me get my first detention.

"What! I know you're all looking at me." Pat says while still looking down.

"How do you know he is fun to be with and has a good sense of humour?" Carol manages to voice out all our thoughts.

"We share all classes together and i'm always sitted next to him."

Okay, that's new!

"Anyway, it will be a fun weekend with his friends." Melisa beams and thats when i realise something,

His friends include Daniel, Cole and Ryder........ Oh no! An image of a sad and crushed Ryder pops in my head and my heart sinks at the image.

"Is it okay if i bring along Blake?" Carol asks.

"Sure." I say with a sour mood.

"Is everything okay?" Amelia asks while noticing my sour mood.

"Yeah, i'm fine." I say with a fake cheerful voice.

"Okayyy." Amelia drags and lets it chill for the moment which i'm grateful for.

The rest of the evening was very relaxing and calming and also funny. We got pedicures and manicures and i painted my nails dark blue. I decided to dye my hair a tint of red and curled the ends of my hair. It looked nice compared to my straight dark brown hair.

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