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antiquity of this primitive worship there is abundant evidence, and that it originated among the inhabitants of the Assyrian plains, we have the united testimony of sacred and profane history. It obtained the epithet of perfect, and was believed to be the most ancient of religious systems, having preceded that of the Egyptians (Egyptiis vero antiquiores esse Magos Aristoteles auctor est in primo de Philosophia libro.” ~Theopompi Frag., Isaiah 48:12-13.
“The identity of many of the Assyrian doctrines with those of Egypt is alluded to by Porphyry and Clemens…” and, in connection with the same subject, Ouvaroff quotes the following from Birch on Babylonian cylinders and monuments, “The zodiacal signs... Show unequivocally that the Greeks derived their notions and arrangements of the zodiac and consequently their Mythology, that was intertwined with it from the Chaldees. The identity of Nimrod with the constellation Orion is not to be rejected.”
After discovering the fact that the Egyptian priests claimed the honor of having transmitted to the Greeks the first elements of Polytheism, one can only conclude that other elements were also borrowed, “These positive facts would sufficiently prove, even without the conformity of ideas, that the Mysteries transplanted into Greece, and there united with a certain number of local notions, never lost the character of their origin derived from the cradle of the moral and religious ideas of the universe. All these separate facts--all these scattered testimonies, recur to that fruitful principle which places in the East the center of science and civilization.” ~Ouvaroff.
For committing such blasphemous ideas into writing, Porphyry's book was burned by edict of the Church in 448 C.E., as criticism of the origins of Christianity have been suppressed ever since.
BC 2500-The First Stonehenge is constructed with massive rocks placed in a circle. The alignments of the stones are used to predict the paths of the moon and stars as well as eclipses. Some say this ability to predict summer and winter extremes enabled the agrarian civilization to plant their crops at the right times to benefit from the weather and good fortune of the gods. Minor changes are made through three successive groups.
BC 2499–2000 BCE: Angels marry women; Nephilim; Violence on earth; the Great Deluge and its devastating effects upon mankind; Nimrod; Death of Noah; Birth of Abraham [According to Jehovah’s Witnesses].
BC 2494-2181-In the Egyptian Fifth and Sixth Dynasties we have a solar calendar established with five bonus days at the end of the year. Star watching is now a predictable science in which the priests can calculate eclipses and they use this power as a means to control the naïve and superstitious masses.
BC 2400- Lamech dies five years before the Great Flood at the age of 777 in 2353 B.C.E. Methuselah also dies shortly before the flood at the age of 969 in 2348 B.C.E.
Noah’s ark is completed [2348 B.C.E.] ~Genesis 7.
The 120 years of inundation warnings came to an end. ~Genesis 7. The flood deluges the earth [2348 B.C.E.] ~Genesis 7. Noah and his family are in the ark for one year and ten days [They entered in 2348 B.C.E., and exited in 2347 B.C.E.]
Christians still cannot get their dates together regarding the Deluge. For the Deluge, different dates are assigned: Usher and English Bible, 2348 B.C.E.; the Hebrew Bible, 2288 B.C.E.; the Playfair Bible, 2352 B.C.E.; Clinton Bible, 2482 B.C.E.; Samaritan Pent, 2998 B.C.E.; the Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, 3146 B.C.E.; Dr. Hales, 3155 B.C.E.; and the Septuagint, 3246 B.C.E.
In China, basic “Trigrams” of I Ching invented by Emperor Fu Xi in China. I Ching is the Chinese practice of divination. The Chinese system of I Ching is more of a philosophy of life than a true religion. Some of the primary symbols are: ☰ father, ☱ youngest daughter, ☲ second daughter, ☳ eldest son, ☴ eldest daughter, ☵ second son, ☶ youngest son, ☷ mother.
BC 2350-2175-The Ladder as a means of climbing up into the heavens in religion is as old as the history of man. Early texts on Egyptian mythology state, “The deceased ascends on the ladder that Re, his father, made for him.” as discovered in the Pyramid Text. In Memphis, Egypt we have mention of an ‘Underworld.’ [No fire, no suffering, no pain].

“He knew the dispositions of earth and hell; there was nothing hidden from; he covered with a veil the side of all that he had seen.” ~Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians by Manley P. Hall.
This theme is borrowed over and over again throughout history as the inspired 'Infallible Decree' “Unionis,” which lets all Christians who depart from the Church know when and where their souls arrive and what to expect upon arrival, which will also be contradicted later on in Catholic history.

“The souls of those who depart in ‘Mortal Sin,’ or only in ‘Original Sin,’ [infants]go down immediately into hell.” ~Council of Florence; Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. VII, p. 208.
In the Babylonian “Lay of Ishtah” from which the Hebrew’s revelation borrowed this and other matters of revelation, the underworld to which the shade of the departed, sinner and saint alike, sank after death, is described correctly, in gloomy shades, being variously and poetically called “The pit,” the “House of darkness,” the “Land of no return,” metaphors strangely reminiscent of “Pluto's gloomy realm” of Homer, of the “Go down to the pit,” of the Psalmist, of Isaiah, and of Job; of the “Bottomless pit” of the Apocalypse; of the “Outer darkness” and “Pits of darkness” of the evangelists; of the “Land of forgetfulness” of the sweet singer of Israel. ~Psalm 88:12. Of “Death, and the house appointed for all living” of the man of boils and patience. ~See Job 30:23. Of the “Borne from whence no traveler returns” of another of high inspiration.
BC 2348- Apr 05, Noah's ark is broached on MountArarat.
BC 2300- The destruction of the Tower of Babel causes the dispersion of Babylon's population, spreading the people to the ends of the earth. It is 101 years from the flood to the “Confusion of Tongues,” and the “Dispersion.” [approximately 2247 B.C.E.] ~Genesis 11:1-9.
“Exaggerated chronologies are common to a large number of nations. Critical examination has (in all cases but one) demonstrated their fallacy; and the many myriads of years postulated for their past civilization and history by the Babylonians, Assyrians, Hindus, Chinese, and others have been shown to be pure fiction, utterly unworthy of belief. Cuneiform scholars confidently place the beginning of Babylon about B.C.E. 2300, of Assyria about B.C.E. 1500. The best Arian scholars place the dawn of the Iran civilization about B.C.E. 1500, of India about B.C.E. 1200. Chinese investigators can find nothing solid or substantial in the past of the 'Celestials' earlier than B.C. 781, or, at the furthest B.C. 1154.” ~Rawlinson, Temple of Jupiter Belus was named by Nebuchadnezzar. The Temple of the Seven Lights of the Earth at Borsippa-Barzipa. ie, Tower of Tongues, located eleven miles from the north ruins of Babylon was described thus by Nebuchadnezzar in the Borsippa Inscription.
Shem's great-great grandchild, Peleg, son of Eber is born. Peleg's name means, “Division.” “During his lifetime the people of the world were divided into different language groups and dispersed.” ~Genesis 10:24.
Peleg lives 239 years [contradicting the shorter lifespans after the Flood], and fathers sons and daughters. His brother's name is Joktan. Joktan fathers 13 sons.
* The descendants of Japheth dispersed, populating Greece, Parthia, Russia and northern Europe.
BC 2042 (?) 2198 (?) 2247 (?) 2167 (?) 1400 (?)-The birth of Abraham [descended from Arpachshad of Upper Mesopotamia, the land of Mitanni], the Jew, Astrologer, Priest, and Levite [Gen. 21:5]. Terah, the father of Abraham is also known as an Astrologer & priest of Nippur & Ur.
The discrepancies in the various dates are due to changes made by the priests to adjust the calendar to coincide with predictions, which did not occur as envisaged in Jewish prophecy.
BC 2000±Noah dies at the age of 950. Noah lives after the flood, 350 years, and dies two years before Abraham is born [1998 B.C.E.] Terah's third son, Abraham, is born. Abraham is called “The Father of the Faithful” and “The Friend of God.” Haran's daughter, Milcah, is born, Terah's daughter, Sarah, is born, Haran's daughter, Iscah, is born, Reu dies at the age of 239 years [1978 B.C.E.], Haran's son, Lot, is born, Nahor and Milcah are married, Milcah is niece and wife to Nahor.
The Chinese practice Astrology with “Twelve” animal signs [Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.]
The Epic of Gilamesh [Gilgamesh] is written down, the first literary evidence of werewolves [Saint Christopher was a werewolf/dog-head]. “... Just as Genesis 1-11 as a whole corresponds to the structure of the Atrahasis myth, so the garden of Eden story has incorporated many of the themes of the great Gilgamesh poem.” ~Professor Blenkinsopp, Notre Dame University, on Atrahasis and Gilgamesh motifs in Genesis, pp. 65-66. Human Origins, Genesis 1:1-11:26. Joseph Blenkinsopp. The Pentateuch, An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible. New York. Doubleday. 1992. ISBN 0-385-41207-X.
Even up to the 21st century, Christian authors continue their denial of Pagan influence, and on the “Priestess,” [Shamhat the harlot-priestess of Uruk] being recast as Adam's second wife, Eve: “Some elements of the Fall of Man myth in Genesis are of great antiquity; but the composition is late...The Gilgamesh Epic, the earliest version of which can be dated about 2000 B.C.E., descibes how the Sumerian Love-goddess Aruru created from clay a noble savage named Enkidu, who grazed among gazelles, slaked his thirst beside wild cattle... Until a priestess sent to him by Gilgamesh initiated him into the mysteries of love. Though wise as a God, he was now shunned by the wild creatures; and the priestess therefore covered his nakedness, using part of her own garment, and brought him to the city of Uruk... Another source of the Genesis Fall of Man myth is the Akkadian myth of Adapa, found on a tablet at Tell Amarna, Pharaoh Akhenaten's capital... This myth supplies the theme of the Serpent's warning to Eve: that God had deceived her about the properties of the forbidden fruit.” ~Robert Graves and Raphael Patai, The Fall of Man, pg. 78-79. Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis, New York. Doubleday & Company. 1963, 1964. Reprinted 1983 by Greenwich House a division of Arlington House Inc.
BC 1800-The Hittite Empire is written on cuneiform tablets that describe how the Prince Anitta of Kussara conquered the city of Hatushash that he starved into capitulation and then he destroyed the city and cursed it. The “Execration Texts” tell the names of ancient cities and their princes whose names were written on clay figurines or clay pots and then shattered in an attempt to curse or perform some magical blight upon the enemy.
BC 1766-1122-Chinese court priests of the Shang Dynasty prophesy the future via hot pokers applied to turtle shells.
BC 1750-The Beaker People take over the ceremonial region now known as Stonehenge that existed from a previous civilization around BC 1900. The stones were placed in a circular manner that we interpret today as a means of following the paths of the moon and stars and in all logical conclusions could determine eclipses. Many of their beliefs find similarities in the later Christian faith and the transformation to Christianity is facilitated by this fact.
BC 1740-1190-The Hittite [Kash] culture believes in many gods. They attack Babylonia in BC 1595 and are overthrown in BC 1225 by Tukulti-Ninurta. There is a mixing of cultures and religious philosophies and their religious beliefs spread, eventually permeating Greek culture.
BC 1700-1155-Kassites conquer most of northern Babylonia. A city is built into a country under their rule, but
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