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little is known of this group other than they were fierce fighters/warriors.
BC 1670-1570-Hyksos Period: the era when Foreigners ruled Egypt.
BC 1550-The three phases of the early Egyptians beliefs: 1. New born: at dawn 2. Mature: full-grown at 12 noon and 3. Old and dying: at the end of the day and back to earth. All three are considered of one divinity [Trinity]. The Papacy, in some of its Catholic churches, such as, in the monastery of the ‘Trinitarians’ in Madrid, contains an image of the ‘Triune God,’ with three heads on one body, a facsimile of the Babylonian ‘Triune Divinity,’ worshipped in ancient Assyria, whose mystical concepts later migrated to Egypt.
In India, the supreme divinity, in one of the most ancient cave-temples, is represented with three heads on one body, under the name of “Eko Deva Trimurtti,” “One God, Three Forms.” In Japan, the Buddhists worship their great divinity, Buddha, with three heads, in the very same form, under the name of "San Pao Fuh." This was the format of Pagan idolatry representing the Triune God, and there is evidence that, at a very early period, an important change had taken place in the Babylonian notions in regard to the ‘Divinity,’ and that the three entities had come to be, the ‘Eternal Father,’ the ‘Spirit of God’ incarnate in a ‘Human Mother,’ and a ‘Divine Son,’ the fruit of that incarnation.
The Exalted Christian Savior who is fated to appear before the World’s End is from an old synopsis in the Buddhist scriptures known as Kalki Avatara, the “Destroyer of Sin,” who will come from Heaven to proclaim Doomsday. Persians replicate him, transforming his designation to “Son of Man,” or “Messiah.” ~ Mahanirvanatantfa, Sir John Woodroffe translation, Pg. 48.
BC 1500 (?)-Hindus believe that after death one is reborn in another body: this can be an animal, human being, mineral [rock], or vegetable. Hindus also develop a “Trinity,” Brahman [God Creator], Vishnu [Protector of the Universe] and Shiva [Deity of Good and Evil]. The destruction of the Indus culture is propagated by the Arians who take possession of their lands [1500-1200 B.C.E.]. Arian meaning “Hospitable” or noble while the non-Arians are referred to as “Dasyu” or ungracious.
BC 1450-Space Aliens(?) “During the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III around 1450 B.C.E., there is a description of multiple ‘Circles of fire,’ brighter than the Sun, and about 5 metres in size that appeared over multiple days.” They finally disappeared after ascending higher in the sky. ~Unidentified Flying Objects: Do You Believe? By S.G.H.A.P.I.,
BC 1433 (?) 1466 (?)-Moses and ‘The Exodus,’ on the 14th day of the month Nissan, 1433 (?) 1466(?) the Pharaoh, Amenhotep II, changes his mind and in his anger sends forth 200,000 foot soldiers, 600 war chariots, and 50,000 horsemen to bring the Israelites back to Egypt. Biblical error from Antiquities of the Jews: From Flavius Josephus’ original source quoting a time span of 1062.5 years between the Exodus and the Babylonian Exile, which he believed to be recorded in Solar years, Josephus erroneously deducts 115 years [701-586 BCE] instead of 136 years [722-586 BCE], which results in a 947 year calculation for the period 'Exodus to Fall of Samaria,' instead of 914.5 years. Moses flees the enemy of the Hebrews and later commands his people to set up large stones and to spatter them with plaster. ~Deuteronomy 27: 2.
There is reason t believe that Moses may indeed have witnessed a burning bush, a bush that burned, but is not consumed. Recent scientific findings reveal that, ‘Ball lightning’ can act in this manner, a fiery ball of various dimensions, which appears suddenly and vanishes just as mysteriously.
Some say that Moses was a sorcerer because, “Moses was educated in all the learning of the Egyptians, and he was a man of power in words and deeds.’” ~Acts 7:22, NASB.
Pliny describes Moses as having founded ‘A sect of magic’ magices factio that, ‘Iannes’ and ‘Iotapes’ were also members. ~Pliny, Natural History 30.11. Early Christians also viewed Moses as a great magician, having also been educated in Egyptian magic. An ancient amulet found in Acrae on Sicily describes how Moses became phykikos [a magician] after climbing the Sacred Mountain. Moses’ magic is considered greater thatn the court Egyptians as he defeats the Egyptian magic, but it is also considered ‘Good’ because Moses performs his magic to serve God. “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘Work a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.’ So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the Lord had commanded and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts. For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.’” ~Exodus 7: 9-12. Flavius Josephus, a 1st century historian also argues that Moses’ acts are superior to the magical arts because they are Divine in Nature. ~Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae 2.284.
It is this manner of offering that he writes the laws. God tells Moses on the mount that he knows not of the name Yahweh. ~Exodus 6:3, 3:14, Genesis 5:2, 4:26, 32:30. See also Luck, Georg. Witches and Sorcerers in Classical Literature. Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: Ancient Greece and Rome. University of Pennsylvania Press (November 1999) ISBN: 0812217055.
The name of God is a not spoken in Hebrew [YHWH, YHVH, YWVH and other similar variations of the Tetragrammaton are aspects of the Godhead. The Jews deny the Christian Godhood of Yahveh, “The god who is the hero of these [Genesis] stories is not the ‘Supreme Cosmic God,’ the ‘Father of the Lord Jesus Christ,’ in whom we live, and move, and have our being, but the ‘Tribal god of the Hebrews,’ according to their earliest and crudest conception of his character. He is known by two names: ‘Elohim,’ meaning God, in general, and’ Yaho.’ The latter is a proper name, like Asshur, Moloch, Baal, etc. He is only one God out of many.”
Every nation and people during this era had one or more gods. The Hebrews were forbidden to worship any other god but ‘Yaho.’ “Yaho is generally but less correctly given as Yahveh and Jehovah.” ~From the works of Rev. Charles P. Fagnani, D.D., Professor of Scripture at Union Theological Seminary.
The seven given names of God are: “El, Eloha, Elohim, Yahweh-Tsabbath, Elohim-Tsavvath, Shaddai.” ~Genesis 4:26 & Exodus 6:3. “And neither does he know Adonai. “Shadday,” the ancient name of the Hebrew God, which means “To overpower” and “To treat with violence,” is invoked at the singularly appropriate time in the apprehension of a thief. ~From The Ten Commandments by Joseph Lewis.
The early transcribers knew what they were doing when they translated the Hebrew Scriptures. Their sole purpose was to enhance their new religion. “To use the word ' God' or ' Lord God,' instead of 'Elohim,' or 'Yaho,' is misleading and disastrous. It conceals from the unsuspecting reader that the un-Godlike sayings and doings recorded are those of an imagined, primitive deity, not those of the God of the New Testament.” ~Fagnani, The Beginnings of History according to the Jews, pp. 18-19; Boni, New York, 1925.
The early Christian Fathers are not troubled by the truth so much as spreading their ‘Word,’ and gaining cnverts. “Transcribers freely added new matter from the same sources on which the original authors had drawn, the traditions of their own locality or sanctuary, variants of historical traditions or legend. Every new copy was thus in some measure a fresh rescension... Scribes compared different copies, and combined their contents according to their own judgment or interests... Of records or monuments there are but a few traces, and these for the most part doubtful.” ~Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. ii, 2075-76.
Old or New Testament “Canonical” and “Apocryphal” literature is created for the gullible, and countless examples of the imaginative process of these early history-writing religious activist abound in all the writings of the ancient, as all who are familiar with such classics as Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Josephus, Livy, may recall. This appears to leave the Pagan god ‘Yahveh’ and his pretended ‘Holy Word’ as both a myth and fable. “It will very soon appear most probable, that he [Jesus Christ] was not born at all; but, like Minerva from the head of Jupiter, the fiction sprung from the brains of the early Christian priests.” ~From: The Existence of Christ Disproved, by Irresistible Evidence, in a Series of Letters, From a German Jew, Addressed to Christians of All Denominations.
When Moses asks God his name, God does not answer directly, but states, “I am who I am.” [Ebyeh asber ebyeh whose translation is closest to “Never you mind who I am, or “Mind your own business”].
The name of God is Jah-Bul-On-Jah, and is only spoken once a year in the Most Holy of Holies. Jah: from the Sumerian meaning his essence. ‘Bul,’ from the Assyrian, meaning , ‘Lord.’ Or, from the Egyptian meaning ‘Father of All.’ Together they are interpreted as meaning I am and shall be: Lord in Heaven, Father of all. Therefore, when God states he does not recognize the name he is called, it is not necessarily, because it is not his name but man is not allowed to pronounce his name except in strictest reverence in the Hebrew Tabernacle only once a year within the Holy of Holies. God’s name may be found in Exodus 14:19 containing three verses which also contain seventy-two Hebrew letters [Shem ha-meforash] Moses is taught all the mysteries and wisdom of the Egyptians [Palmistry (Cheirosophy) & Astrology are included as part of the esoteric arts] The Bible reflects on palmistry in Job ~Job 37:7. It is in Exodus 20:13 that we have God’s word regarding Murder. ~See also Leviticus 24:13. The Scriptural interpretation is delineated in Exodus. The commandment is “Thou shall’t not murder!” Why would God help the Israelites kill their enemies and later help them kill the Canaanites if the law is “Thou shall’t not kill?” A concept still argued over to this day in most Christian countries, yet, did not stop the Church from murdering or killing its dissenters.
In the Canaanite, culture the serpent [dragon] is seen as a sexual symbol and the phallus is the sign of Ba’al [the bull]. Baal is the god worshipped by those who lost faith in Moses when he stayed too long on Mount Sanai, and doubted his ability to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land during the Exodus. The earliest writings are ascribed to the most important people in the history of Israel as this would give the books more importance and authenticity, such as Moses, Abraham, and Noah.
“Priests of the goddess discovered, to their advantage, that it was particularly fortunate for women to have commerce with them. Priestesses were not likely to avoid the act of which their goddess was the presiding genius. Large carvings of the sex-organs stood unblushingly in the temples: until Englishmen and Americans came along in the 19th century.” ~From the books of the former benedctine monk, Father J. McCabe’s, Rationalist Encyclopedia. The early priesthood is so pre-occupied with sex that it is written, Noah is ordered to take two of each animal into the ark, “For fear that even beasts should be born of adultery... Even unclean birds were not allowed to enter with two females each.” ~On Monogomy, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Ch. iv; p. 62.
“The Fathers of the Church were persuaded that Orpheus was the disciple of Moses. They saw in him a type, or rather a prototype, of Jesus, since
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