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Book online «Her secret with him by Stephanie Lynn Hutchinson (best large ereader txt) 📖». Author Stephanie Lynn Hutchinson

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About Annebeth.

Annabeth is 16 year old. She only lives with her Mother because her father was killed in a car accident when she was very little. It always hurt when someone brought up her father, do to how close they were. She’s well liked in school and out of school thought she only have two close friend molly who she been friends with from birth and her dog mittens that her father got her a month before his passing. Everyone wants to be just like her after she started dating this one special boy. No one could ever be just like her, she had perfect black hair and really deep blue eyes and a perfect body. She was involved in everything and throughout her life she always thought she wasn’t perfect enough . But, she was perfect in every way to that one special boy.

About Matt.

Matt is 17 years old. He’s that boy that everyone wants to know but they are scared to cause he looks like he will kill you in a second and can never be caught. So he keeps to himself, the way he likes it. He’s very different from people and no one ever understands why he is the way he is. The reason he is like that because when he was three years old his parents were murdered in the city that he lived in. The police said they were in the wrong place and the wrong time, so he had to move with his grandmother and grandfather. Matt’s features are his eyes that are golden yellow, but no one really ever could tell because they never see them until he started dating this one special girl. He has short black hair, and is also very husky. The main thing about Matt is that he has a huge secret that he can read peoples mind and is really fast but no one must fine out until it’s found out by his true love then everything gets turned upside down for the both of them.


Every day is the same I’m up at 5:30 a.m.
“Another thing of doing the same thing it looks like Mittens,” Mittens just picks up his hand then put it back down. “Let’s go Mittens,” Mittens gets up from his bed and walks up his steps to me and licks my face, “I know come on go get your leash.” Next thing Mittens running out of my room and I’m going to get changed into any of my running clothes that I can find.
I head downstairs and mittens is laying at the door with his leash laying over him. I always wonder how he does that. When I hit the floor his jumps up, “Yes let’s go Mittens.” We head outside into the nice fall air. But I could help but feel like were being watched again. I always felt like this but I can never really understand the reason why. That’s why I always keep my cell phone close in hand just in case.
I always watch her in the morning. I mean come on a 16 year old girl running in the half dark woods with a rat looking dog, I don’t trust it. I hide up in the trees and follow her checking all around to make sure nothing is around. I been doing this for a while and nothing happened yet. We follow the same the same path every day, to the pond around the pond and back to the house. Once I know she in the house and is safe I head home to get ready for school. There is just something about her that I don’t truly understand but I have to protect her. I will always protect her.
Every time I run I feel like I’m being followed it scares me but nothing has happened yet so I think we’re good for now. I head inside of my house and I clean my mother mess from last night and head to get a shower. When I’m in the shower I can’t help but think who keeps following me. I stand under the water a little longer because it feels so good hitting my skin. When I get out I head to my room and get dress in my short skirt and my music is life shirt and then I fit my hair and put a little makeup on and check myself in the mirror then it’s off to school.
When I’m in the car I still think about who could be following me it’s starting to get to where everything I do I think about that and I know it’s not safe to do. Maybe I should stop running for a little while. As I pull into my normal spot at school I push the thought out my mind until later. I get out of the car and head to get my back pack out of the truck. As soon as I get my bag I get scared by my friend molly standing behind me, “Dame Molly you need to stop doing that.”
“Oops yeah I have that effect on everyone I just scared my step mother in the morning when she was getting coffee by doing that.”
“You scared the witch that’s amazing I didn’t think anything scared her.”
“Yeah that’s what I thought as well. But away from that we have to get inside I have some juice news for you.” One thing you could always count on Molly for was that she always had news about anything under the stars. I wonder what todays is as we walk across the parking lot and into the school.
“Yeah, who’s the news about today?”
“You’re stupid little ex-boyfriend. So listen he had a movie date with some girl who was not that little brown hair girl with the glasses and she found out and she went to his house when she knew he was home and broke up with him and the funny thing was the girl from the date was sitting with him on the couch drinking something and she dumped it on her.”
“Wow Kim did that I have to give it up to her I didn’t think she had it in her. I knew Blake was going to do that he can’t keep a girl long enough.”
“That is so right.” She stops talking for a little when we get to our lockers and we both open ours at the same time then he comes in.
“Matts here.” I didn’t even need to turn around to know that cause when he walks in the hall everything seems to stop and I will never tell her but my heart skips a beat and I get a cold feeling down my back. Then the bell ring and it was the three of us in the hall we don’t say thing we just Get our books and off to our classes.
Matt & Annebeth pasted.
They had classes together from 8th grade both really to shy to talk to each other. They both liked each other from then just never said anything. Imagine you and your crush who also like you going through 3 years of seeing them loving, kissing, and get there heartbroken by other guys and you just wanted that to end but you were to shy to do it. That’s Annebeth and Matt. Though it sounds creepy but they been watching out for each other forever their lockers have always been three away from each other they sat a couple seats away And after a heartbreaks there always a love note in their locker but never signed by them of course. They always want to tell each other but they never work up the guts to do it.


Annebeth is just like a perfect angel in my eyes. She very strong and independent girl at least that’s the side she shows to everyone. I’m making a promise that before winter break I’ll at least talk to her. I just have to. Then I can make my way up to calling her my perfect angel like I always wanted to.
Sitting in my first class is kind boring and I’m to jumpy to get to my second class with Annebeth. See all my classes are important to me but the classes with her are very important and out of those class the most but mainly to any of them I hate to be late and I hate getting anything lower than an 85 on anything. So I study and get everything done right the first time. Though I sit in the back I’m really smart. In two of my classes I sit right next to annebeth cause that’s how the teacher put up I rather be a couple seats away but I can’t do anything I like it. Sometimes we bump each other and it makes us jump and then I hear her give away a smile and a giggle. You would think it would be easy to talk to her then wouldn’t you? But really its hard cause we both really care about our grades. We both had our hearts broken. But she just so I couldn’t even tell you.


Every time were bump each other in class my heart skips a beat and it makes me jump and I let out a giggle I hope he doesn’t hear them. I really wish I could talk to him or at least he talk to me it would be easier if he did it first. In the middle of class I get a text message, I never get cause everyone knows I’m in class when I look to see who it’s from it reads mom. This must be important so I open it:
Sweetie I went to let mittens out and I forgot to check the gate from when Ms. Miller stopped by..We have cookies now..But when I went to let him in he was there I guess what I’m trying to say Mittens is missing. Come home a.s.a.p. to help me look for him… Sorry with love Mom.
I close the message and I get up really quick and explain everything to my teacher and he lets me go and I run out the class room and down to my car to go look for mittens. I couldn’t help but think of three things. Mitten, My grade, And Matt. Matt is always on my mind.


I know I shouldn’t do this but she really looked scared and in a rush so I read the teacher mind to see what happened. I respect everyone’s mind but I mean he wouldn’t know I was doing it. I’ll say sorry after I’m done. After I found out what happened to make her leave I took done all the note thought I normally don’t copy down everything on paper to give to Annebeth when I help her. I got to the next class when the bell rings the last class I have with annebeth before our last two class of the day. I take all the notes in that class as well and get double of the homework and the handout we got. As soon as the bell ring I ran to my car hoping I wasn’t to late to get there to help her. When I got home there was mittens sitting on my steps and when I got out of my car his walked right over to me. I pet him and head to put my things

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