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Book online «I am not a gentleman by Harshavardhan C (top 100 books of all time checklist TXT) 📖». Author Harshavardhan C

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legal rights. Without any doubt anybody can say that how greedy you are for our property? And it seems there is no much difference between you and a bitch” Mrs. Sobha lost her tong.

“Please mind your language and hold back the word ‘bitch’ my dear sister in law. If anybody really wants to know the exact meaning of the unethical word ‘the bitch’, better they can ask their mum, and she is the one and the only person who could spell out the truth who their father really is?”

The sooner she completed her word, Mrs. Sobha slapped her.

“It never pains me dear, because I still respect you as the sister of my husband, but I only pity your dual And further you all will be surprised to know that the person who signed for our marriage in the registrar’s office as a witness was only Mr. Gentleman, a noble man who was no other than my father in law. But, knowing our episode your great mum performed second marriage to your brother Mr. Ram at gun point, stating that it was the prestige of your family and the name and fame of your dynasty. Now tell me my dear sister in law is the individual responsible to keep up the honour of the dynasty or the latter’s acts only?”Mrs. Janakiram asked her rather politely.

“Let us move Sobha” Mrs. BharathiDevi was offended and wanted to leave the place at once. There was no answer from Mrs. Sobha to the quarries raised by Mrs. Janakiram. Her eyes became reddish while suppressing her anger within herself. Mr. Rahul understood her emotions and he hold her hand and try to take her to the car. “Please wait sir, my mother in law and sister in law have come for the first time to our home and I may be permitted to take their blessings” So saying Mrs. Janakiram touch the feet of her mother in law as Indian custom and tradition. “Go to hell” Mrs. BharathiDevi shouted her and left her home seriously. And Mrs. Sobha followed her.


Chapter: 27

It was 1000hrs; a courier boy came to the Bungalow of Mr. Gentleman and handed over named parcels to Mrs. Sobha, Ritu, and Priya. Each one opened the parcel and found their nude photographs and also a CD, besides a letter demanding ransom; and also to come prepared to spend one night with the blackmailer. They were shocked and now repenting for their dos and undo’s. Now what to do? It was a million dollar question to them; and they are seriously thinking either to oblige the blackmailers or to approach the police or to inform their hubbies.

“What my sweet girls, still you are at home; is today holiday for your activities or seriously thinking about the old man? No regrets, he deceived all of us and he is reaping the consequences. Anyway I am going to club we join for dinner in the night at our home, bye” Mrs. Bharathidevi left in her bungalow in her car, being driven by the driver Siddhartha alias Siddu. He was driving the car towards out skirts of the town. Even without her instructions he played a latest XXX blue film in the video in the car. He has taken out red wine bottle from car dash board which he has already purchased and kept by her side in the rear seat.

“Are you mad or what; why have you purchased wine without my instructions? I asked you to drive the car towards the club, then why are you driving towards the out skirts of the city” Mrs. Bharathidevi shouted at him.

“Sorry madam today is 2nd October, Mahatma Gandhi’s birth day; and national holiday and also declared as dry day and that is why I purchased red wine in the night itself; and as the new police commissioner has taken charge of the city to day, all clubs have been closed; and hence I am taking you to the city outskirts Madam” He gave her cigarettes and lighter.

The blue film was so tempting she could not avoid it, but she was seriously looking it; and she opened the knob of the red wine bottle and started consuming, besides lighted the cigarette and smoking. The vehicle is going on at medium speed, without causing any inconvenience to Mrs. Bharathidevi. But after an hour, the driver Siddu stopped the vehicle suddenly. Mrs. BharathiDevi got alert and peeped through the car glasses and found all around thick trees, bushes and creeper found around the trunks of the trees. She understood that it was a forest and no could be seen.

“You idiot why have brought me here”

“To show you real blue film madam” He got down the vehicle and said.

“You bloody criminal I will oust you from your job”

“Now I not your driver madam, I am Mr. Siddhartha alias Siddhu, a play boy and I will show to you practically the blue film with our active participation” He tried to open her side door of the car.

But she locked the door from outside.

However he opened the car doors by the remote key and pulled her towards himself and hugged her and tried to kiss her. She slapped him and pushed him with all her strength. He then took out a button knife and kept it under her chin. There was no chance for her to escape from him. She now realised that she did a blunder to appoint him, who young and physically very strong to overpower her. She had thought for a while and decided, she just hugged him and kisses him and took him to the peak of the temptation. He has left the knife and was busy in undressing her, by removing her garments one after the other. While doing so she put her hand in her vanity bag and took out a wine bottle and unthreads its cap. “Please have one more peg madam and I will take you to heaven of joy, which you have been missing in the company of your eunuch husband”

“What?” She was shocked to hear an absurd word from him.

“I know everything about your married bachelor relation all through these years madam; and I have been fast awaiting this opportunity. And finally he lost and went behind bars and I won you; we will forever continue our physical relation and nobody will suspect us by appearance of long age gap madam”

“But earlier you never exposed yourself or at least looked me in that angle; I have spent many sleepless nights observing you nude in both in tub bath and also in the dressing room”

“Really you mad boy I pity you. I could you controlled yourself man?”

“I have taken all your postures and beauty spots through digital camera and while you enjoyed seeing blue films I used to see you nude and satisfy myself madam”

“Poor man you have unnecessarily waited many days and nights; and had you given me a hint or exposed yourself, or else tempted by your strong muscular body, I would have offered myself voluntarily and taken you to Golan heights in enjoyment”

“Thank you madam”

Unable to control himself; and out of both fear and confusion he was unable to penetrate his penis into her vagina.

“Idiot it seems you are inexperienced; and anyway don’t worry I teach you the first lesson”

She held her penis with her left hand and moved it to and fro till it got erected. He was enjoying the act so passionately in the company of a beautiful aunty and closed his eyes for few seconds.

That fraction of seconds was enough for the iron lady who had already decided to do what all she wanted; and she poured the liquid in the wine bottle all of a sudden on his erected penis.

It was not a joyful cry, but he raised a dreadful hue and cry as the liquid in the wine bottle is concentrated sulphuric acid.

The acid burns him not only his penis but it spread all over the lower parts till pelvis deep; he was rolling on the ground full naked, and she put on her garments and drive the car back to her bungalow.


Chapter: 28

It was Cherlapalli central jail, situated in Hyderabad. It was time for visitor’s, allotted by the jail authorities only to facilitate the kith and kin of the convicts and under trial prisoners to meet and to interact. Dr. Jasmine was waiting for Mr. Gentleman. At first, he denied to meet her. But she requested the jailer to arrange a meeting with him under any cost in order to reveal certain facts to him. The jailor was also an elderly man and was kind enough and was moved by sentiment as he saw in her the qualities of his daughter, who died in an accident and he immediately obliged her and convinced Mr. Gentleman and brought him to the visitors’ gallery.

“How are you Dr. Jasmine?” He asked her at once.

“I am not fine sir. In fact I am in troubled waters; and in deep sorrow sir”

“What is the matter Jasmine? Did anybody threaten you? Or commented you? Or hurt you, tell me frankly Jasmine?” He tried to cajole her.

“Ever since I have joined as PS to you, I have forgotten that I am a doctor by profession; and I have become sensitive, besides chicken hearted too. I am unable to tolerate the accusations levelled against you, day in and day out, not by one nor many; but in fact by your family members also. And I don’t understand the reasons, why your family members are cornering you and Mr. Ram sir? Why have you knowingly made Mr. Ram as Chairman and MD of GM group of companies, who is very much sensitive? It has not only antagonised his blood relatives, but also strained their relations. Now they have all born grudge against him.

The chair of the Chairman and MD of the GM Group of Companies is not a bed of roses sir. And you know well the company’s serious labour unrest for raising their daily wages, tax problems, awarding of bonus, financial assistance to the next of the bereaved; and consequent financial crisis; and knowing full well his health condition, why have you fixed him sir? It is quite unbecoming of by a wise parent like you sir. And why have you nominated me as heir apparent to your Business Kingdom, when you have a big family, including Madam, Children and grand children sir?” She was feeling guilty as she was cornered by his family members.

“Miss. Jasmine I sorry to remind you about your virginity tests before appointing you; and subsequently every month before paying perks to you; and then I could not answer you the purpose of the test, but today I am confessing with due apology to you that it is not lack of trust on you or on the women employees, but I do not trust my children and my son in law. Generally money attracts the criminals, but in my case money has played with my family members; and some have committed mistakes; and some are committing crimes; and in order to save you and others if any from those vultures only I have kept virgin tests for women employees in my organisations. I had two painful examples one is Mr. Ram falling in love with Miss. Janaki, my former PS; and Mr. Rahul, who happened to be my HR and through whom my innocent daughter Sobha conceived before marriage”

“Sorry sir are these tests would not apply to class four women employees in your business empire sir? If so why the daughter of the sweeper is exempted?” He couldn’t answer her at once; and it didn’t mean that he had no answer. But he kept himself silent even when he was out and out cornered by his family members, because he never bothered for himself, as he couldn’t bear anything which was detrimental to his family.

“It makes me believe that your silence has been taken as your weakness, and your family members

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