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the virgin birth of Jesus is based, when but one man and one woman lived on the earth, the woman refused to sacrifice her virginity even to people of the globe.
The gods, honoring her purity, granted that she conceive beneath the gaze of her lover's eyes, and thus a virgin mother became the parent of humanity. ~From The Ten Commandments by Joseph Lewis, an in depth research of the reasons why we do what we do and the superstitious natures of man leading up to the cultural differences and culture gaps.
BC 2900-Enos dies at the age of 905 in (2864 B.C.E. Intermarriage is now common, and the Cainites now hold pervasive influence over the godly descendants of Seth. Perhaps the basis of miscegenation, high moral, social and religious principles are fast becoming extinct, and violence, debauchery and immorality now characterize almost the entirety of human society. ~Genesis 6:11.
BC 2750-Stonehenge is constructed by an ancient culture to mark the path of the stars. Little is known of the original people who inhabited this area of Britain as they did not put to writing their beliefs but used word of mouth and ritual to extend their realm.
BC 2700-Many believe that in deference to the Babylonian gods that the Jews, who were enslaved by the Babylonians, when translating ancient Scripture wrote, “In the Beginning….” vs. “The Father of Beginning.” What this translates to in English from the ancient Hebrew is the Scriptures beginning with the Hebrew letter “B”[second letter of the alphabet] instead of the letter, “A.” [First letter in the Hebrew language] Later on in the New Testament we will have a correction that states, “I am the Alpha and the Omega…,” which attempts to correct the original translations. ~Revelations 1:8, 21:6, 22:13. “A” being the first letter of the alphabet, “A” being the beginning, “A” representing the creation that existed prior to all else. The forged New Testament booklets and the reckless abandonment of writings of the early Christian Fathers, are the sole “Evidence” we have for the alleged facts and doctrines of most Holy Christian Faiths, as is admitted by the Roman CatholicChurch.
“Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its earliest development, are chiefly the New Testament Scriptures and various sub-Apostolic writings, the authenticity of which we must to a great extent take for granted here.” ~Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 3, 712.
The Church declares the Gospels ‘God Inspired,’ and now states that we must take for granted [their word] that Scriptures speak the truth? One must bear one question in mind, “Does the Church lie?” “Hearsay at second-hand, and handed about among many, amounts to nothing as evidence.” ~Father Bishop Eusebius, the first Church historian.
BC 2686-2613-The Step Pyramid is constructed and designed by Imhotep, High Priest of Heliopolis, during the reign of Pharaoh Zozer as a virtual stairway to heaven, a means for man to be closer to his god, and the pharaoh is seen as the god-king, god incarnate, as seen by the inhabitants of Egypt [later on in history, the Romans leaders will also be deified].
From this deification we get the term, ‘Apotheosis,’ which is the act of raising a mortal to the rank of God. The High Priest of Heliopolis, Imhotep, is accredited with performing miracles and healing temples are erected in his honor. In 525 B.C.E., Imhotep is deified [attains the status of a god]. This is the first recorded example of the “deification of a person” who never claimed to be a god [Apotheosis].
Abu’l Hassan Ma’sudi, a Coptic scribe, in his manuscript ‘Akbar-Ezzzeman’ relates to a King of Egypt, Surid, who has two pyramids constructed, into which he has deposited the wisdom of his kingdom. These documents are to be preserved forever for all the descendents who could read the signs. Abu’l Hassan Ma’sudi claims that the pyramids are older than previously recognized and that they were constructed prior to the Great Flood, a claim later made by Cicero, a Greek historian in BC 106-43 in his “Histories Apodexis” that the priests at Thebes handed down from father to son for 11,340 years the stories of the Great Flood occurring after the pyramids were built and of gods living among men.
“Cicero was well aware that the deities, which men worshipped, were false. For when he had spoken many things, which tended to the overthrow of religious ceremonies, he said nevertheless that these matters ought not; to be discussed by the vulgar, lest such discussion should extinguish the system of religion, which was publicly received... Nay, rather, if you have any virtue, Cicero, endeavor to make the people wise: that is a befitting subject, on which you may expend all the powers of your eloquence ... In the dispersion of the errors of mankind, and the recalling of the minds of men to a healthy state.” ~Father Lactantius, Divine Institutes, II, iii; Ante-Nicene Fathers, VII, 43.
Herodotus in BC 484-25 makes the same assertions as the quotation above. ~See Table of Nations.
BC 2600-2360-In the Early Dynastic Era of Egyptian civilization we have the hieroglyphic royal listings of the ages of the pharaohs as between 625 years and 1200 years. The author of “History of the Old Testament,” Claus Schedl, goes through a comprehensive if not an exhaustive history of this lineal patronage to the ancient kings tracing back through time to the ages of Adam, as 930 years [Genesis 5:5], and Noah, as 950 years [Genesis 9:29] and their former chronological links in other ancient societies. The Christian faith borrows not only from the Hebrews, but also from the existing Pagan faiths as well.
“He formed man out of the dust of the ground, from which he was called man, because he was made from the earth. Finally Plato says that the human form was godlike; as does the Sibyl, who says, -- 'Thou are my image, O man, possessed of right reason.” ~Lactantius, Divine Instit II, lviii; p. 58.
The ancient Chaldean Noah declared, “In his anger also the secret counsel he poured out; To scatter abroad his face he set; He gave command to make strange their speech; Their progress he impeded.” ~Is It God’s Word? By Joseph Wheless.
Ancient texts have Noah as sending out the raven, then the dove to find land. The New Version of the Bible has the dove flying about with an olive branch…a clear case of revision if one studies and uses the counting system of the old manuscripts discovered. However, the dove has a stronger symbology. The Iranian Flood has Ahuramazda speaking of the coming blizzards and the Great Flood to Jima, the Flood being the judgment of God upon the sinful man. The Greek tradition tells of Deucalion and Pyrrha who, after the Flood, throw stones over their heads, thus creating the first humans. That the ancient kings were buried with an entourage is evidence of the deification paid them by their subjects.
Their retinue would be literally “Buried alive” with the king to share in his splendor in the “Hereafter” or next world. This sharing of a higher form of existence will later on in history be used to convert people all over the world by promises of a hereafter that will last an eternity. It will have a new name, with a new leader, and still newer components, borrowing from the ancient civilizations it will condemn as followers of heresy, myth, legends, spurious materials, illegitimate documents, and apocrypha, the word apocrypha is from the Greek, compound root, “To hide away” “Secret teachings” “Not for the uninitiated.”
The Sun religion is documented in the Egyptian Texts that tell of the god Atum creating the first divine pair, Shu and Tefnut, by “Eexhaling and spewing out.” Each culture has its own story or version of “The First Man and First Woman.” “But that there is a Son of the Most High God is shown not only by the unanimous utterances of the prophets, but also by the declaration of Trismegistus and the predictions of the Sibyls. The Erythrean Sibyl proclaims the Son of God as the leader and commander of al.” And another Sibyl enjoins, “Know him as your God, who is the Son of God'; and the Sibyl calls Him 'Counsellor.” ~Lactantius, Divine Instit IV, vi; p. 105.
“Because of the vogue enjoyed by these heathen oracles and because of the influence they had in shaping the religious views of the period, the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria, during the second century B. C. composed verses in the same form [hexameter verse] attributing them to the Sibyls, and circulated them among the Pagans as a means of diffusing Judaistic doctrines and teaching. This custom was continued down into Christian times, and was borrowed by some Christians so that in the 2nd or 3rd century, a new class of oracles emanating from Christian sources came into being. Hence the Sibylline Oracles can be classed as Pagan, Jewish, or Christian. In many cases, however, the Christians merely revised or interpolated the Jewish documents, and thus we have two classes of Christian Oracles, those adopted from Jewish sources and those entirely written by Christians…It seems clear, however, that the Christian Oracles and those revised from Jewish sources all emanated from the same circle and were intended to aid in the diffusion of Christianity.” ~Catholic Encyclopedia, article by Patrick J. Healy, as transcribed by Douglas J. Potter, vol. XIII, Sibylline Oracles.
Alexandria, with its basic consent of religious tolerance, is known both as a center of Hellenism and Semitism, and is believed to be the birthplace of the Gnostic Christians. Some historians suggest that Jesus Christ may have visited Alexandria, as well as the famous Library of Alexandria, conceived by Demetrius of Phalerum and constituted during the reigns of Ptolemies I and II, 323-246 B.C.E., which was the first truly universal library in history, which was known to have hundreds of thousands of sacred manuscripts from all over the known world, attracted the most eminent philosophers, scholars, and visionaries of the entire civilized world. ~Alexandria by Dan Sewell Ward. Many famous scholars lived nearby in the royal palace, acting as “Living Books,” whom the rulers of Alexandria could call upon for advice at any time [In other words, the Roman Church plagiarized from the Greeks, Pagans, and Jewish faiths. Saint Augustine, Father Justin Martyr, and Clement of Alexandria also believed that the Greek Sibyls were also ‘Divinely Inspired.’] The Temple of Alexandria, the Sarapeum, housed a much smaller library containing many duplicate copies of books from the museum, and was intended to provide access to these books to the entire city of Alexandria. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by Christians in 391 C.E. as a Pagan temple, and to avoid the Christians from distinguishing the similarities to Pagan faiths.
BC 2595-2345-The Solar Temple of the Pharaoh in Egypt is constructed. The gigantic pyramids are built to impress upon the people the massive powers of god and to show god their respect and eternal reverence for Him. The play on words: son and sun, is just the beginning of other religious beliefs that will knowingly or unwittingly borrow from the Egyptian culture as well as other previous cultures.
In dispute is whether the Egyptians practiced a true polytheist religion [worshipping many gods or one primary god with lesser gods under him]. Amen-Ra is: King of the Gods, the god who cannot be seen [also known as Amon: the hidden], the Hidden God, the Invisible God, hidden to gods and men, the God of Invisible Creative Powers. The Egyptian god is, God of the Living as well as the Dead, Source of all Life and all Light. Neither the Christians nor the Jews are the first to conceive of an invisible God or an everlasting God, one who will outlive mankind. When the Egyptian priests were
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