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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 35

It is finally Friday. The week has gone by incredibly fast. Amelia and Pat are now at my house helping me to pack. Daniel is travelling with his girlfriend, Lucy. Carol is travelling with Blake and the single club is travelling in Jason's van which his parents allowed we could use. The van is big enough for even eleven people to fit in so we were lucky to have it for ourselves. The perks of being single.

What confused me the most was how Blake was travelling with us and Ryder was nowhere. I mean they are both on the basketball team so where the hell could he be. Yes, I want him to be with us this trip. I haven't seen him all week and it's killing me on the inside especially the fact that I have to hide it from my friends, telling them I'm fine. I just want to see him, is that too much to ask?

Cole picked Melisa from her house, we told Cole to pick her up from her house and travel with her to the cabin house, and of course he wanted to be with her because you could see that he liked the idea. We told him to tell her that the van was full so we couldn't all fit. We just hope they reunite or whatever the guys called it, during their journey.

"Why do we have to be single?" Pat whines.

"It will be fun, come on!" Amelia assures us.

"I hope so." I say. All this reminds me of Ryder. I really miss him a lot, him annoying me, his unfunny jokes, and to top all of it, I crave his touch and his lips and...

"We have to go." Pat shakes me snapping me out of my trance. Pheww!! Thank you Pat! I don't wanna know where my thoughts were heading to.


What a ride!! The worst ride of my life. It was so relaxing at the beginning of the journey until Jason started singing at the top of his lungs. And let me tell you, his voice is worse than a cat dying, I even sing better than him honestly.

I decided to put in my earphones and listen to loud music but sadly I could still hear his cry also known as his singing voice through my earphones. To make the situation even worse, Amelia and Jason started bickering over stupid things. At one point, I even thought about jumping out through the window of the van. Pat and I had one hell of a ride.

We arrived at the cabin later than the couples. The cabin is a beautiful wooden building with a sloped, dark blue roof. It has two floors with a balcony on the second floor. A warm yellow glow emanated from inside the windows.

"It's really beautiful." I say as I gaze up the picturesque view. The cabin is nestled in a beautiful backdrop of forest. A lake must be nearby somewhere. The hiking spot is the Lover's Lane at the Presidio so it was a ten minute walk from the cabin.

"I know right?" Pat says as we head to the cabin with our bags, Jason leading us.

Three good-looking guys, scratch that, hot looking guys are standing at the entrance of the huge cabin. I can feel how excited they are that we are here.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Jason greets them followed by Cole, Daniel and Blake surprisingly. They all greet each other while the girls and I stand awkwardly.

"Oh! Sorry." Jason notices that we are standing next to him.

"Umm... guys, these are my friends that I was telling you about, Nora, Pat, Amelia, Melisa and Carol." He introduces us to the hot guys.

"Girls, these are my cousins, Aiden, Cornelius and Theo. They go to the same school as Lucy and play basketball too." Jason introduces the handsome guys to us.

They greet us with huge grins and waves and we return the gesture. They are really very hot, I gotta admit and they have this bad boy vibe that would make girls swoon. They look like a Forbes magazine cover for the hottest males, Okay now I am over exaggerating.

The hiking is tomorrow morning, followed by a time at the beach, which reminds me of the time at the beach with Ryder when we had our first kiss. Why the hell does he keep coming up in my head? I really miss him.

I haven't asked any of my friends about him though I am really dying to ask like it's at the tip of my tongue. I don't want to be looked at as desperate or crazy so I have to keep it in.

"There are five rooms in this beautiful house, the couples will have their own rooms and no doing the dirty. The single club will have their own rooms. There is a Jacuzzi in each room for those who want, hiking starts tomorrow. We are meeting in the living room after we have all freshened up. We hope you have a nice stay here." Aiden says.

Jacuzzi for each room!!!! I'm never leaving this place.


"So let's play a game of truth or dare." Aiden says while looking around at all of us. After freshening up and settling in our rooms with me getting the biggest room in the house, we came downstairs and gathered around in a circle to play a game.

I catch Cole's eye and he smirks at me after seeing through his phone, Daniel and Jason grin at me, and I look at the boys weirdly. What the hell is happening? Have they lost it?

"Definitely." Cole says while still looking at me and I shake my head looking at him expectantly, with furrowed eye brows, and he just shrugs. Weird and creepy!

"The rules of this game are simple." Cornelius says.

"What are the rules?" Pat asks.

"Simple, there are no rules, it's just a game we like to play." Theo says while winking at Pat who in turn pretends to do a gaging expression.

Classic Pat.

"Nora, truth or dare?" Theo asks.

"Truth." I say confidently, I mean what could they possibly ask that could be that bad. It's not like I'm in some cliché novel or movie that they will ask the worst question possible, which will humiliate me or make me cry.

"Who was last your kiss and when was it?" He says and I choke on my saliva, coughing slightly. I look around the group and Melisa, Carol, Pat, Amelia and Cole have huge grins on their faces. That asshole told Cole.

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