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Book online «Tempted heart by karl coldron (8 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author karl coldron

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under him and she could pin him to the ground. Then it would just be a matter of punching him in the face.
She closed her eyes, the small grin dropping from her face when her mind presented her not with an image of punching Jason in the face, but an image of her riding his hard cock. She pressed her thighs together as her pussy throbbed and dampened in response. She was already wet from being so close to him in the filing room. If she kept up this kind of thinking, she’d ruin her damn panties. She pushed away from the door before she dropped into the chair in front of her computer. She stared at the screen and forced herself to concentrate on her work.
* * *
Three hours later there was a soft knock on her door, and she sighed irritably. Her desk faced the window not the door, but she didn’t need to turn around to know who had entered the room. “I know, Elliot. Mr. Young is waiting. Tell him I’ll have the damn file to him in five minutes. I want one final look at it.”
“Actually, I thought I would look at it while you were finishing up with it - just to expedite the process.” Jason’s deep voice spoke beside her and she glanced upward, groaning inwardly.
“I need five minutes,” she mumbled.
“No problem.” He rested his hand on the back of her chair and started to read the screen. “We’ll look at it together.”
Lucy swallowed nervously. Jason was standing too close. He smelled delicious and she imagined that she could almost feel the heat from his body. His crotch was right beside her head and she kept stealing glances at it and licking her lips. She wondered what he would do if she reached out and unzipped his jeans. What he would say if she pulled his cock out and wrapped her lips around it. She took another quick look as her nipples tightened, and her mouth went dry. Suddenly it didn’t seem to matter that her office door was wide open or that earlier this morning she had told him it was a bad idea. The thought of sucking his cock was heating her up and making her tingle with anticipation. She had to squeeze the arms of her chair to stop herself from reaching for his zipper.
“Ms. Reid, if you keep looking at my crotch and licking your lips, I’m going to unzip my pants right here,” Jason said without taking his eyes off the screen. “I don’t think I have to tell you what will happen next.”
Her stomach clenched with pleasure and she whipped her head back to the computer screen in front of her, willing herself not to lick her lips again.

She had wrangled her thick hair into a ponytail this morning and he capture the end of it, pulling until she was forced to look up at him. “Unless, of course, you want me to unzip my pants? Just say the word and I’ll do it, Lucy.”
Still holding her ponytail in one hand, he traced her mouth with the index finger of his other one. He pushed and she parted her lips so he could slip the tip of his finger inside her warm, wet mouth. She closed her lips around his finger and sucked hard.
“Jesus,” he muttered.
He let her suck for a few seconds, closing his eyes and groaning when she tipped her head forward and took his entire finger into her mouth. She moved her mouth back and forth along his finger, rubbing her tongue around it and sucking eagerly. For a moment, his hand tightened almost painfully in her hair, and then he was pulling his finger free and releasing his grip on her hair. He kept his eyes closed for a moment, panting harshly in her quiet office, before finally looking at her.
Her face red, she gave him a look of horror. “I’m so sorry, Jason. I shouldn’t have done that. That was really um, inappropriate.”
“I started it,” he rasped.
He took a deep breath as she cleared her throat. “We need to finish this file.”
“Right, the file.” His voice was still hoarse, and he grimaced as he bent down and looked back at the screen. “So far it seems to be looking good.”
His head was right next to hers and she could feel his warm breath on her cheek. She inhaled when his right hand slipped into the top of her jacket and under her camisole. He cupped her naked breast, squeezing it roughly before rubbing her nipple between his thumb and finger.
“Jason,” she moaned.
“I’m sorry. I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you,” he muttered. Despite his apology, he continued to touch her, and she closed her eyes with pleasure.
“Keep reading, Ms. Reid,” he instructed. “We have a deadline, remember?”
She dragged her eyes back to the screen. The words were meaningless, but she struggled to look for errors as the tips of his fingers explored the hollow between her breasts. He cupped her other breast, teasing the nipple with his fingers until it hardened into a stiff peak.
“I highly approve of you going braless, little Lucy. It makes it so much easier to see how delightfully responsive your breasts are to my touch.”
He pinched her nipple hard and she gave a small squeak of need, her back arching helplessly.
“Hmm,” he whispered, “you don’t seem to be finishing up this file as quickly as you promised. What should I do about that?”
He pulled on one nipple and then the other as Lucy squeezed the arms of the chair and pressed her mouth closed. Whimpers of need were threatening to escape as he rubbed and touched and kneaded her full breasts.
“Mr. Young?”
With his body and Lucy’s chair hiding his arm and hand, he continued to slowly rub her nipple as he looked behind him. “What is it, Alex?”
“Mr. Hanson is looking for you.” She smiled and leaned against the doorway, putting one hand on the hip of her skin-tight jeans and letting the other play with the low-cut opening of her blouse. “He’s wondering where the file is?”
“Ms. Reid and I were just finishing it,” he said.
He glanced down at Lucy’s flushed face and pulled hard on her nipple. “Ms. Reid, have you finished?”

Yes,” she squeaked out.
“Good. Email it to me please.” He glanced at the doorway, his gaze narrowing when he saw Alex still standing there. “Is there something else, Alex?”
“Um, no.” Her smile faltered at the coldness in his eyes.
“Good, then you’re dismissed.”
She nodded and left as Jason turned back to Lucy. “I want to invite you to my house tonight for drinks, Lucy.”
She stared at him and he smiled charmingly. “My house is right on the beach. We can relax on the deck and watch the sunset. What do you think?”
“Mr. Young, that’s very nice of you but - ”
He was still holding her breast in his hand and rubbing her nipple with his thumb. It was making it extremely difficult to concentrate. She put her hand over his, stilling his movements.
“That’s nice of you to invite me to your home but I think - ”
“Don’t answer right away.” He gave her breast a final squeeze and straightened. “Think about it and you can let me know by the end of the day.” He left her office without giving her a chance to reply.
* * *
Lucy stretched and glanced at her watch. It was three o’clock. She had two hours left before she had to give Jason her answer. She drummed her fingers on her bottom lip. A part of her - a very big part of her - wanted to say yes. She wanted to go to his house, have a glass of wine and let Jason do whatever he wanted to her. Her common sense, however, wouldn’t stop arguing with her about it.
He’s your boss! What if you get caught? What if after a few nights of mind-blowing sex, you get tired of him or he gets tired of you? How awkward will it be at work then? And what if your coworkers find out? Do you really want to be known as the girl in the office who’s banging the boss?
You would get a nice weekend spa trip. A mischievous little voice whispered deep in her head. She groaned and rested her elbows on her desk, burying her head in her hands. What she was thinking was madness. She could not, under any circumstance, go to Jason Young’s house. If she even considered –
The intercom on her phone buzzed and she twitched in surprise.
“Hi, Jerry. What’s up?”
“Can you come to Jason’s office please? We have an issue we’d like to discuss with you.”
“Of course.” Lucy jumped up, her heart banging nervously in her chest.
Oh shit. They had been found out already.
She hurried down the hallway and skidded to a stop in front of the closed door of Jason’s office. Her heart still knocking painfully against her breastbone, she raised her hand and rapped on the door.
“Come in.”
She entered the room, her stomach dropping to her feet at the serious looks on the two men’s faces. She walked across the room, her knees shaking and her hands clammy with sweat.
“Is there something wrong?”
“As a matter of fact, there is,” Jerry said. “Have a seat.”

He indicated the chair next to him and Lucy sat down numbly. She stole a quick look at Jason. She couldn’t read the look on his face and she turned back to Jerry when he cleared his throat.
“Lucy - ”
Jason’s intercom buzzed and Carol the receptionist said, “Mr. Young? Is Mr. Hanson there with you?”
“I am,” Jerry answered.
“Your wife is on line three. Your hot water tank is leaking all over the basement. She wants to speak to you immediately.”
“Well, shit.” Jerry scowled and stood up. “I gotta go.”
He glanced at Jason. “Should we wait until Monday?”
“No, I’ll speak with Ms. Reid on my own. Have a good weekend, Jerry.”
“Oh, I doubt that.” He nodded distractedly to the them and nearly ran from the room, shutting the door behind him.
Lucy squeezed her hands together and stared straight ahead as Jason stood and walked across the room. She didn’t even hear the soft click of the door locking before he returned to his desk. He stared thoughtfully at her as he sat in his chair.
“Have you thought about my proposal for tonight, Ms. Reid?” He asked suddenly.
She stared at him. “What?”
“My proposal. Will you be joining me for drinks tonight?”
Her mouth dropped open. “I’m about to be fired for sleeping with you, and you want to know if I’ll be dropping by for drinks at your stupid beach house?”
He frowned. “You’re not being fired.”
“Then why the hell am I here?” She glared at him.
“I’ll get to that in a minute,” he replied. “Are you coming by tonight or not?”
“No, I’m not,” she said. “Thank you for the invitation but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”
“Okay.” He shrugged and looked at his computer screen. Lucy felt a ripple of hurt go through her at his easy dismissal of her but told herself not to be an idiot. It was what she wanted after all.
“There was an issue with the file you reviewed this morning for uploading,” Jason said.
“What was wrong with it? Is it something serious? Did it get uploaded to the website with the mistake?” Her heart, which was just starting to slow down, sped up again.
“It did and it was serious enough,” he said. “Why don’t you come around and look?”
She stood and walked around the desk before bending and staring at his screen. She searched the article frantically. She hated making mistakes in her work.
“Do you see it, Ms. Reid?” Jason’s voice washed over her while his hand slipped under her skirt and stroked her thigh.
She gasped and clamped her legs together. “Not yet.”
“Keep looking.” He ran his fingers over the sensitive skin on the back of her knee and she trembled wildly.
“You have the

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