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Book online ยซBug Eyed Betty by J.M. Burlock, J.M. Burlock (the beach read txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author J.M. Burlock, J.M. Burlock

Bug Eyed Bettina


                                                Bug Eyed Bettina


The day came with sunshine which made Bettina's mother happy. It was time to show off her new daughter to the community. Yet she was very skeptical about what they would say. Bettina was of course different, she didn't look exactly what her family expected her to be like. But they showed her as much love as they could muster.


Bettina's father had left, flown the coup before the birth. He wanted no part in raising the infant, in essence he claimed the saying โ€œ Wham Bam, thank you ma'am!โ€ So Lucille was left to raise Bettina on her own. It wasn't easy, but she managed to birth her and the other babies she ended up having at the time of Bettina's birth!


The community was used to things like this, the males fleeing the scene of the crime! Leaving the mother to raise her offspring on her own. Lucille decided she didn't need any help, especially from the deadbeat males that did end up sticking around.


Most of her children came out normal looking and thrived. Only one- Bettina came out looking very unusual and with big eyes. Her brothers & sisters were cruel and often made fun of her. Until their mother sat all of them down to give them a good talking to about being respectful. Then she posed a question to them โ€œ Would you want to be made fun of if it was you who looked different?โ€


Of course they all shook their heads 'no', then looked at Bettina and said in unison โ€œ Sorry sis.โ€


She replied back while smiling โ€œThank You!โ€


There that's done, now go out and play. I'm taking Bettina to the doctor for a check-up to make sure of her eyesightโ€ Lucille said to her other children.


They happily scurried out the door, just to see what kind of mischief they could get into. Then Bettina and her mother went out the door too. On the way, they got lots of curious looks; but Bettina paid them no mind as she saw the beauty of the world.  Never once did she notice or care what the community said about her either.


From the time she was conceived, her mother knew she'd be special. As they both arrived at the clinic, the doctor kept saying โ€œ oh my, oh myโ€ over and over again. The Dr. checked out Bettina thoroughly, even giving her an eye test to make sure things were alright. Lucille couldn't stand it any longer, she finally asked him โ€œWell Dr. what is your assessment? Is there anything wrong with my daughter?โ€


The Dr. heartily exclaimed โ€œ On the contrary Mrs. Fly, your daughter is one special child. In fact she's exceptional, only one in a million are ever born!โ€


Mrs. Lucille Fly furrowed her brow while looking at the Doctor, then asked โ€œ So does she need spectacles, since her eyes are oddly shaped?โ€


โ€œOh my heavens no Mrs. Fly, in fact her vision is outstanding and she will become known as the one and only Bug-eyed Betty!โ€

Looking down Mrs. Lucille Fly smiled at her daughter, then said โ€œ So Betty you're a very special child, and there is nothing wrong with being different!โ€


Bettina blinked while shaking her head 'yes', for she always felt that she was different.


Text: Jen Burlock
Images: Jen Burlock
Editing: Jen Burlock
Translation: Jen Burlock
Publication Date: 03-19-2013

All Rights Reserved

To all those who are born different, yet turn out to be special in there own unique way!

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