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Book online ยซThink positive by georgia ellouise roden. (read my book .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author georgia ellouise roden.

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There once lived an old women called Joney, she was 70, and her husband had passed away 2 and a half years ago, in 1997, on the 26Th of august. They were preparing to have a baby but the baby was a very small girl, and weak so she didn't make it. Joney and Frankie were devastated seen as they'd tried for a baby twice and it had never made it. They had even set up a baby room, bought baby clothes, and thought of baby names.

When Frankie died Joney got very ill because she stopped eating, she also kept blaming herself for Frankie and her baby's death, she thought the baby had died because she was quite old, and she thought Frankie had died because he was under a lot of pressure at work, because she thought it was a good idea to get him to do extra hours at work. One of Joney's friends called the doctor to come and have a look at her, because she had not eaten for days.

The doctor gave Joney some tablets, and asked Melanie,her friend, to be there for her as well as keeping an eye on her. After a week Joney was back to normal but missed her husband very much so, and was dreading his funeral. Joney told Frankie's friends and family about the funeral and gave them the address for the church where he would be cremated, on the 10Th of September 1997.When the day of the funeral came Joney was very, very upset, but was determined to go, especially so she could give Frankie a proper good bye.

"How on earth does she think she has the right to show her face here!" said Frankie's mum,Rebecca. "Your the reason he passed away!" shouted Frankie's brother,Will. "Shut up! Don't you think the girls had enough grief!" exclaimed Frankie's aunt,Pat. "Thank you Pat,but they're right,it is all my fault, Frankie wouldn't have had a heart attack if it wasn't for me." said Joney apologetically. "It's to late now, but it doesn't matter only one person died!" said Frankie's mum, sarcastically. Eventually everyone sat down, said they're speech's, and stopped arguing.

When the funeral ended Joney went home in tears, she had tried to make friend's with Frankie's family but they just laughed and said "As if we'd ever forgive you!" When she got home she went into the room, that they had set up for the baby,but seen as it hadn't been used it had started to get dusty, she sat down and hugged the baby duvet, as if there was a real baby tucked inside it.

Joney went on the internet, and read about adopting children, then she read the location for the adoption agency building, and decided she would go there the next day. When she awoke she got dressed into her suit, did her make-up, and got the bus to the adoption agency building, when she arrived she had to fill in an application about her age, if she was a miss or Mrs, if she was capable of looking after a child , and if she new she would not be able to pick the child's gender and age. When Joney had finished she handed the application in, and was told to come back in 2 weeks.

She kept hoping every night to have a chance of getting a boy or girl, little or big, she carried on doing this until 2 weeks had gone by. But she new it was quite possible they wouldn't let her have a child
because she was quite old but that didn't stop her from following her heart! Joney since she was little has always wanted to adopt a boy or girl, and hoped it would happen one day.

When morning came Joney got up very quick, applied her make-up, dried her tears,and put on her smartest (dry clean only) suit. Eventually her taxi arrived and she hopped in, in a rush, hoping to get there early.When she got there she was just on time, and went straight into reception, to sign in, as well as giving them her documents. "Hello miss Allan, how are you today?" asked one of the 5 people who were in the adopting agency office.

"Oh, hello.Fine thank you, how are you?" asked Joney, puzzled(trying to figure out if she the man asking her how she was). "Great thanks. Now your probably wondering who i am, i'm Shaun Bars, i'm here to talk to you about adopting children,take a seat."said Shaun. "Ah, right. Thanks for a second there i thought we'd met before, and i'd forgotten you, because i do that a lot."said Joney, nicely.

Shaun started to talk to Joney about the likely hood of her being able to adopt. "Have you been told by Angela that you will not be able to choose the age, and gender of the child, if you do adopt?" asked Shaun. "Yes they phoned me last week." replied Joney. "Good.We have looked at your documents and we have decided to let you look after Ruben, who is 16, for a week and see how it goes, though even if it goes well it doesn't mean it's definite you can adopt." said Shaun.

"I understand, thank you very much though. So will i collect Ruben now?" Joney said. "Gosh i completely forgot about dates and times, sorry miss Allan. No,i will drop Ruben off in two days time." said Shaun, embarrassed. "I shall see you then." said Joney shaking his hand. On the way home Joney couldn't stop worrying about how the adopting agency people might not let her adopt because she was quite old. When she was home she put a bed, cushions, and a duvet all in the spare bedroom, for Ruben, and spent ages making them look neat and tidy.

That night Joney kept dreaming about Frankie and how much she missed him. As soon as it turned 8:00 Joney was up, she flung her duvet right off, and got washed and dressed. By 8:30 she was out the door and on her way to Asda to pick up some unhealthy food, seen as Ruben was 16, and that's what most teenagers liked. So after she had been in the shop for at least 30 minutes she decided to get: 3 pizza's, cheese, meat and pineapple, she also got 10 packs of gummy sweets, 2 bottles of coke and a box of chocolate flakes. Just after this she got a phone call from Shaun saying "Hello Joney, I was just phoning to let you know Ruben is weat intolerant, that's the technical term, but most people would say they just can't eat weat." said Shaun cheerfully. "o...oh." said Joney,speech-less. "Is everything alright miss Allan?" asked Shaun worriedly. "Er, yes every-things fine." said Joney,trying to sound casual. "Oh good, for a second there i thought something terrible had happened." said Shaun relived.

"Yep, every-things fine, how about you?" said Joney, anxiously. "I'm good thanks. See you soon Joney." said Shaun. Joney had not even kept the receipt because she thought it was pointless, but now it was to late, all that food had costed her 18.99! And she didn't have that kind of money to waste. when she got home she kept shouting "How could I have been so stupid!" and she started to cry. "I'm not going to eat that kind of food!"

Joney sobbed for a while, then made herself a cup of tea, and started to go threw all the food she had bought, to see if any of it didn't contain weat. But it all contained lots of weat, so she sighed, and slowly stacked it all away into cupboards. Then Joney climbed back into the taxi and set off, back to the shops. She rotated round each isle, reading each ingredient. Finally she found some fish fingers, that contained no weat, some juice cartons, and some others meals and cereals that were weat free.

When she got home she went to bed seen as it was getting dark and because she was very tired, then she set her alarm for 8:00, and fell fast asleep.When her alarm went off she jumped from how loud the noise was, and because she saw that on her calender today was the day Ruben was getting dropped off. Gradually she made her way out of bed, and into the bath-room, by 10 to 9:00, Joney was washed and dressed.

At 20 past 9:00 Ruben was dropped off, and introduced to Joney. "Hello you must be Ruben, how are you today?" asked Joney. "Alright, just tired that's all." said Ruben grumpily. "Ruben you go inside for a bit whilst i have a chat with Joney." said Shaun, trying to lighten the mood. "Whatever." said Ruben, rudely. "Sorry about that, its just he isn't, well the politest to new people." said Shaun. "That's alright, i'm sure by Sunday we'll be getting on right as rain." replied Joney.

"Good. So will i collect Ruben on Sunday at around lunch time, about 2:00?" asked Shaun. "Sure that's great, see you then." answered Joney (whilst Shaun got into his car). After that Joney grabbed Rubens bags and took them inside. "Ruben this is your room." said Joney, lugging the bags upstairs. "K,tar." said Ruben,closing the door and then he dumped his stuff on the bed.

Joney sighed and went to go get Ruben some crisps. Then she knocks on his door. "Yes?" said Ruben. "Sure." replied Ruben. "Here you go." Joney said nervously, handing Ruben the crisps. "Thanks, i was starting to get hungry." said Ruben. By 2:00 Ruben had sorted out his room how he like, by : sticking posters of rock bands on the wall and stuffing his clothes in his draw, untidily.

"Seen as its 4:00, would you like to have dinner now?" asked Joney. "Yep. What we having?" replied Ruben, walking into the bathroom. "Fish-fingers, chips and juice, do you like them?" questioned Joney. "Sure, just as long as there's in them because i'm er, er." said Ruben,uncomfortably. "Its alright, you don't have to explain, because i know. Now you can eat your dinner, sat at the dinning table or on the sofa?" asked Joney. "Sofa please." Ruben said,rolling his eyes at the food.

Ruben munched threw his food, getting most of it on the sofa. "Thanks, the meal was good." announced Ruben, as walking up the stairs. "Your welcome." mumbled Joney(whilst cleaning the mess that Ruben had made). As the days went on Ruben and Joney's bond grew stronger, Joney had even given Ruben gifts like: An England football, boy band posters, and a t-shirt that had a picture of her and Ruben hugging on it, with a title above it saying BEST FRIENDS. And Ruben had given Joney homemade gifts like: A poem, a stitched heart, and a drawn picture of him and Joney holding hands.

By Friday Ruben kept thanking Joney and saying "You have been sooo kind to me, and i really, really hope I can stay here, and live with you." "That's so kind of you Ruben, but its not up to me, its up to the adopting

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