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Book online «Amorous by Ameera Butt (e reader manga .TXT) 📖». Author Ameera Butt

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well gossip. I hated gossip, something that didn’t suit me at all.

“Hey guys.” I spoke up as I got to them.
“”Hello. Got of Rupert now?” Sally said.
“Ameesha you know were your friends as well.” Shay included herself.
“Leave her, she’s here and that what matters!” Stacy yelled from the side.
“Hey Stacy.” I faced her.
“You okay Ameesha?”
“Yeah, sorry I’ve been busy with Rupert. I’ve avoided you all a lot haven’t I?”
“Now and then, Here and there!” Sally answered.
“Well I’m here; throw your gossip at me then.”
“Well, there isn’t much to say. Ameesha what do you think about Rupert?” Sasha asked in a hurry.
“Rupert? Good friend?”
“Is that it” Sasha asked disappointed as if she was looking for another answer.
“Yep, that’s just about it. What are you lot thinking. I’m having odd feelings about this conversation.”

It was so obvious that they thought me and Rupert had feelings for each other. But that was impossible, Rupert never discussed about this and he knew my thoughts. Hopefully! Did I love him or was it me just being very attached? Now I was just very perplexed. This is so pathetic; I don’t want to think about this again. I tried to clear the thought out of my mind, trying to distract as they continued talking to me. Abbey had appeared from behind, she always had stuff to say so I patiently waited for her to get rid of this weird atmosphere.

“Well I’m going to go, I need to find Ella. Catch up later girls.” I said my goodbyes and walked of exiting the building. I was actually going to go and find Ella, she would just be wondering around here somewhere until…
“Hey.” A soft yet deep voice came from behind me. I quickly turned behind to see who it was. Usually I would expect Rupert to do that but it wasn’t him this time. “Ameesha right?”
“Yeah. Ameesha and yourself?” I don’t know what reaction I was in, he was just very random who had appeared behind me randomly. I assume he wanted to make some sort of conversation?
“Myself Hadwin. Hadwin Dore!” he introduced himself very posh. I would have laughed but then I controlled it.
“Hello, well I’m guessing you know my full name. Sorry, but I don’t really know you.”
“Well, I know you. I see you around a lot and I was hoping just out of curiosity, could we be friends?”
“Friends? Sure, why not. I like making new friends; I wouldn’t mind having another mate. At the moment I need to look for someone but I can catch up another time with you.” I tried to excused myself out of the conversation between us.
“Oh sure, thanks. Can I just express, you have just pure beauty. It would be hard for someone to kill you… You didn’t find someone for yourself?”
“Not really....” Silly, why would he remind me of that awkward conversation I had with the girls about me and Rupert. I can’t believe I was thinking about this. There was nothing to thing about. Unbelievable!
“Oh okay. Bye for now.” he walk of with a smirk on his face. Odd person he seemed to me.

I walked on ahead searching for Ella, couldn’t seem to find her. Instead I found the idiot Lupe! I walked towards him because lets face it Lupe was a hilarious person and my poem buddy.
“How you doing Ameesha?”
“What’s up?”
“A Very strange person randomly comes up to me and is so straight forward. He wants to be friends and apparently I’m very pretty. He even asked if I had someone.”
“Well you are very pretty darling and you do have someone. You have our young Rupert!”
“Pretty, seriously? And I was afraid you were going to say that about me and Rupert. Do you really think that Lupe?”
“Sure you’re so gorgeous and you and Rupert are perfect for each other.”
“Ha, what the hell Lupe!”
“Seriously. Beside who was that boy that you just talked to?”
“I don’t know him, first time I spoke to him. His names Hadwin something…”
“Hadwin what?” he asked so intensively.
“I actually can’t remember. I was focusing on, well something else…”
“Was it Dore by any chance Ameesha?”
“D-Dore? YES! It was in fact Dore! How did you know?”
“I need to go to Rupert; you go ahead of now Ameesha. Oh, do me a favour, don’t talk to him again. Please!”

He ran of in such speed leaving me behind in thoughts. What on earth was he on about, how did he even know that Hadwin guy. Who was the guy? So Baffling! As I walked along a gush of wind brushed against me as I turned to the direction the wind was going. I saw Rupert standing there. He gradually started walking towards me as fast as he could; his face expression weren’t the happiest. He seemed angry, what did I do? He gripped onto me carefully and tightly as he dragged me toward amorous place. I wanted to ask him certain things, but I wasn’t sure if right now was the best moment. It was really first time I had seen him without a proper smile. I was a little worried. He dragged and pulled me through the small hole again and rushed me through the fresh trees and pushed me towards the swing.
“Ameesha! Listen to me when I tell you this and listen to it clearly I don’t…”
“Rupert? What is going on I have a lesson to go to. You can’t just drag me here!”
“Shut up! You need to listen to me!” he had a strong fire rising in his eyes as his face turned pure red and cooled down after a second.He took a deep breath after I gasped and spoke back calmly. “Don’t ever talk to that person again, don’t look at him, don’t go to him, don’t… just stay away from him. He isn’t safe for you Ameesha! You need to understand that.”
“I-I, Rupert?”

He came close to me taking very fast heart beats, listening to his even mine had now started to increase. I could feel myself go red, which was weird but I could feel it. He had now come even closer and held me by my waist as he pushed me closer to him. I didn’t hesitate; I don’t even know why I didn’t. I rested my head on his warm chest as I continued listening to his heart beat.

“Ameesha, I need you to be safe forever, it’s compulsory for you to stay alive, to be safe and I will do anything to keep you safe.”
“Why are you trying to protect me Rupert? What are you trying to protect me from?”
“It’s just very complicated to explain it all out to you Ameesha.”
“I want to know Rupert. Please?”
“Ameesha, don’t force me… It’s for your own good I promise.”
“I won’t talk to Hadwin if…”
“Don’t even say his name in front of me!”
“Fine. I will never talk to him. EVER! Just tell me the reason behind it, I promise I will be able to take it in how ever bad it is.”
“Ameesha…” he thought to himself for a moment as he took slow breaths over me. “He’s a killer…”
“Killer!” I gasped in such shock!
“Ameesha, catch your breath back!”
“A-a K-k-killer! What Rupert?”
“He wants you dead Ameesha, so that he could hurt me.”
“He wants to hurt you by killing me?” He held me even tighter to himself; freakishly I let him do that. In fact I wanted to be as close to him as possible, never to be released by him in this moment.

“His father died because of my father and he wants a sort of revenge from me…” he continued.
“Revenge? Father?” I was so confused, literally trying to conclude what he was saying.
“Yes. He tried to go behind Lupe but that was a fail because, h-he…” Rupert had stop talking now.
“He what Rupert?”
“That’s enough for now Ameesha, go to your lesson and stay away from that filth!”
“Finish your sentence Rupert… Because he?” I wanted the ending of the sentence so I held on tight against Rupert. I could feel him sense as I got tighter towards him, in a way I knew it helping opening Rupert out, but it felt good to be so close up to him. That’s where I felt safe, against him, relaxing my head on his warm chest was my safest place.
“Your not going to let go are you?” he complained.
“Not that easily. Nope!”
“Because he didn’t have what I had.”
“And exactly what did you have?”
“I have someone I love, someone I would risk my life for, someone like…” he took a long inhale and said “go to class now, and I think lunch times over anyways!”
“Someone like?” I carried on.

He pushed me away trying to be very conscious as he held onto me again and dragged me back out of the amorous place.
“Just remember what I said to you Ameesha!” he demanded. I was too involved in confusion to know what to do and what not to do. I was trapped in a mystery, a mystery that was hard to open out easily! A killer. How is it even possible, how can this college have a killer in it? He’s only seventeen or eighteen? How can someone in that age walk around open as a murderer?

I walked around my own college feeling unsafe, especially when Rupert wasn’t around me. Whose love did he have that Lupe didn’t have? Well I could expect Lupe not loving anyone really he’s to involve in his own life at the moment. But why does that mean that Hadwin wants to kill me, I’m nothing but a really good friend to Rupert. Or am I more? This irritating thought ran around my mind like a cat chasing a mouse. So absurd! This thought was making me mad I needed to go back to Rupert and ask him several questions. Does he love me? Do me being hurt actually really affect him more than it would affect anyone else? What on earth was going? My mind was going to explode any minute! Rupert wouldn’t tell me anything; even though he wasn’t stubborn he still didn’t tell me. I suppose he was thinking about my safety, but it was too late for me to never know what I wanted to know. Why did Hadwin want me dead, what was the purpose behind this? I had no other choice expect one thing. Only one person could properly answer my bewilderment! Hadwin…

“You came to me quicker than I thought.” he stood facing his back to me, sensing I had come to him. I took a deep breath a went closer behind him. I was so cold in the gap between me and him, I had wished for a moment that Rupert was here so he could heat up the place for me. I always had

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