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Book online «His vicious revenge by Yarmia Tariq (i can read with my eyes shut .txt) 📖». Author Yarmia Tariq

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Chapter 37

"sis I am going back today to dad" he announced on the table all of sudden.

Alaya stopped feeding Lisa all of sudden and looked at him in disbelief. Gerard also looked at him.

"Why all of sudden?" She asked calmly.

"It's not sudden, I was planning it since very long but I didn't told you. And now everything is settled between you and dad I should go home now. He must be missing me." He replied casually but correct choice of words.

"You came here at your own will and now if you want to go I won't stop you. And to be honest dad really needs you. But I wanted you to stay with me" she replied while continuing eating her food.

"That's right, I enjoyed living my days with you. I will miss Lisa most. And I hope Gerard will now take care of you both" he said while placing his fork again in the plate and giving attention to Gerard.

"Sure I will. I couldn't believe you grew into a fine man in just no time. I love you sister and I promise you that I will take care of her" Gerard replied politely and he smiled at the compliment.

They completed their remaining dinner in silence. And the other day Gerard booked the plane tickets for Asad. Gerard dropped him at the airport on time and he alone flew back to Washington, from where his dad sent driver to pick him up.

Everything got calm and completed. Gerard used to go to his office on time. And Clara was soon shifted to another company at same post which was owned by Gerard's friend.

Gerard also got to know that Stephen also tried to defame him into a fake case which he proved later as illegal. Gerard didn't knew why he was pulling such stunts on him. But since he met him in person in court. Once glance and h remembered everything from beginning. He was the same man who had eyes on Alaya since that party. He made a great mistake by letting him go that day.

He came back home and told Alaya to be cautious of any unknown calls or visits. At first Alaya became curious and she asked him what is it for. And he told her everything. Each word dropped on her like a bomb. 
Watching expressions on Alaya's face made him curious too. But on her own she spilled everything to him and told him her recent meetup with him. And how he offered her work. To which she rudely denied. 
He consoled her and made sure he looks into this matter deeply. His wife and his daughter was only treasure he was left with.

They were sitting alone at night looking at Lisa with adoration while she was sleeping peacefully.

"Gerard you never told me about your family" she asked him all of sudden.

His expressions changed in milliseconds as she noticed the change of colors on his face.

"What about them?" He asked in return.

"Anything like where you belong. Where did they lived? And you don't even meet your relatives" she replied.

"My parents are dead and I don't have any relatives to meet with. And I always belonged here where I am now" he said while not lifting his face to see her.

"I know they are dead but I also never saw you visiting their graves" she made a point.

"How do you know they are dead?" He suddenly lifted his face to look at her as curiosity got best of him.

"What I'll tell you might sound like that I invade you privacy. But I didn't intended to. It just happened. While you were away I visited the south wing of house and in the store room I found your diary, pictures and importantly your letter in which you explained everything" she said cautiously trying not to enrage him.

"So do you hate me now? Or felt pity, and that's why you forgave me easily?" He asked, his words not sounding calm.

"I neither hate you nor felt pity. What you did was out of emotions. The situation you was in might led to anything or something worse than you did. I don't judge you for that. I neither felt pity because you took your revenge. You made your life better on your own like every adult but it was really something courageous. And maybe the behavior you had with me or everything you did might be the consequence of your disturbed past. So I neither judged you nor felt sentimental but I felt your pain of losing your mother. Because I also lost my mother at very young age" the words she uttered felt like raindrops on him. He was soaked in them.

How can someone be so positive? He thought in dismay.

"You won't say but I hear you Alaya. I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have do it and let the matter take to court and should have waited until they punisher my father. But what i did I don't regret. Although it was wrong to do. And that all happened when I used to live in village. I ran away from there after that and came to Los Angeles. I grew up here as a orphan and completed my studies. And graduated in business management and after achieving several high degrees I got posted as a CEO in a company. Unluckily the owner of the company didn't had any son to who could inherit his company after his death. I had no guardian so we became close. He loved me alot and took care of me as a father. And unluckily my life snatched that only person I loved. After his death I got to know that he signed everything to me. I became the owner, but the billionaire in just one night. That day I changed myself. I worked day and night for that company to be successful. And when did I become a Beast, I don't know. But after his death I got a stain on my heart and other's feelings didn't effected me anymore. And this way I didn't felt a little bit shame in assaulting you." He stopped for a moment after his long story.

Everything now seemed unbelievable to Alaya. This was the half story which she didn't knew. Now everything became clear like mirror to her. So that's how it was, she thought. The man in front of her was the final version.


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