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monarchs; and it was not lawful for any one else to wear it, as the sun is identified with this serpent and is called “P'ouro,” which signifies, “The Fire” and “The King,” and from this very name the epithet “Purros,” the “Fiery,” is given to the “Great seven-crowned serpent.”
The Christian adoption of the soul and the soul living on, the soul being indestructible, and the soul being capable of enjoying life forever and ever is from Paul who learned Hellenistic [Greek] ways that are an adoption from Egyptology. The soul is known as “Ka,” and the physical body after death is known as the “Khat.”
The Egyptians as well as the Hindus believed that man had an invisible body, ghost, or shade, that is, a soul, ka, within the material body. Among the former, the dead were spoken of as “Osiriana,” that is gone to Osiris. On a monument, which dates ages before Abram is said to have lived, is found the epitaph, “May thy soul attain to the creator of all mankind.”
Saint Jerome will declare, “The dignity of a soul is so great, that each has a guardian angel from its birth.”
Khem is the phallic god of reproduction. Sculptures and paintings in the tombs of the dead represent the deceased ushered into the world of spirits by funeral deities who announce, “A soul arrived in Amenti.”
The Roman Catholics, and in a less explicit way other Christians, believe in two judgments of the dead: the Particular Judgment, of each soul after death, and the General Judgment, of all men at the close of the human comedy. Roman Catholics are astounded and embarrassed to learn that this particular judgment of each soul after death was also the most outstanding and most influential belief of the ancient Egyptians from the very dawn of history, and probably long before it.
BC 2500-Noah's sons are born. Shem, the eldest son carries on Seth's godly line. Shem lives 600 years and fathers five sons. Shem is 98 at the time of the Great Flood. ~Genesis 10:21.
Japheth, the middle son, fathers seven sons, and Ham, the younger son, fathers four sons. ~Genesis 9:24.
Noah is called upon by God to build an ark and warns of the coming flood [2466 B.C.E.]. ~Genesis 6.
Noah begins 120 years of prophesying regarding the devastating coming flood to come [God asks Noah to conduct this warning for humanity].
In the Americas, Mayan culture flourishes in the Yucatan region of Central America. The Mayas developed a system of counting utilizing the concept of zero one thousand years before the Arabs, Indians, or Egyptians. The Mayans calculated 405 full moons in a 11,960-day period.
Today we calculate the same period at 11,959.888-day period. Four thousand five hundred years later, they were only off by 112th of a day or 2.688 hours every 292 years.
Their written history dates back to a day calculated at August 11th, BC 3114. How were the Mayans able to be so accurate in their astrological calculations if they were so primitive as the Christian Spaniards claimed?
Some say that there was interaction [trade] amongst the early Asian civilizations and the new world. Historians for years denied that these events could happen and claimed that the inhabitants of the new world traveled across a land connection from what is now Alaska down [South] to the Americas. Historians, traditionalists by nature, are prone to ridicule by their adversaries if they deviate from accepted practices and are quite reluctant to deviate from accepted norms. We now know of strong ocean currents that could very possibly have made trade possible before the European migrations in the 16th centuries.
The Mayan High Priest is portrayed as half man and half god. Religious rituals were performed by sacrifices to appease the god of the sun and god of rain. All articles relating to religious and scientific findings of the Mayans are destroyed by the invading Spaniards.
The word “Tradition,” as used by the early Fathers and the Holy Mother, the Church, will frequently be implored upon the masses as evidence of the reality and verity of those occurrences “Taken for granted” by the beneficiaries of the ‘Catholic Authorities,’ as support upon them. “Tradition,” being that alleged evidence of things naturally incredible and unverifiable, of alleged events and miraculous happenings un-witnessed or un-documented over a century before the “Traditions’ invariably contradictory eventually came to be ‘found’ by the impious as well as the pious, which allege them as facts for the Faith.
“If the very order of Episcopal succession is to be considered, how much more surely, truly and safely do we number them from Peter himself, to whom, as to one representing the whole Church, the Lord said, 'Upon this rock I will build my Church...’ Peter was succeeded by Linus, Linus by Clement, Clement by Anacletus, Anacletus by Evaristus....” ~Saint Augustine of Hippo, Letter 53, 412 C.E.
Tradition, in actuality, as admitted by the Catholic Church being Jewish in nature, but then denounced by the 6th century when the Church relinquishes its Jewish history.

“The famous texts of Irenaeus on Apostolic Succession are a testimony to the faith of the 2nd century, rather than an example of historical narrative.” ~Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 7, 341.
The Holy Mother, the Church, admits that the first few centuries of Popes were often the creations of the her over zealous monks and followers.
“Tradition” has it that Jesus appointed Twelve Apostles, which is derived from the zodiac, and also, “The number twelve was symbolical, corresponding to the twelve tribes of Israel.” ~Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 1, 264. However, the whole story is fictitious. ~So says Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 3, 2987. With the soundest Scriptural basis for its conclusion.
The Church is reluctant to reveal, that blessed with remuneration for ‘Discovering’ ancient manuscripts, the monks became intoxicated with printer’s ink.
“The blessed Apostles, then, founded and built up the Church in Rome. They committed the office of Bishop into the hands of Linus. Of this, Linus, Paul makes mention in the Epistles to Timothy.  To him succeeded Anacletus.  After him, in the third place from the Apostles, Clement was allotted the office of Bishop.” ~Saint Irenaeus, Against All Heresies,  180 A.D.
BC 2500-Excavations from Nimrod, capitol of Assyria, provide evidence of Babylonian Astrology, where the Babylonian calendar is discovered to be divided into thirteen lunar cycles starting at the beginning of the growing season.
The Astrological Babylonian signs are: A Vase and a Fish, a Firebird, a Hero, a winged Ibex (goat), a Genie (Spirit of Protection), a Griffin, an Oryx (antelope), a Man riding an Eagle, a Serpent, a Dragon, a Sphinx, a Swallow, and a Huntress.
One complete cycle of the Zodiac [Platonic Year] requires 25,920 years. Divided by 60, one soss, the Mesopotamian sexagenary scale, equals 432. It is not known when the Zodiacal signs in the heavens were formulated to be inclusive of 2,170 years [some say 2000 years].
Space Aliens(?)
22. “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.” ~Genesis 6:4.
23. “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” ~Numbers 13:33.
24. “Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims.” ~Deuteronomy 2:11.
25. “That also was accounted a land of giants: giants dwelt therein in old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims; A people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims; but the Lord destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead...” ~ Deuteronomy 2:20-21.
26. “For only Og, king of Bashan, remained of the remnant of giants; behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? Nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. And this land, which we possessed at that time, from Aroer, which is by the river Arnon, and half mount Gilead, and the cities thereof, gave I unto the Reubenites and to the Gadites. And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land of giants.” ~Deuteronomy 3:11-13 .
27. “A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak!” ~Deuteronomy 9:2.
28. “And the coast of Og king of Bashan, which was of the remnant of the giants, that dwelt at Ashtaroth and at Edrei...” ~Joshua 12:4.
29. “All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses smite, and cast them out.” ~Joshua 13:12.
30. “And the border went up by the valley of the son of Hinnom unto the south side of the Jebusite; the same is Jerusalem: and the border went up to the top of the mountain that lieth before the valley of Hinnom westward, which is at the end of the valley of the giants northward...” ~Joshua 15:8.
31. “And Joshua answered them, ‘If thou be a great people, then get thee up to the wood country, and cut down for thyself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants, if mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee.’” ~Joshua 17:15.
32. “And the border came down to the end of the mountain that lieth before the valley of the son of Hinnom, and which is in the valley of the Giants on the north, and descended to the valley of Hinnom, to the side of Jebusi on the South, and descended to Enrogel, And was drawn from the north, and went forth to Enshemesh, and went forth toward Geliloth, which is over against the going up of Adummim, and descended to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben...” ~Joshua 18:16-17.
33. “And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.” ~2 Samual 21:20. Note: Hitler will expound upon this believing that once the Aryan race was pure and they roamed the earth as giants.
34. “And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot: and he also was the son of the giant.” ~1 Chronicles 20:6.
35. This will be of great importance to the early Christians in their interpretations of Biblical Scriptures from the Greek and the word Aeons, which means, “Age.” Nimrod, the ‘Inciter,’ the ‘Rebellious One,’ is identified as a ‘Giant’ amongst men, or ‘Nephilim.’ ~Genesis 6:4, also known as Anakim in Deuteronomy 2:20-21, 9:2.
In the year 2000 we are in the Age of Aquarius. Many religions today interpret Aeons [from the Greek meaning Age or Era] in the Scriptures to mean the. This misunderstanding from the Greek “Aeon” does not mean the end of the World, but the end of an age. The Hebrews frowned upon the old civilizations that used Astrology as a means of prophesizing. In The Old Testament we have a disclaimer as to the works of Astrologers as sorcery. “Of the great
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