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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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31. Meeting his son.


3 hours later we land in Russia on a private airstrip somewere in the middle of nowhere and we get out and we are greeted by lost of men in black with guns standing next to 3 SUV's. 

Smircov nods at them and the driver of the middle one opens the door for him and me and we get in and drive off between the car in front and back for security purpose i gather sinds he is the Russian Don. 

"I've told my son we are on our way home and he can't wait to meet you!" He suddenly says and i could see the love for his son in his eyes.....(maybe he is his weak spot?) I suddenly think......

"My son is special one! He suposed to take over but doesn't have what it takes and he also don't want to so i was hoping that you show him that even a normal person can do it since you also have no mafia ba k ground but still you've managed yourself very well of being the famous Donna of Don Massimo, so please would you be so kind to teach and show him while you are here??" He than asks and i swallow.....

"Eh ok but what I'd he still dienst want in the end? You can't force a person, that's not good!" I tell him and he shares his head.

"Yeah i know i have already arranged half that my second in command, Sam will take over from me but I'm still hoping deep down that Mikal will do it!" 

"Okay, so Mikal is your son's name?"

"Yes that's him and i think you will like him!....see we are almost home, there between the trees, that's our house!" He than says pointing at a huge mansion sitting between green and I'm awestruck!!!

"Beautiful" i whisper.

We drive on into the big drive way and park. 

Lots of men with guns are waiting for us, welcoming the Don at home.

We are walking inside and my eyes are almost mopping out of all the things i see. If our mission is beautifull than this one is a castle!!.

"A maid will take you up to your room and you can freshen up a bit for dinner ok!" He says and walks away while a maid waits for ke to go up with her.

It's u huge staircase well decorated with paintings alongside on the wall, very beautiful pieces! I have to be honest they have a good taste!.

My room is also huge! With a kingsize bed in the middle heavy curtains in gold color and that is mixed with some cream color like the rest of the room, luxorious but just enough! 

I look around and find anything i would need ik the bathroom an even an cubbiet fool of clothes in exactly my size??!.....i wonder!.....

After spending 30 minutes in a hot bath i get out and dry up and dry my hair.

After some browsing between the clothes i chose a dress pants in creme color with blouse in gold on top.

When I'm done i do my hair that's now almost dried and than i hear a knock on the door and a maid comes in. 

"Madam, the young Don, wants to see you!" She says while bowing down. 

"That must be Mikal right?" I ask her and she nods.

I follow her to downstairs again and stand still in front of 2 huge wooden doors. 

"In hear madam, he is waithing in the library for you!" And she knocks and leaves. 

"Enter!" I hear a clear man's voice saying so i slowly open the door and walk inside.

It's a beautiful huge library with a fireplace, really romantic setting i must say and than i turn and look at the figure who's starting outside the window. 

A man well buil i can see, greyinsh blond hair.

A nice butt stuck in a pair of fitting jeans and a sweater in creme color kust like my pants, and than he turns around.....and i sallow deep!.....

"Goodevening Julia, I'm Mikal, it so nice to finally meet you!, My father was right, you are very beautiful!" 

He says and i just stand there frozen at the spot!....looking at him!....his face is just perfection!! 

Beautiful light grey blue eyes that sparkle!..... And a drop dead jaw line with a slight can his son be so drop dead goreaous???....I'm asking myself trying to calm my beating heart. 

He walks up to me and gives me a light kiss on my cheek and for a second brushes his finger over my cheek making me shiver.... 

"Evening Mikal.....nice to meet you too!" I managed to finally say as he takes my hand and walk us over to the sofa and sit us down.

"What would you like to drink Julia?" 

" would be nice?" So he press a button and minutes later a Butler comes in with wine for us. 

He pores in 2 glasses and hands me mine. 

"To us, to friendship and who knows....maby more?" He says in a husky voice with a sexy smile making my press my kegs together......I'm ij so much trouble this guy is walking sex!! 

We talk and laugh and slwoly i start to feel relax but that could also be the wine i think. 

May i escort you to the dinning table?" He suddenly says whyle getting up offering me his hand wich i take. 

We have dinner the two of us, he told me that his father retired to his room and would have dinner there since he traveld long he was tired at his old age. 

I was really enjoying Mikals company, he told me about himself, his childhood and when he was a teenager, all the bad stuff he did like sneaking out of the house to see girl when he was younger and all that. He is 1 year older than me i discovert and he told me his dreams aswell.....see the world, with his love and start a family! And when he told me those dreams he was looking me deep in my eyes and our lips were almost touching......

"You are so beautiful, i couldn't have asked for more!" He whispers softly in my ear while his breath is tckeling my skins and this he lifts my chin with 2 fingers and gently kisses my lips!.....

Slowly, sensually, and he licks my lower lip and slides his tongue inside my mouth exploring every inch.

He pulls me closer into his chest and his scent is intoxicating me making it hard for me to think properly with his teasty plumb sweet lips of his!!....i have to stop but i can't! My body is betraying me!.....betraying Massimo!......wait! Massimo!!...shit!! 

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