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They both rushed towards the hospital. Her legs shivering, her heart thumping wildly in her chest as she moved towards the room where she was admitted. Her family gathered outside the door, surrounding the doctor.

Zahra rushed towards the doctor, grabbing his attention.

"What's the condition of my mother? Is she fine now?"

"She had been through a shock and her body couldn't bear the stress due to which her glucose and blood pressure lowed causing a nervous breakdown" the Doctor informed.

"What?" she whispered, her eyes widening.

"When she will be conscious again?" Her uncle asked.

"Anytime soon but it totally depends upon the stress. Pray that she gets conscious soon otherwise we would have to connect food pipes to provide her nutrients. The more her consciousness delays, the more will be the threat to her life." he apprised when the nurse called him over as he went to attend an emergency case.

Her grandmother, her uncle, Asma and Saif were their while the rest of people in the haveli. They moved inside the room and sat on the sofas, while Irtaza went away somewhere calling someone.

Zahra's eyes analysed the state of her mother. Drips were connected through sharp needles inserted into her hand. An oxygen mask was connected, she could hear the low beeping sound of the machines and  see the irregular lines of her heartbeat shown on the cardiometer, which convinced her that her mother was alive.

"I dont know what stress Ammara had taken? She was all well two to three days ago" her grandma muttered.

"I hope she gets well soon" her uncle prayed to which everyone replied with a 'Amen'

"For how many days she will be unconscious? Will she gain her stability soon?" her grandma asked worriedly.

"InshAllah soon mother. You and Baba must go home and take rest. I and mama are here to look after her and we have Irtaza bhai too with us. So you both go" Saif answered.

"No son I am fine here. I'll be here until my daughter in law gets her consciousness back again."

"Mother, Saif is saying right. You should go and take rest, and you can come back tomorrow. Come I'll drop you." Her uncle stated.

"No Haroon, Zahra is here all alone. Who will comfort her?" she said looking towards Zahra whose face was void of any emotion. She looked traumatic, looking towards her mother unconscious state, tears flowing down her eyes.

"I am here mother, even Irtaza is too. Please don't worry, You may go and come back tomorrow."

"Fine then, I will come back tomorrow but do take care of my Zahra" she stated and stood up with the help of Saif before placing a warm kiss on Zahra's forehead and giving her a reassuring smile before moving out with her son, Haroon and going back to haveli. 

Asma sat beside Zahra and soothed her, giving her various reassuring sentences which didn't affect her as she was too lost in her world.

She had no hope. She knew the time has came, her mother will leave her now like her father.

Asma placed Zahra's head on her lap so she could sleep while Haseeb went outside to bring something to eat.

An hour passed just like that, the nurses were leaving and coming to keep a check on the patient but her eyes were wide open, looking lifelessly towards her mother. Neither Irtaza nor Saif came back and when she got up, she found her Aunt has slept.

She stood up, moving towards her mother and tears formed in her eyes, looking at her state. Just four days ago she had met her, she was looking fine, she couldn't spot any symptoms for her nervous breakdown.  

She conjectured on what stress caused her nervous breakdown?

Bending down, she placed a kiss on her mother's forehead when a tear fell on her mother's eye lids which she cleared and she immediately looked away.

She couldn't witness it anymore, she can't see her strong mother laying lifelessly on the bed.

It made her feel suffocated and she got out of the room, moving towards the garden of the hospital so she could have some fresh air.

Why was she being tested so harshly? 

Will Allah take her mother too?

Will she be alone in this world?

Will her life never be normal?

Her mother was all she had and she knew Allah won't listen to her this time too. He will take her away as He took away her father.

Thousands of thoughts consumed her mind, making it more and more chaotic. She was in trauma. She was unable to feel anything.

She was emotionless, a weird darkness was succumbing her, she was falling into the void.

She should cry, she should pray, she should sob in the same way when she used to feel helplessness because of Irtaza's torture but no, she wasn't feeling anything. Only silent tears were cascading down her eyes and her brain wasn't comprehending any emotion.

Her heart and mind was in so much pain that her system went traumatic.

Moving towards the garden, she sat on an empty bench, the hospital was highly secured, the guards were around everywhere and even at this hour of night, it was filled with alot of people, still she could witness hustle and bustle.

She looked around when her eyes fell on a corpse covered by a white sheet being placed into an ambulance.

Her heart stopped beating at that moment. Her eyes widened as her throat clogged.

"Will my mother die too?" Zahra whispered, looking towards the scene infront of her. She could see a young girl standing by that ambulance, crying wholeheartedly as if that person was too dear to her.

"Will she leave me alone?" she muttered, while seeing a young boy consoling the girl and the ambulance door shutting close, then moving towards its destination.

She could listen her slow heartbeat in her ear.

Utter terror had occupied her.

"I can't afford leaving you mama" she mumbled, her voice emotionless but her heart could feel the fear. The fear of losing her mother.

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