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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 34

I hear a car honk and that's my cue to leave. We are all meeting at Cole's house for the movie night. I decided to dress up in a pair of leggings and a huge comfy sweat shirt with Mickey Mouse on it. I hope into Melisa's Red Ford sports car where the rest of the girls are. I greet them smiling and they return the gesture.

"Wait, do you girls know Coles address?" I ask as I put on my seatbelt.

"Yeah, I do." Melisa says with a quiet yet sad voice. She seems to be in deep thought about something.

Okayyy. ....

"Let's go." Pat says with an excited and happy tone.

We reach the house and head out of the car with our bags. Cole's house is a pretty decent sized house. It's white and has some palm trees in the back yard. The grass is a vibrant green and the landscaping is nice and neat. It is beautiful and refreshing.

I ring the doorbell twice and the door immediately flies open with a cheery Jason who engulfs me in a huge bear hug. I hug him back a little bit and then try to pull away, his strong arms letting me slide out of his big embrace.

He then turns to the girls and brings them in a huge group hug. Amelia scoffs and hits Jason to let her go yelling," Let me go, asshole". We all burst out laughing at her and she rolls her eyes at us. Jason then leads us into the house.

The walls in the house are a shade of aqua that remind me of the ocean, there are huge windows that view over the San Francisco beautiful scenery.

He leads us into a room with a huge couch, a carpet, a love chair, another huge couch and a giant flat screen TV. Cole and Daniel are sitting on the couch. They look up and greet us with a smile and we return the gesture.

"Do you guys wanna watch the movies from here or the theatre room?" Cole asks.

A theatre room!!!! Duhhh!

"Theatre room!!" The girls and I say in unison, I mean that's like a very obvious question.

Cole and the guys lead us down to the basement where I'm guessing the theatre room is. We approach the room and I am in awe. The theatre room has black and grey walls, with a projector at the front. There are seats that are arranged where there is only one column with huge comfy seats and three rows. There is also a front seat that is secluded from the other seats. There is an illusory of the solar system and many beautiful stars as you look up. All in all, this room is just wow.

"Have you guys yet picked out the movie?" Pat asks while checking out the theatre with the rest of the girls except Melisa who looks like she has seen this place a couple times and is just staring at the ground awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, we have three movies in idea which are;" Jason says while turning to Daniel to continue.

"Fifty shades of grey, fifty shades darker and the new fifty shades freed." Daniel says with a smile as if he said something normal.

"Euu.... no! Perverts!" I say while scrunching my face.

"The hell?!" Carol says.

"I'm sorry but I can't watch fifty shades with a bunch of my friends." Amelia says.

"Why not?" Jason and Daniel whine. We all turn and give them incredulous looks.

"They are kidding, relax!" Cole says with a deep chuckle.

"You should have seen the look on their faces...Priceless!" Daniel says while laughing along with Jason.

"It's not funny." Amelia deadpans.

"Like seriously, which movies have you guys chosen?" Carol says while glaring at Daniel and Jason which all of us are actually doing well except Melisa who has an expressionless face.

What's up with her?

"We have Fuck the Prom and The duff." Daniel says while settling the movies in the laptop for the projector to play.

"You guys need to act like males and your age." Amelia says while taking a seat in the front row.

"I totally agree." Pat says while taking a seat also in the front row.

Amelia, Jason and Carol take the front seats, I was forced to take the secluded front seat because I was the one to change the movies by moving all the way up to the projector. Daniel and Pat take the seats after Amelia's row. Melisa goes to take the seat next to Pat who quickly puts her bag of popcorn on the seat.

"Sorry but this seat is occupied." Pat smirks. Melisa quickly understands what she is up to and shoots her a glare.

"By?" Melisa glares with an annoyed expression.

"My popcorn. It gets heavy as I'm watching so it needs to sit down." Pat says with a grin,

"Umm..... There's a free seat next to me." Cole says with an expressionless face but anyone can see through his eyes that he wants her to take the seat next to him desperately.

Melisa takes a seat next to him not before hitting Pat on the head. Thank God, Cole chose to seat in the middle seat. They are still distant even though they are sitting next to each other.

I just hope Carol's idea works to set them together this weekend.

The movies were not so bad but they were very cliché. Jason kept cooing at the cute moments whereas Amelia pretended to be puking at the cute moments. Carol kept yelling,' Change!' throughout the movie. Well me, I just slept when the second movie started.

"Guys, let's take a picture to remember this moment." Pat says while taking out her phone.

"I'm sorry but I don't do those." Daniel says while quoting the movie, Fuck the Prom! Earning an eye roll from me.

"You're a selfie virgin like a sergin." Pat gasps while deciding to play along.

"Yeah...." Daniel says while pretending to be shy like Cole from the movie.

"Bravo!" Carol claps her hands along with Jason at the scene that was performed. Pat does a dramatic bow while Daniel waves his hand like a model and we all burst out laughing.


Pat takes a picture of us laughing at Daniel and Pat.

"I'm going to take a piss." Jason says while exiting the room.

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