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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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33. Living the Russian life...


It has been 3 weeks now since I've arrived here on a plane and father and son treated ne really nice, they never played a ginger on me what i was so afraid of in the beginning! 

Smircov is mostly gone during the day, busy with his empire so most of the time I'm left with Mikal. 

In the First week he gave me a tour of the whole house and outside. 

Their mansion is really beautiful! They have besides a big swimming pool and tennis court and stables with beautiful horses! So he promised me to take me out ridding soon!. 

For the rest a nice garden with different flowers and he said that that garden was from his mother who died and that she loved Roses just like me!.

In side the house are lots of guestrooms upstairs, his fathers room and his and downstairs is the huge open living space and a wine cellar!!

When we were done with the tour we had some lunch and played some tennins afterwards wich afcourse he won since I've never played tennis in my life before!

But i was defenitly fun and we laughed a lot! 

Some time later in the second week he took me out shipping and than we had dinner in a cute restaurant overlooking the skyline, i have to be honest, really honest with myself.....if ik not careful I'll start falling in love with Mikal!!.....he's so different from all the powerfull man I'm used to be around, including Massimo! Mikal told me he never liked the mafia and doesn't want anything to do with it eather! Wich i understand fully since that's how I felt in the beginning of my relationship with Massimo. 

Afvourse I've settled til the point I'm kind of used to mist parts but still that killing.....that i will never get used to!! So i get it when Mikal says he does not want to get involved in all this!

He wants to start a family and life a happy peacfull life with a wife and children!.....what I've always dreamd off before i met Massi, but yeah live changes when loves comes lurking around.......i just wish that Massincoukd also give it all up so i would be sure that my kids would always be save!.....but deep in my heart i know his answer!......that will never happen, he likes it too much!.....

"Julia you want to ride with me jna horse?" He suddenly yanks me out of my deep thinking.

"Yes I'd love that Mikal!" I say and he smiles form ear to ear. 

I'm coming I'll just change ok?" I say while walking upstairs.

After some time i come back down with my riding boots on and a sweater to keep me warm 

We go to the stables and he lets me pick a horse.

After saddling the horse he himself got on fist and than helped me up to sit in front of him and slowly we took of into the the woods in the direction of the beautiful mountains that lie ahead of us. 

He took a small back with him with some snacks and some water to drink and a flashlight fir just in case. 

Along the road he explained to me about some foreign trees, flowers and some animals. 

"Our kids would love it here!" I say and i hear him sigh deeply behind me and than i realise!......

"Sorry i should have not...!" I start but he kisses me softly in the corner of my lips to shut me up and it works! I let myself lean backwards onto his chest while he wraps one arm around my waist protectively and with the other he guides the horse. 

After some time we stop at an open spot between two mountains at what looks like a camping sight what people use frequently.

"So i have a suprise for you!" He says while removing tha bag. 


" We are stying here tonight and we go back tomorrow so we can see the beautiful sky!" He says with his signature smile making me all go mush inside. 

I'm shocked but also exited to spend the night here waiting stars with him. 

When it starts to become a bit darker we make a campfire to keep us warm while he sets up a small tent. 

After a delisious but small dinner we ly down and watch the Skye. 

It so beautiful that a tear escapes my eye but he sees it and whuoes it away and kisses me softly.

"I know, beautiful right?, When i came here the first time with my mom i was also in awe! When the Skye i so clear you can see lots of things!" Hebwhisoers close in my ears. 

"If you would.....stay.....we could do this once a month!" He suddenly whispers against my ears tickling me......

I turn to him and look him in the eyes.....

"I wish i was different i wish we would have meet in a normal way outside the Mafia, than i would have defeitly said yes but now I'm a wife of a Don with 3 children!'s all a beautiful dream and that's all it can be Mikal! I'm sorry that your father could not find a way to make you understand that i can't be with you!" I whisper back to him but than i see an angry gkint in his eyes and i turn slightly backwards....

"He's not good for you! He's a mafia and mafia's kill!!" He says with anger in his voice so i just out my hands in his neck and start to massage his sweet spot and he closes his eyes and breaths out slowly......

"I....I'm s...sorry i have.....difficulty emotions Julia i...."

"Don't worry, i know! Your dad explant but i don't mindz it's not your fault at all Mikal so never balmer yourself okay, you are beautiful and special in your own way!" I tell him making him blush!. 

" The world is so not far! I want you so badly and i can't have you!!" He mutters sadly. 

"I'm here now Mikal, so let's just enjoy this moment okay!" And he nods and wrapped his arms arround me. 

We look in eachothers eyes and suddenly i feel his arousel pressing on my thighs and i swallow deep....

He leans in and kisses me passionately on my lips with want and need and slowly i give into him, hyponticed as if under a love spell i feel myself drown into him for never to wanting to wake up!

Before i know it is my sweater gone and his shirt as well and than follows my bra and his pants. 

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