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which both Mr. Rahul and Laxman were travelling.

Mr. Rahul and Laxman Video graphed the entry of Mr. Gentleman; and Miss. Hasina came out from her bungalow and received him affectionately.


Chapter: 17

It was 0900hrs. Miss. Jasmine got into the personal car of Mr. Gentleman, which was already there for her, which was sent by Mr. Gentleman and she straight went to the bungalow of the Metropolitan Sessions judge, Miss. Hasina. Miss. Hasina, though fifty plus she was looking marvellous with her tantalising looks; and stunning personality, besides pleasing manners; and affectionate hospitality. Dr. Jasmine became spell bound and speechless for sometime on seeing her, as she looked like as if she was thirty plus.

“Yes dear, I am Hasina, Metropolitan session’s judge and of course Mr. Gentleman told me all about you and in fact I have seen in yourself more than what he spoke about you”

“Really I am quite pleased to see you Madam. When my MD has asked me to meet you, at first I have feared with some inhibitions, but after meeting you, and the way you have received me, I am rather feeling guilty for thinking otherwise.

My MD sir told me to learn some basic things regarding behaviour, manners, and hospitality from you madam, for the smooth functioning of our group of industries.

Madam I feel pleasure to learn through my MD as you both are classmates since childhood. And, I am lucky today having come here to take your blessings aunty” She gave her a bouquet and later touched her feet as an Indian tradition and custom.

Miss. Hasina hugged her. In the meanwhile the servant maid arranged breakfast and informed her.

“Come on dear, please join me for breakfast” She invited her quite affectionately.

“No thanks aunty and I may be permitted to leave this time please”

“When once you addressed me aunty, how can I leave you dear; and there is no chance for you to avoid my hospitality; please come and join me; and let us finish breakfast; and later I have to go and pronounce judgement in an important case in the court at once” She took her to the dining hall.

Dr. Jasmine couldn’t escape and finally joined her for breakfast. Even the few minutes also Miss. Jasmine never gave her a break and tried to know more about their school days, college days, and university days, especially how both Mr. Gentleman and Miss. Hasina used to behave and their activities in the school, in the college and in the university.

Dr. Jasmine could see some splendid reactions, a superb glow in her face, and a beautiful smile, which the latter tried to hide in between her teeth, as and when the name of Mr. Gentleman rolled in her mouth though in their casual talk.

It was by then there came an urgent SMS message to her mobile phone sent by the MD of the Gentleman group of companies. Slowly colours changed in the face of Miss. Jasmine.

“Is anything serious dear?” She asked her out of anxiety.

“May be so, and my MD has given SMS to me as there was something serious at the Gentleman towers and my immediate presence is required. He didn’t mention any particulars. Sorry aunty I am leaving” She said.

“It’s okay dear, please don’t forget me, and keep on visiting me whenever you find leisure; don’t forget your profession; and please remember you have a patient here dear” She tried to cajole her.

Dr. Jasmine left the bungalow of the Justice hurriedly. All that happened in a few seconds.

Miss. Hasina was just looking till Dr. Jasmine got into the personal car sent by the Chairman and MD of the gentleman group of companies. Now her thoughts were revolving round him. She remembered that she couldn’t dare say yes to him for their marriage, as their religions came in between them. At least she was happy being bachelor, but his case was different as he had been facing hell, after his marriage with Miss. Bharathidevi, being under the influence of her parents till their death; and later with his wife Mrs. Bharatidevi and children at home. As Miss. Hasina was only responsible for his life being ruined, now she got an opportunity to facilitate him to start his second innings. And she was in her day dreams about the likely union of Mr. Gentleman and Miss. Jasmine. There was about thirty year’s age gap between them. But if they really fell in love with each other, nothing came in their way and nobody could object them.

But in the meanwhile she had to decide as the civil suits filed by Mrs. Bharathidevi for divorce from Mr. Gentleman; and by minor grand children for their share in the ancestral properties of Mr. Gentleman group of companies are pending with her.

But in the separation case both the wife and husband had to take a unanimous decision by themselves to get mutual divorce without rupturing their honour.

Till such time she could just wait; and hope that Miss. Jasmine and Mr. Gentleman could definitely take a wise and timely decision. She prayed the almighty to unite both of them and give a new and happy life to Mr. Gentleman.

But if simple prayers could unite people with human bondages, there would not have been tragedies in the world, except comedies.


Chapter: 18

Dr. Jasmine immediately rushed to the Gentleman Towers. Surprisingly there were police and press already present; and a lot of public gathered at the spot.

There was one dead body of a girl found in front of the towers. The girl was the daughter of the servant maid, and she was a minor girl aged 16 yrs.

The servant maid used to send her daughter to attend her duties whenever she felt fatigue. As a matter of fact technically it was unbecoming of in a corporate office to allow a minor to attend to any duty, even menial jobs like cleaning and washing also in the office premises.

But, as soon as Dr. Jasmine took charge of personal secretary, she noticed it and immediately warned the girl and sent her away. Later, she also cautioned the mother of the girl not to send her thereafter and that it was her last warning; she also issued a circular to that effect; and a warning memo was also served to the servant maid.

Now initially that helped and came handy for the MD to face the police, the Assistant labour commissioner, the common public and the media of course.

However, the MD could not escape the general procedures and formalities of police enquiry and investigation.

Any way it was a very bad day for Dr. Jasmine. She had unnoticingly delayed by going to the bungalow of Hasina and spent some time with her taking breakfast and in the meanwhile this mishap had taken place.

Mr. Gentleman was present at the crime scene and his face became pale, as the cops, the press and general public, some of them were passersby pounced upon him by posing a bunch of questions; and thereby putting him in quandary.

“You please go to your chambers sir, and I will deal the situation, answer whatever quarries put by police, officers from the office of the labour commissioner, and finally the media sir”

“Sorry madam, you can’t suggest him to leave the scene of occurrence. How can he leave the scene of offence? Is it not a fact that the ghastly incident happened in his premises? Is not the deceased his employee? Is it not an offence to employ a minor girl in his corporate office? And by the way who are you to speak on his behalf? Are you an eye witness to speak about the incident? Or are you an expert to decide the case, whether it is suicidal or homicidal? What are the reasons in either case?” The police, the media, and the general public put her in quandary by putting her innumerable questions and also expressed umpteen doubts.

The media, police and public already encircled the mother of the deceased, who became emotional and laying on the body of her daughter and crying.

“Yes gentlemen I am an expert, and for your kind information I am a doctor. Now I put it to you that can anybody say anything about the incident? I know nobody knows anything. And still it is uncertain whether it is accidental, homicidal or suicidal? But you people are only thinking extremities” So saying she forcibly made way for herself and rushed to the victim, and pulled the mother of the victim from her body and observed it.

She was astonished on examining the victim. She immediately started doing first aid. She gave her kiss of life. She called police and requested them to arrange an ambulance at once to shift the injured to the hospital, as the girl was alive.

“The girl is already dead madam. Then why are you pretending and misguiding us as if she is alive and playing a drama? Is it for our eye wash? Or is it to divert our attention Madam?” Someone from the crowed was trying to do nuisance.

She looked at him seriously; and hit on the chest of the girl with her two hands forcibly. And with her fourth hit the girl omitted some blood and henceforth she was taking heavy breath.

“Why have you not tried to save the girl immediately on your arrival Madam, since you are a doctor? If you have further delayed the girl would have died? And then definitely you would have been liable for her death” On seeing the girl getting back to life, the person who questioned Dr. Jasmine now took a U turn.

He was still trying to corner Dr. Jasmine.

Mr. Gentleman slapped him, and pulled him out from his premises, and handed over to his security and they dragged him out.

The press, police and public clapped whole heartedly and praised Dr. Jasmine in unison.

In the meanwhile the ambulance came and the police shifted the girl to the Government General Hospital.

“I am sorry sir, all this wouldn’t happen had I come to office in time; and definitely I would have sent the girl out, as I did earlier” Dr. Jasmine was feeling guilty of coming late to office.

“Not at all dear, though you have come late, you did excellent job; and you have shown your professionalism and kept up the name and honour of our MNC.

I thank you, but simply saying thanks to you is only a formal word, and I promise you, without any hesitation to do forever, whatever favour or anything you need in your life time from me” He said little emotionally.

“Sir I am a doctor, you have become emotional, but as a doctor it is my profession and I shouldn’t have feelings and emotions. It is my primary duty to attend the victims. I feel that there is nothing great in it. Anyway, it is a serious case. Though she is survived, I doubt she might have received multiple fractures. As she has mirclelessly escaped from head injury and due to shock only her heart function has temporarily stopped and that is how I could save her. Let us go to GGH and see her condition and if necessary we will shift her to multi speciality hospital for better treatment sir” She advised him.

He instructed the driver to bring the car and both of them got into it.

As and when the vehicle left, one newly purchased F/R vehicle closely followed them. Mr. Rahul was driving the vehicle, while Mr. Laxman was sitting by his side.


Chapter: 19

It was a city civil court. There was a final call for Mr. Gentleman, but he was absent.

“your Honour, summons are served to Mr. Gentleman and he has no respect for the court orders and it shows that he has in principle accepted for divorce as is demanded by my client Mrs. BharathiDevi Madam Justice” The other side lawyer argued on behalf of his client. And the Advocate submitted to the Honourable court with high sounding phraseology and in oxford English Language.

“Yes, you can argue on behalf of your plaintiff Mr. Learned lawyer,

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