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thin rubber.

He pulled her into his arms again and kissed her hard on the mouth. His cock rubbed against the soft skin of her belly and he groaned, trying to keep himself from exploding all over her. He needed to fuck her, and he needed to do it right now.
“Against the wall or on the floor?” He muttered into her ear.
“I – what?” She stuttered as he cupped her breast and pinched her nipple.
“Do you want to be fucked against the wall or on the floor?” He asked impatiently.
“I don’t - ”
She was blushing hotly, and he made the decision for her.
“The floor then.”
It was his preference anyway. He wanted to be on top of her for their first time. He wanted to have those long legs spread wide around him. He wanted to watch her writhe under him, moaning and coming as he fucked her.
He pulled her down to the floor, pushing her onto her back and kneeling between her legs. He grabbed one thigh with his hand and hooked it around his waist. He pushed the head of his cock against her wet entrance and they both moaned.
“Jason, please,” she groaned breathlessly.
He thrust the head of his cock into her before groaning, “Oh my God, Lucy. You’re so fucking tight.”
“Please, oh please,” she whimpered. Her hands scrabbled for purchase on the warm tile of the elevator floor as she arched her hips upward.
He responded by sliding further into her. He stopped, waiting as she stretched around him, until with one final push he slid his entire throbbing cock into her warm wetness. He looked down at her. She was staring up at him, her mouth open and her eyes dark with lust as she tried to adjust to his size.
He waited. Every muscle in his body was screaming at him to move and his cock was throbbing inside of her, but he waited. Finally, his voice hoarse, he asked, “Ready?”
“Yes,” she moaned and then gave a loud cry of pleasure when he immediately began to plunge in and out of her.
She bent her knees and planted her feet on the slick tile of the elevator floor as he propped himself above her on his hands. He thrust roughly in and out of her of her wet, hot pussy. She ran her fingers over his flat stomach, smiling when he groaned and jerked against her. She slid her hands around his waist and clung to him as he rocked above her.
“So thick,” she moaned.
“Wrap your legs around my waist,” he demanded.
She obeyed, hooking her feet together in the small of his back. He groaned as the new position made her pussy tighten around his cock. She rose up to meet him, her hips slapping against his as he bent his head and took her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard on it and she arched her back, her hands digging into the smooth, hard flesh of his back.
“Jason, oh Jason,” she whimpered.
She was starting to lose the easy, natural rhythm they had fallen into as the pleasure grew within her. He looked down at her and sucked in his breath. Her long dark hair was spread out underneath her, her pale skin flushed with pleasure, and her nipples hard and wet from his mouth. Her entire body was glistening with sweat, and her pussy was soaking wet around his cock.
She was moaning his name repeatedly, and just the sound of her soft voice saying his name was bringing him closer and closer to the edge. His balls tightening, he thrust wildly into her. She gave another loud cry of delight before she stiffened underneath him and her nails dug painfully

into his back. He echoed her cry when he felt the muscles of her pussy tighten around his cock and a flood of wetness.
He thrust twice more and then came, his hips slamming into hers and his entire body shaking as his orgasm roared through him. He collapsed against her soft body, burying his face in her neck and panting harshly.
After a few moments, he lifted his upper body from hers and stared down at her for so long that she blushed. “What?”
“Jesus, Lucy. You have no idea how - ”
The lights suddenly flickered on, bathing them in brightness, and the elevator lurched before continuing its smooth descent.
“Shit!” He pushed himself away from her, grabbing her hand and hauling her to her feet. He pulled off the condom, tying it closed and shoving it into the pocket of his pants. Beside him, Lucy yanked up her skirt and zipped it. As he pulled his shirt on, cursing under his breath when it stuck to his sweaty skin, Lucy struggled into her bra.
“What floor?” She muttered.
He glanced upward. “Tenth.” He looked down at the front of his pants. Lucy’s juices had soaked the front of them while he was fucking her, and he groaned silently at the large wet spot.
* * *
Trying not to panic, Lucy yanked her bra straps up. “Goddammit!”
The straps were twisted and digging into her skin, but she ignored them and threw her shirt on. Her hands refused to work the buttons properly and she cursed again. She buttoned the top three and struggled into her suit jacket, hurriedly doing up the buttons on it and shoving her feet into her shoes. She snagged her purse from the floor as the elevator shuddered to a stop and made a quiet dinging noise.
She glanced at Jason. He had his suit jacket draped over his arm so that it covered the front of his pants, and she was irritated at how calm he looked.
“Give me my panties!” She hissed at him.
He winked at her. “Too late now, little Lucy.”
The doors opened and Lucy had time for a quick prayer that the parking garage would be empty before the two maintenance men appeared before them. They were large and burly men with grease-stained coveralls and hands.
“Sorry about that folks!” The one said cheerfully.
“No problem.” Jason cleared his throat and put his hand on the small of Lucy’s back, ushering her out of the elevator.
The second maintenance man stared at her for so long that Lucy could feel the blush heating her cheeks. She risked a glance downward, sighing with relief when her clothing appeared straight and nothing was hanging out.
Jason pushed her forward and she gave the men a tiny, embarrassed nod as they walked away. She passed a large SUV and stumbled to a stop when she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the tinted rear-view window.
She stared horrified at her reflection. Her face and throat were covered in red marks from Jason’s stubble, and her lips were swollen from his hard mouth. But it was her thick, dark hair that revealed their activity in the elevator. It surrounded her face in a huge halo. It was the mostspectacular ‘just been fucked’ hair she’d ever seen. Her hair and the combination of her face and mouth made her look like she had stumbled off a porno set.
“Excuse me, sir!” Jason turned back as the first maintenance man entered the elevator and picked up something from the floor. “Is this your wallet then?”
“Yes, thanks very much,” Jason replied as he stepped back into the elevator.
“Sorry again for the inconvenience.” The man dropped a wink at him and Jason had the good grace to flush as Lucy thought about bolting to her car. The man could obviously smell the musky scent of their coupling and, if he couldn’t, one look at her hair and he’d have to be an idiot not to know.
When Jason rejoined her, she gave him a brief nod. “Good night, Mr. Young.”
“Lucy, wait.”
“I have to go.” She hurried to her car, slid inside and drove out of the garage without looking at him.
* * *
Nodding once more to the maintenance men, Jason walked to his own car. He slid behind the wheel before starting the car and turning the air conditioner on full blast. He let the cold air cool his sweaty skin as he stared blankly out the windshield. He had hoped to convince Lucy to come back to his place for a cool shower and a bite to eat before coaxing her into his bed, and he was disappointed that she ran off so quickly.
He closed his eyes for a moment, imagining how Lucy would look lying naked in his king-size bed. Just picturing her pale flesh was giving him an erection again. He fished in his pocket and brought out the scrap of white cotton that was her underwear. He stared at them for a long moment before smiling and placing them back in his pocket. She couldn’t avoid him forever. She’d have to ask for her panties back eventually.

Chapter TWO

Lucy was almost to her office when she felt the strap go. She rolled her eyes in irritation and veered away from her office toward the washroom. She should have known better than to wear that particular bra. It was one of her older ones and she knew the strap was starting to wear. It didn’t seem to matter how expensive the bra was, eventually the weight of her breasts put too much strain on the material, and she ended up with busted underwire or torn straps.
She ducked into the washroom and stripped off her suit jacket. It was the one Friday of the month where they were allowed to wear casual clothes. Today she had paired her usual jacket with a thin, white cotton camisole and a knee-length jean skirt. Calf-hugging leather boots completed the outfit.
Muttering under her breath, she dug through her purse for a safety pin as Penny, one of the admin staff, came barging in.
“Whatcha’ doin’?” She asked as she checked her makeup in the mirror.
“My stupid bra strap broke,” Lucy grumbled. She gave a snort of triumph as she found a safety pin deep in the bottom of her purse. “Can you help me with this? The strap ripped at the back. Can you pin it back on?”
Penny smoothed the strap of her bra down and pulled it tight before carefully pinning it together. She stepped back. “There you go, Lucy-Lou. Good as new.”
There was a soft ping as the safety pin bent under the pressure and popped open.
“Dammit!” Lucy snapped as the sharp end of the pin dragged across her soft flesh. Penny untangled the pin and dropped it in the garbage can. “Hold on, I might have another one.”
Before she could start digging through her purse again, Penny laughed. “Forget it, Lucy. A safety pin is no match for your boobs.”
Lucy sighed and stared at herself in the mirror. “I guess I can make it through the day like this.”
Penny shook her head. “It’ll look better if you just take off the damn thing.”
“Are you crazy, Penny? I cannot go without a bra in the office.” Lucy glared at her.
“What’s the big deal? You’re young, they’re perky, and you’re wearing a suit jacket. No one will notice. Take it off and we’ll see what it looks like.”
Grumbling under her breath, Lucy undid her bra. She yanked it out from under her camisole and dropped it on the counter. She studied her upper body in the mirror. The camisole

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