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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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"I'm sorry, I'm sos Orry i can't....i can' this....i!" I stumble away from him trying to catch my breath. 

"Why? Did i do something wrong love?" He ask huskely with those mesmorizing eyes looking at me.

"I don't know what your father told you about me but I'm married Mikal, I'm the wife, the Donna of the Italian Mafia Massimo! i can't do this!" I say to him and i see the shock and disbelieve on his face.

" can't be!....why? He promised me?!"

He says polling his hair in frustration. 

"Mikal, look at me!,......what exactly did you father tell you and why am I hear, because i haven't a clue why I'm here! Your father took me against my will so please tell me?" I say holding his arm.

"God father what did you do???" He sobs silently!

"Come here! I'm sorry for making you cry but i need to know the truth please?" I whisper as i take him in my arms. 

"The truth my dear, is that you are here to marry me son and make him happy! That's why i brought you here!" We hear his father suddenly say standing in the doorway looking at his son crying in my arms.

"You suposed to make him happy not cry!" He says annoyed. 

"Excuse me but you know damn well that I'm married, how could you promise me to you son while you know that i can never be his wife huh, how heartless arr you?! Not only to me to kidnape me taking me away from my sick husband and my children but also for giving you son false hope of a wife!!, How could you!!" I yell at him angry. 

"Did....did you really do that.....father?" Mikal askes with teary eyes looking up to him and for some crazy reason my heart aches for him, seeing him like this!.

"You fall in love with her son, you wanted her so i brought her to you!" He tells Mikal and i can't believe my ears!!.

"Please come with me sir!" I ask Smircov and lead him outside the room away from Mikal. 

"Now tell me the compleet truth before I'm going to get really angry on your son!!" I spat and he looks down.

"Ok I'll tell you everything but please don't judge, I'm doing this because i love my son i want him to be happy again!" 

"Okay, I'm listening!" I say as he leads me back to the dinningroom to sit down. 

"When my wife finally got pregnant with him we were over the moon but than during birth there were complications and Mikal got stuck and was left for some minutes without oxygen what caused some minor brain damage.....he....he has problem with regulating and dealing with emotions!....many you've noticed already?, He starts crying quick wich normally shouldn't happen but he can't help that!.....some years back he was about to engage a girl he was really in love with but when she found out about his "condition" she turnt him down and told him in his face that she would never marry a crazy man!....her words!! And after that Mikal fell in a very deep depression and tried to kill himself because he thought he is not worthy of loving a woman!....Julia it breaks my heart!! And my wife got sick after that and died!!!....we both....are damaged goods!!.....all i want is before i die to see my son happy in love with a family and i know is shouldn't have done what i did but when he saw you he wanted you as his! He fall head over heels for you and when i tried to tell him that i couldn't find you what was an excuse he got so angry everytime!....I'm so sorry julia!"  He says sighing deeply whipping his eyes dry drinking his whiskey. 

"Thank you for telling me the whole truth!" I say and place my hand on his shoulder before i walk out to see how Mikal is doing. 

I find him still in the library looking out the window again. 

"Mike?" I whisper softly and he turns to me with his sparkly eyes again.

" We can be friends If you like?" I say softly but than he turns around again saying nothing.....and i just decide to leave him and go upstairs to sleep but then before ik out of the door i hear him whisper..."i love you Julia, i really do!" 

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