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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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"She will leave me" she sobbed, clenching his shirt.

"Leave me like everyone did"

"She will leave me"

"I will be alone" she cried, her voice getting muffled.

Irtaza caressed her hair to comfort her and soon enough her sobs died down but he remained still in that position. A few minutes later, when he slightly pulled back, he found her sleeping making him chuckle.

"You are such a Nobita, Zahra" he whispered, a small smile etching on his lips before he slowly stood up, carrying her in his arms and placed her on the sofa, covering her with blanket.

He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before clearing her tears and then left the room.

The next morning Zahra woke up, it was after two days she had a complete sleep otherwise since the day she came into this hospital, she hadn't slept properly.

Her eyes groggily opened matching with the sun rays coming from the window before she sat and looked towards the blanket.

Then every memory of last night hit her like a truck and she recalled how she slept in his arms making several questions arise in her mind, and the most prominent of them was, 'why was he being soft to her?' when her eyes fell on her grandmother who came to hospital this morning while she was sleeping.

She was sitting on the prayer matt offering her namaz and when she was done she raised her hand for Dua, praying for Ammara's quick recovery.

When her grandma was done with her prayer, she folded the matt and then sat beside Zahra.

"Dadi  do you believe that Allah would listen to your prayer?" Zahra asked.

"Indeed daughter"


"That's my faith"

"But Allah never listens to me Dadi. He never listens to my prayers."

" You are wrong daughter, be sure to ask from Allah with the faith of acceptance of prayer, because Allah does not answer the negligent and reckless hearts."

"I did Dadi, I had a complete faith that He will listen to my dua but He didn't and then I never prayed again. I didn't find the use of praying anymore."

Her grandmother smiled. She understood her.

"Zahra, there are two scenarios in which a man can get far away from his God and one of them is, when he prays from Allah and his prayers are not accepted but keep on knocking the door of Divine Mercy, it will be opened to you because He Allah, is your Creator, He knows the best for you. If He does not accepts there must be a cause behind it to save you from some harm. Pray daughter, pray, indeed He will listen as He is The most Merciful, The most Beneficent."

"I can't Dadi, I have been a rebel since years, why would He accept my prayers now?"

"Because He is the most Merciful, it doesn't matter how many steps you have taken away from Him, it only takes a single step of repentance to go back to Him."


She laid the prayer matt on the floor, a shiver running down her spine. It was after 5 long years she was going to prostrate before her God, The wahda hu la sharik, The ever living, The Powerful, The Omniscient, The Creator.


Certainly, there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence.

Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep.

Indeed to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.

The one who is the Most High, the Most Great.

Tears brimmed in her eyes. She couldn't understand that feeling. Her heart was shuddering violently in her chest making her breaths shaky.

She stood on the matt to offer her namaz.

After 5 long years.

Her hands raised to her shoulders to say the takbeer, "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the greatest)

After 5 long years.

After the qayam, she bowed down to rukoo and recited, Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem  (Glory to be my Lord, the Almighty)

After 5 long years.

At last she prostrated before her god, reciting, Subhana Rabbiyal Ala, (Glory to be my Lord, the Most High)

After 5 long years...

An overwhelming feeling encompassing her, making her heart shudder.

She was infront of her Creator, The Creator of the 7 skies, The Lord of the worlds.

This thought was making her body shake.

Soon, she was done with her namaz and raised her hands for Dua.

She didn't know why but her heart felt at peace, she was relaxed, she felt as if every sorrow will be removed from her life, as if her every problem will be solved, she was content after so long.

An ineffable tranquillity and calmness has encompassed her heart as she continued to whisper  every difficult she had faced.

Her every trouble, every worry, everything as she prayed excessively for her mother's health, tears flowing down her eyes and soon she was sobbing infront of her Lord..

She was so stressed about her mother, its been three days now and she hasn't waken up yet and the doctor's aren't telling her about her actual condition.

She was worried sick.

Her eyes fixed on her mother's unconscious form. She pondered, when her mother will wake up?

Will Allah listen her?

'Yes' her subconscious answered

She now has a firm resolute on her God, she has prayed for her mother's health and she knew He will listen, listen to her prayers.

After completing her prayer, she stood up, folding the matt before placing it back when her eyes moved towards her mother and the very next they widened with surprise.

She couldn't believe it.

Her prayers were answered!

"Mama" she whispered.

"Did Shoaib harass you?" her mother asked.



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