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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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"Nothing will happen" his voice suddenly made her jump and her eyes widened.

He was standing behind the bench, looking at her when he turned around and sat by her side.

"Nothing will happen."

Zahra shook her head.

"I know she will die, she sill leave me like my father, she will leave me like every other person left me, she will leave me alone in that dark room, where I was chained, she will leave me. I have no hope" 

"You want to cry." he stated and then she knew it was all igniting inside her, she was being traumatic.

"No, I don't (hiccup) want to" her voice shaking when a sob escape her mouth.

She didn't want to cry. It will make her feel weak, and she didn't want to feel more weaker than she already was.

"Let it out" he muttered, understanding, her numb, cold and emotionless state.

She was being traumatic, keeping everything inside. He knew she hadn't even recovered from his doings when got the news about her mother. And all of these depressing feelings are attacking on her system leaving her in a trauma.

"I have cried enough, I don't want to cry anymore." she restrained the hiccup falling to come out before clearing her tears. "You have made me weak enough, I have never felt so weak and helpless in my life, I have never found myself so useless after what you have done to me, I won't cry anymore, it will make me feel more weaker." she stated in her quivering heavy voice before getting up and leaving him all alone their. 

He sighed taking in a deep breath, she was right but he wasn't wrong at the same time.

Her tears were doing things to his heart, he wanted to give peace to her, he wanted to comfort her, assure her that nothing will happen to her mother.

At the moment he wasn't caring about what his mind was saying, he was only feeling and listening to the voice of his heart which said that she needs comfort and reassurance.

His love was dominating his hate. 


Two days passed but Ammara didn't wake up yet. Zahra was worried sick, her mother wasn't waking up and it was increasing her fear with every passing second.

Her nights spent in staring the unconscious form of her mother, the doctors had connected the food pipes now. Zahra hadn't slept for two days, she would cry silently, the tears would keep flowing down her eyes but she wont feel anything except numbness and a slight hint of fear.

Her grandmother had insisted her to come to haveli and take some rest but she denied, neither she was able to eat anything, surviving on mere water and some fruits which her family forced her to eat.

She was keeping everything inside, she wasn't letting her grief out.

But yesterday something weird happened, her grandfather came to the hospital, she had barely talked to him since her entrance into the haveli. 

Her grandpa, placed his hand on her mother's head, asking for forgiveness, small tears flowing down his eyes which he had cleared immediately.

"I'm sorry Ammara. I wanted to accept you as my daughter in law since the very next day Mujtaba left this haveli but my arrogance, my pride hindered me from accepting my own son and daughter in law, back into this haveli. I am sorry for what I did to you" he had whispered to her mother and something else too which she couldn't hear and then hugged Zahra.

"I am sorry daughter, I am sorry for my every wrongdoing. But I already have endured the punishments of my every oppression, I lost my son, I didn't even see his face before he was buried six feet under the ground. I am sorry." he muttered near her ear whilst clearing his tears.

Zahra could see the solemn and majestic persona of his grandfather dwindling. He never had seen him getting teary but now he had tears in his eyes and he was asking for forgiveness. He could see it in his eyes, how regretful he was.

She forgave him, wholeheartedly.

If he was truly sorry then why she should prolong the bitterness between them.  

And last night her damn broke, she couldn't keep it inside her anymore, she was alone in the room, still looking towards her mother like a possessed person, without blinking.

Her mother hadn't waken up. She was dying, her patience was crumbling, the strong facade of being strong was diminishing, she couldn't hold it anymore. She couldn't see her mother dying.

"Mama, please wake up" she whispered, standing by her bed, her chin quivering.

But her mother's eyes didn't open.

"Mama, please wake up" she repeated, her tone depicting the amount of helplessness she felt at that moment.

But her mother's eyes didn't open.

"Mama don't go. Don't leave (hiccup) me Mama" she hiccupped and then she broke. She couldn't hold it anymore.

But her eyes didn't open.


It was night, no one was in the room other than her. Irtaza had went to the cafe to bring something to eat for Zahra.

"YOU DON'T LOVE ME THAT'S WHY YOU ARE NOT OPENING YOUR EYES?! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE DON'T!!" She cried, her shaking legs couldn't bear her weight anymore and she fell on the floor, crying hysterically when Irtaza entered.

His eyes widened on seeing her crying so badly and he rushed towards her.

"Zahra!" he said before squatting down to her level, and prying her hand off of her face.

Her face was red, big tears falling down her eyes, her body was shaking with her sobs.

"She isn't waking up (hiccup) she will leave (hiccup) me she will die too" she hiccuped.

"She won't Zahra, she won't die. She will wake up anytime soon." Irtaza reassured before clasping her in his arms and she cried heartily in his arms, hugging him tightly, her tears wetting his shirt.

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