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I am not a gentleman.



‘I am not a gentleman’

Harshavardhan. C

Copyright: Harshavardhan. C

Published in 2017

Price: INR: 199/-



“Born with golden lips and silver spoon is really a boon, but can they be blessed forever? But It is uncertain because inherited wealth is a real handicap to happiness; and it turns most of the humane as inhuman because human minds are selfish; and it even turns some of them as criminals because human minds are depository of crimes. It is as certain as death to ambition as cocaine is to morality”

The writer




There is no forever great of anybody in the world. So also no one carries their richness with them while leaving the materialistic world.

If anybody says that they are born with golden lips and silver spoon means certainly they are really missing the morals and values of earning through hard work; and ignoring the poverty of their fellow beings.

Humans are having feelings and emotions and hence they react to situations and environment all around them. Death is common to all living beings; and death is the leveller and there is no discrimination between the billionaire and the pauper; and ultimately all have to dissolve into the pancha boothas, the five elements of the nature.

The more the wealth we accumulate, the more problems will be cropping up. And if millions and billions of currency is accumulated by anyone, the former will remain useless because the currency bundles can’t bring them back from sorrow to happiness, from physical pain and suffrage to relief, from old age to young, from puzzling mind to peace of mind, and finally from death to immortality.

We have ample examples to know the fate of the Great Business Empires in the human history. Some of them reached the zenith of their glory due to stern efforts of the business tycoons; some were just existing for name sake; some collapsed like pack of cards due to ill minded people sitting at the top of the chair as heir apparent to the Great Business Empires.

The modern man in the 21stcentury is not contented with what he has. And the human greed knows no bounds till he is satisfied with obtaining position with the numbers in the physical world; and for him the scale is the infinite which is his ultimate.


Chapter: 1

The chairman and Managing Director of the Gentleman Group of Companies (henceforth called as GM. Group of companies) was Mr. Gentleman.

It was a strange but the rarest of the rare names, adopted by his parents not only for just name sake but also with a clear cut vision that perhaps he would become one of the greatest industrialists ever known to the world.

Their prophesy became true when he rose step by step and finally reached his goal of one of the few business tycoons in the world. And sooner he proved himself the creator of the Empire of ‘GM’ Group of Companies.

He had not only built his empire through his dedication and hard work by putting his heart and soul; and also striving each and every nerve for expanding his business empire by establishing industries, business establishments, marketing, and listing out them for shares through brand image and wide publicity. And within no time its income, assets, and infrastructure reached its pinnacle of growth.

His Business Empire within no time saw its zenith of glory and consequently it rose to the position of one of the ten billionaire companies in the world.

But he lost his peace of mind. And in order to hold his empire intact, he had been fighting with his destiny, playing with his fortunes with a toss in the air.


He finally believed that anybody’s destiny would lay in one’s own prowess, provided they were accustomed to do hard work and no more short cuts. Henceforth he felt that he was the creator of his destiny.

Normally any intelligent man would go by his first choice. But this great man was quite visionary. As for instance when the trade union leaders in the GM Group of Companies demanded one month’s salary as bonus, he used to sanctioned two month’s salary as bonus to them.

Some of the intelligent entrepreneurs started thinking about his analysis. Finally they understood his logic that in order to improve master servant relation; and in order to discourage the trade union activities like, tool down strike, availing mass casual leave and boycotting the industry pushing it for shutting down, he introduced a new concept of advance collection of intelligence and solving their problems even before they raised the issue a problematic.

Even while filing tenders also he used to be quite irrational by quoting lowest rates in the market, which definitely put him to loss. As a result of which the other competitors used to drop themselves. But they forgot to notice the clue that in global tenders he used to take advantage of their absence and used to quote profitable price only, which means five percent loss in five minor tenders, but fifty present profits in the global tenders.

The contractors, who were in business race with him used to be shocked on noticing him taking U turns. Mr. Gentleman always prepared to face ups and downs in his business and in industrial sector. However those who could catch his mind had second thoughts for dropping themselves from the race. But Mr. Gentleman never stopped the race in his Business Empire; and it is far ahead of the others in the competition in the world. With this persistent zeal and enthusiasium, besides sportive spirit, he continued to keep up his Business Empire as one of the first ten positions in the world business globe. But now he dreamt of bring his Business Empire to get first position in the race in the world.


Chapter: 2

It is a misnomer, if anybody says that the print media is lagging behind the electronic media in the 21st century, wherein most of the people in the world are witnessing the youth elsewhere, carrying various English Daily News Papers, periodicals, magazines and novels, especially while on travel or attending interviews.

And in the Metro Rail, some passengers were looking the news in routine, some curiously and many astonishingly.

It was not certainly the Headlines, which drew the attention of the youth including the boys in general and more particularly the girls in particular, but were the wanted columns.

Most of the female populace were curiously looking after the wanted columns in daily news papers. It also drew the attention of the co- passengers; many more onlookers such as youth and interestingly the middle aged and the old aged men too. And the advertisement read thus:

‘Wanted Lady Secretary’

Qualifications: Any bachelor’s degree holder. Preference will be given to professional degree holders having fluency in English.

Age: Between 24yrs and 30yrs. Physical measurements:

Height: Between 176cms to 180cms,

Weight: Proportionate to height,

Body measurements: 95-65-95cms.

On the whole the essence of the advertisement in the news papers is that the aspirant must be an eye catching beauty. Her physical measurements mentioned in the advertisement appear to be perhaps that of the Miss world. That means she must be stunning beauty with tantalising looks and exceptional body contours.

She must have sound health; and must be prepared to get herself checked in Multi- speciality hospital certifying that she must be a virgin, which means she must be a confirmed bachelor.

And if she is selected, she must self- execute a bond to serve as lady secretary for ten years. During her tenure in the office, she shall remain as a bachelor till she completes her full term of service in the office.

Pay and allowances: Highest perks drawn annually in US dollars, so far nobody has never and ever drawn in the world.

In addition to it, she will be provided with all the privileges on par with any VVIP Plus 100% increase in perks for every year.

But at the same time there is a very tough clause that if she violates the above conditions at any point of time in her tenure, she has to pay back the entire amounts paid to her till date, together with bank interest for breach of contract” That was all the advertisement in the news papers.

“I pity you poor, innocent, and crazy ladies. Perhaps you don’t know that today is April 1st and somebody is trying to make you fools.

The physical measurements furnished in the advertisement are not that simple or natural to be possessed by any Indian women. They are all of international standards.

In fact, the applicant must have won the title of Miss India; and she must have participated in the Miss World or Miss Universe Contest; and must have been at least included or short listed in the contesting for the title.

In other wards she must be a marvellous, looking like a princess of beauty; having physical measurements as Height: 6 feet; Weight: Proportionate to her height; must possess the perfect body and feminine grace and beauty with exceptional body contours as 36-28-38 inches” One of the co- passengers in the Metro Rail said sarcastically, while referring the pages in the news paper.

“Sorry gentleman, what do you mean by your illogical statement?” One of the maids’ asked him rather seriously.

“Oh, I am sorry my gentle lady. As per the advertisement in the wanted columns, the highest perks and privileges in the world means it must have been certainly that of His Excellency one of the presidents of the powerful nations, or that of king or queen of richest countries in the world; and 100% increase of annual perks for every year is truly ridiculous and nowhere in the world it is in practice nor is there any solitary example. But still you maids believe it means, I really pity you” He voluntarily interfered and expressed his feelings frankly.

“See mister, so far Tim Cook, the CEO and business executive of Apple Inc, whose annual income of about $ 377,996,537 (US dollars) is the highest in the world and in the woman’s list our position is tenth.

Now I put it to you, are we forbidden not to compete with men? Or do you think that we couldn’t compete with men in the race for the worlds’ first position? In which way we are inferior to you man? When we are trying to exhibit our talent, why are you belittling us? Why are you feeling jealous about the offer given only to women? Whom do you consider as weaker sex gentleman? Is it the woman in sari or man in trousers? Please don’t forget the fact that no field is closed to us. But is it possible for men to do all kinds of things, which the women are attending? And I don’t think so” One of the beautiful maids put him in quandary.

As there were more women than men in the Metro Rail, the poor fellow couldn’t observe them and hence slipped his tongue and was reaping the consequences; and the other maids also looked at him seriously.

There were few old men who were complacent and unmindful about what was going on? Further he also understood what would be his fate in the hands of the most beautiful damsels, who are not only quite smart but also professional and well qualified in their fields?

And finally he decided what to do and how to escape from the irksome situation, and from his unwanted interference with them without knowing their strength and stamina.

“I am sorry my gentle ladies and in fact I never mean to belittle you, but as I have read earlier few bad incidents I just tried to remind you rather caution you. I am sorry as you are annoyed with my unnecessary interference and also not satisfied with my explanation, I tender my unconditional apologies to you. And if you are not satisfied, or do you expect me to say anything more than this I have no ego to surrender myself

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