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softest skin, Ms. Reid. Did you know that?” Jason murmured.
“No,” she mumbled.
“You do. Have you found the mistake yet?”
“No!” She nearly shouted at him. “Stop distracting me.”
“You know, I’ve always thought the sign of a good copy editor is their ability to work well under extreme pressure or distraction as you like to call it.”
She could hear the laughter in his voice as he ran his fingers along the outside of her thigh before trailing them back down to her knees. He pushed his hand between her knees.

“Spread your legs, Lucy,” he demanded.
He leaned forward and bit her playfully on the ass through her jean skirt, making her gasp and jump. “Pretty please?”
He squeezed her ass with one hand, and she groaned and shifted her feet apart.
“That’s my good girl.” He squeezed her ass again and then let his fingers dance up her inner thigh. “Are you still looking for that mistake?”
“Yes,” she gritted out as he slipped his hand up to her ass.
“Good, keep looking.” He caressed her naked ass cheeks. “A thong again? I do like your choice of panties, Ms. Reid.”
“You need to give me the other ones back.” She glared at him.
“Do I have a pair of your panties?” He asked innocently.
“You know damn well that you do.” She jerked when his finger pulled on the string between her ass cheeks.
“You’re supposed to be looking for your mistake,” he said.
She turned back to the screen as he moved his hand between her thighs. He traced the soft skin, and she gave another moan of need when he traced the inner curve where her thigh met her pussy. He let his fingers skate over the damp material of her panties, almost but not quite touching her. She sighed with frustration and widened her thighs a little more.
“The mistake, Ms. Reid,” he said pointedly. “I guess I’ll have to stop touching you until you can find the error.”
She bit her lip and looked back at the screen. He had threatened to stop touching her but now both of his hands were under her skirt and kneading her bare ass.
She gave a sharp gasp when his finger slipped between her cheeks and probed at her anus.
“Stop that!” She hissed at him.
“Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Ms. Reid?” He asked, his finger pushing once more.
“That’s none of your business!”
“I’ll take that as a no. I think you’d like it. I’d like to show you just how good it can feel,” he murmured.
“No thank you,” she said so primly that he burst out laughing.
She scanned the screen again. “Tell me it isn’t that misspelled ‘the’.”
“Indeed, it is. Bravo, Ms. Reid.”
She glared at him. “You and Jerry called me into a meeting for a single misspelled word? Are you kidding me?”
He shrugged. “Jerry was quite concerned. He said in the two years you’ve worked here, you’ve never sent an article for uploading that had a typo in it.”
“Maybe it was because I was distracted by you,” she hissed at him.
“Like I said, a good copy editor can work well even with distractions.”
She clenched her hands into fists. God, he drove her crazy. One minute she was hoping he’d put his hand between her legs, and the next minute she wanted to punch him between his legs.
“This is ridiculous,” she snorted and pushed his hands out from under her skirt. “Good night, Mr. Young.”
Before she could leave, he had stood and pinned her against his desk. She could feel his erection pressing against her ass as he grabbed her wrists and held them tightly.
“We’re not quite done yet, Ms. Reid,” he whispered into her ear before sucking on the lobe.
She shivered against him as he said, “There is the matter of your disciplineShe twisted her head to look at him. “Are you kidding me? You’re going to put a note in my employee file over a misspelled word?”
He grinned. “Of course not. That’s just silly. But your error cannot go unpunished.”
He stared at her mouth. “I think a spanking will do. Don’t you?”
All of the muscles in Lucy’s pelvis suddenly tightened in a huge spasm of pleasure, and wetness flooded the crotch of her panties. For one moment she thought she had come just standing there.
How did he know? She thought dazedly. How could he have possibly figured out that she had fantasized about being spanked? That she had wondered what it would feel like to give up that control, and have a hard hand show her how good the pleasure/pain could feel.
Over the years she’d often thought about asking her various boyfriends to spank her. She had always chickened out, never quite willing to give up the control. Besides, her boyfriends had been shy and a little uncertain in bed. The faceless men in her spanking fantasies had always had a confidence about them that had allowed her to let go of her inhibitions. The fantasies had always ended with her masturbating to a fevered and explosive orgasm.
He cupped her face and sucked on her lower lip. “Have you been spanked before, Ms. Reid?”
She shook her head no and he stared at her for a moment.
“But you want to be.” It wasn’t a question.
She hesitated and then whispered, “Yes.” Her face immediately flamed red with embarrassment.
He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “Good, but first...”
His hands reached around her and unbuttoned her suit jacket. He pulled it off of her and dropped it on the floor before grabbing the hem of her camisole and yanking it over her head. He turned her around and lifted her, sitting her on his desk.
“The door.” She twisted to look behind her.
“It’s locked.”
His desk was large and bare except for his phone and laptop. He shoved them both aside and pushed her onto her back. She shivered at the feel of the cold desk on her warm back, and her nipples tightened in the cool air. He leaned over her and pushed her breasts together, licking and sucking and nibbling on her nipples until she was moaning and clutching at his head.
“I’ve wanted to do that all goddamn week,” he muttered against her breast before biting down on her nipple. He tugged on it with his teeth and she moaned again before he released her nipple and straightened. He pulled her to her feet and turned her around.
“Spread your legs,” he demanded.
She spread them a bit timidly and he reached under her jean skirt and hooked his fingers around her panties. He pulled them down and she lifted one boot-clad foot and then the other so he could remove them. He grinned at how wet they were before stuffing them into his pocket.
“You’re not keeping those,” she said.
He laughed. “I do seem to be getting quite the collection of your panties. Don’t I, Ms. Reid?”
Before she could reply he spread her legs even farther and pushed her down onto his desk. He stretched her arms out, guiding them to the far edge.
“Hang onto the edge,” he whispered.
She curled her fingers around the edge of the desk obediently as he reached for the hem of her skirt and pushed it up until it was bunched around her waist. He ran his hands over her ass and she jerked a little, her hands releasing the edge of the desk.

“Don’t let go of the desk,” he instructed. She latched onto the desk again as he leaned over her, running his fingers up her bare spine.
“We’ll start with five,” he whispered. “Each time you let go of the desk, I’ll add another one. Do you understand?”
Lucy nodded. She was stretched out as far as she could go. The toes of her boots brushed against the floor, and she could feel the smooth, cold wood of the desk pressing against her breasts, cheek and stomach. With her skirt around her waist and her legs spread, she felt open and vulnerable. Instead of being disturbed by the feeling, she was undeniably turned on.
She expected him to warn her, to maybe ask her if she was ready. So, when the first slap happened it shocked her into letting go of the desk and rising a little. He pushed her back down, his hand big and gentle against her back.
“That’s another one,” he whispered.
She squeezed the edge of the desk. Her ass was stinging but her nipples were as hard as glass. Her breath was coming in short pants and her pussy was throbbing and pulsing so hard she wasn’t sure she could stop herself from coming against his desk.
He spanked her again, his hard hand bouncing off the flesh of her ass and she bit back a moan of pleasure.
“Much better, Ms. Reid,” he murmured before rubbing her ass.
He spanked her for a third time, the sound echoing in his office, and she wondered briefly if they could hear it in the hallway. Before she could think about it too much, he had spanked her again. This one was the hardest one yet and she jerked against his desk, her hands loosening and her pussy rubbing against the smooth desk.
“I’m starting to wonder if you’re letting go of the desk on purpose, Ms. Reid,” he whispered. He leaned over her and licked her spine from the base up to between her shoulder blades. She moaned and wiggled, her breath squeezing out of her lungs in harsh gasps.
“Are you?” He whispered in her ear.
“No,” she moaned quietly.
He bit her shoulder as he spanked her for a fifth time. She reared up but didn’t let go of the desk. Her fingers were white as they clung to the wood, and he kissed her cheek.
“Well done, little Lucy. Only two more to go.”
She lifted her head and kissed him, her tongue darting into his mouth. He sucked on it before tearing his mouth from hers.
“Stop distracting me, Ms. Reid,” he admonished.
“I wasn’t, I - ”
She let out a soft squeal as he spanked her hard twice in a row.
She started to rise, and he pushed her back down with a soft thump. “Not yet, pretty Lucy.”
She buried her face in her arm, muffling her loud groan when she felt his mouth on her ass. He kissed it repeatedly, soothing the sting of his slaps with his tongue and lips.
He ran his hands up her thighs and spread them a little further. She felt his warm breath briefly on the lips of her pussy before his warm, wet tongue was sliding between them and licking her hard and swollen clit.
She came immediately, clamping her hand over her mouth at the last moment to muffle her loud scream of pleasure. She shuddered and shook wildly on his desk as he continued to lick her clit. She tried to wiggle away from him, the sensation of his tongue on her swollen clit too much, but he wrapped his hands around her thighs. He held her still, forcing her to feel several more strokes of his tongue before he finally released her.

He leaned over her, his breath warm and ticklish in her ear. “I told you I could make you come with my mouth in less than three minutes.”
He traced her spine with his fingers, running them down over her ass and back between her legs. He slid his middle finger into her tight warmth, and she moaned and thrust herself against his hand.
He pulled his hand away and brought his finger up to her mouth, pushing it past her lips. She sucked on it, cleaning her taste from his finger as he watched her hungrily.
“Such a sweet-tasting little pussy,” he whispered. “And so very wet. I think you enjoyed your spanking, my pretty Lucy.”
He pulled away from her and she was dimly aware of the sound of his zipper and the rustle of a condom wrapper. She slid back a little until her feet were planted on the ground and started to push away from the desk. His hard hand immediately pushed her back onto the desk and held her there.
She looked behind her to

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