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Book online «Tempted heart by karl coldron (8 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author karl coldron

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up her body. He covered her body with his and kissed her on the mouth. She could taste herself on his lips and it sent a new pang of arousal through her.
“Should I give you that tour now?” He panted against her mouth.
She nodded and he stood and helped her stand up. Her legs were like jelly and he bent and scooped her up, carrying her into the house.
She licked his neck before sucking on his earlobe. He groaned and strode down a small hallway before stopping in front of the first closed door on the left.
“This is the den” he muttered as she nipped at his neck.
“It looks nice,” she replied without looking up.
His arms tightened around her when she slid her hand inside his shirt and ran her fingers through the hair on chest. He moved further down the hallway, his breath catching when Lucy scraped her fingernails across one flat nipple.
“Jesus,” he groaned and jerked his head towards the next door. “Bathroom.”
“Mm-hmm.” She kissed his jaw, running her tongue across the stubble and enjoying the slight sting.
He walked to the door at the end of the hallway. “Bedroom.”
She moved her hand, searching blindly for the doorknob. Her fingers brushed against it and she turned it as he pushed on the bottom of the door with his foot. He carried her into the room. His bedroom faced the ocean and the light from the dying sun filled the room with a warm, golden glow. It was a small room and completely dominated by the biggest bed Lucy had ever seen

“Good God.” She stared at the bed. “Three people could sleep stretched out on this bed and not touch once.”
“I think it’s a little early for us to be talking about inviting someone else into the bed with us. Maybe next weekend,” he replied.
She blushed and smacked him lightly on the back. “That isn’t what I meant, you pervert.”
He laughed and set her on her feet next to the bed. “You should perhaps work on your communication skills, Ms. Reid.”
He reached for the hem of her dress and she lifted her arms so he could pull it over her head. He removed her bra and stared reverently at her breasts before cupping them in his large hands.
“So beautiful,” he murmured. He dipped his head and kissed each nipple before sucking on them.
She arched her back and reached for his shirt. She unbuttoned it and pushed it off his shoulders. He shrugged out of it, letting it fall to the floor, and she reached for the button on his shorts. She unbuttoned them and slipped her hand inside of them, gasping in surprise at his own lack of underwear.
“I was afraid you might try and steal my underwear in retaliation,” he said. She had a quick image of stuffing his underwear into her purse and burst into giggles.
“You find my lack of underwear amusing?” He pinched her nipple. She gasped and twisted her hand until she was gripping his hard cock. He gave his own gasp and let his head fall back as she began to stroke him.
“Not at all,” she whispered. She used her other hand to unzip his shorts and they fell to the floor. She looked down, desire unfurling in her belly at the sight of his cock. She ran her thumb over the tip of it, spreading the moisture across it as he gave another groan of pleasure.
She turned him around and pushed him into a sitting position on his bed. She knelt between his legs and bent her head, taking the tip of his cock into her warm mouth. He inhaled sharply and his hands threaded into her hair. He gripped her head and urged her mouth lower. She slid her mouth down, taking as much of his large cock into her mouth as she could. She sucked his cock with long, slow strokes of her mouth as she gripped the base with her hand and twisted lightly.
“Oh my God, Lucy,” he muttered as his hips began to move with the motion of her mouth.
She pulled her mouth free and pressed against his hips.
“Stay still, Mr. Young,” she demanded.
She put his hands on the side of the bed, watching with some amusement as his fingers curled into the blanket. He shuddered under her as she took his cock into her mouth once more. For long moments there was nothing but the sound of his loud groans as she licked and sucked and stroked him.
“Lucy, stop!” Jason gasped out. He tugged her to her feet as she blinked at him in surprise.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he ground out. “You’re going to make me come if you keep doing that.”
She grinned and started to bend over him again. He growled and twisted his hand in her hair, pulling on it until she was staring up at him. “If I didn’t know better, Ms. Reid, I’d think you were deliberately trying to provoke me into spanking you again.”
A spasm of pleasure, so deep it nearly hurt, flooded through her pelvis and lower belly and she bit down on her lower lip.
He groaned at the look on her face. “Jesus Christ, Lucy. You have no idea what you do to me.”

He kissed her hard, nearly shoving his tongue into her mouth. She returned his kiss, standing between his legs and pressing herself against him. His cock brushed against her soft curls and they both gasped. He reached around her and grabbed her ass, pulling him against her and letting his cock press against the curve of her stomach.
He broke the kiss and gently pushed her away. She watched as he scooted back on the bed until his back was resting against the headboard, and his long legs were stretched out in front of him. There was a small bedside table next to the bed, and he opened the single drawer and pulled out a condom. He rolled it on and then held his hand out to her.
“Come here.”
She climbed onto the bed. She was a little embarrassed by how quickly Jason had recognized her uncharacteristic desire to submit to him in bed, and she was determined to show him the other side of her. She was used to making men beg her to come, and she knew that riding Jason would allow her to control the pace and have him pleading to come in minutes. She grinned as she straddled him, her thighs planted around his hips and her full breasts nearly brushing his mouth.
“Something funny, Ms. Reid?” He raised one eyebrow at her as he settled his hands onto her wide hips.
“No.” She kissed him on the mouth, already hearing in her head the sound of his sexy voice begging and pleading with her.
She rose up and pushed herself onto his hard cock, taking half of him into her. He cried out with pleasure as she waited for her slick core to stretch around him. She leaned forward and braced her hands on the headboard, pushing her breasts toward his mouth. He suckled hard on one nipple and she arched her back and let her head fall back, her long dark hair tickling his thighs.
She slid up and down his cock, refusing to take more than half of his hardness into her and turning her hips in a spiraling motion as she rode him slowly. His fingers dug into her hips as she continued to move. She reached between them and rubbed her clit, her fingers pressing and circling in the way she liked best. She wanted to come again - needed to come again - and she moved her fingers faster. She tightened her muscles around his cock as she rose up until just the head of him was planted in her.
She was so close, and the fiery need was growing in her pelvis. She was only vaguely aware of Jason’s hands leaving her hips. She cried out with surprise when his hard hands closed around her wrists and yanked her fingers away from her throbbing clit. Before she could stop him, he had pinned her arms behind her back with one strong hand.
He used his other hand to cup the back of her neck and push her down until she was impaled fully on his hard shaft. She yanked at his hand and wiggled her body, trying to free herself as he watched her with some amusement.
“Jason, let me go!” She pouted and twisted some more, trying to use her legs to push herself upward. It was useless. Jason was much stronger than she was and even as her mind rebelled, her pussy grew steadily wetter at being so completely and easily subdued.
“I want to come.” She tried to keep the pleading note out of her voice and failed miserably.
“I know you do, sweet Lucy.” He dipped his head and kissed both of her breasts before licking the hollow between them.
She moaned and arched her back when he took one taut nipple between his teeth and pulled on it, stretching it out before releasing it. “But as much as I love watching you touch your pussy, I don’t want you to come just yet.”
“Let go of my hands.” She gave him an imploring look. “I promise I won’t touch myself He grinned. “I don’t believe you, little Lucy. I bet the minute I let you go, your fingers will be touching your pussy and you’ll be riding me hard enough to make me come.”
He moved under her, thrusting his hips back and forth. She moaned as his hard cock rubbed against her soft walls. He moved his hand from her neck and around her back to take a wrist in each hand. He pulled on her arms until she was forced to arch her back and thrust harder into her. She cried out and rode him helplessly, her large breasts bouncing and her pussy squeezing his cock as he drove into her repeatedly.
“Do you want to come, Lucy?” He growled.
“Yes, oh yes!” She cried out breathlessly.
“Not yet,” he whispered and slowed his hard thrusts until he was barely moving within her.
She writhed on top of him, yanking at his hands and bouncing her hips against his. Her pussy was so wet she had drenched his cock and the tops of his thighs. She should have been embarrassed by it, but the wet sucking sounds her pussy made as his cock slid in and out of her only heightened her desire.
“Behave or I’ll make you suck my cock again before I let you come,” he suddenly whispered in her ear.
She bit her lip and forced herself to stay still. She was so close to coming. Her entire body throbbed with need. She kissed him hard on the mouth, darting her tongue into its warm recesses and brushing her breasts against his chest.
“Please, Jason,” she panted into his mouth.
“Please what?” She could tell that Jason’s own control was slowly eroding. He gritted his teeth and groaned out loud when her muscles squeezed compulsively around his hard length.
“Please fuck me. Please make me come. Oh please, Jason,” she begged.
The sound of her soft voice and the whimpers of need coming from her full mouth pushed him over the edge. He tightened his grip on her wrists and fucked her hard and fast. She came almost immediately, her pussy squeezing his cock so firmly that he joined her in her climax. He shouted hoarsely and pumped in and out of her a few more times as she collapsed against him.
He released her wrists and she slid from his body like a wet noodle. She curled up on her side as he disposed of the condom and lay down behind her. He pulled her soft ass up against his pelvis and put his arm around her waist, cupping her breast as she sighed.
“That was amazing,” she murmured as she brushed her hair from her face.
“I hurt you,” Jason said.
“Your wrists.” He took her left hand in his and rubbed his thumb across the

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