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Book online «Amorous by Ameera Butt (e reader manga .TXT) 📖». Author Ameera Butt

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to see who they were looking at, I figured it was the boy that had bumped into me and who Sasha was being so negative about earlier September. Why were they looking at him? I felt like the clueless one. As he did kick ups with a purple football, they observed him carefully.
“Why are you looking at him?” I asked them loudly.
“Shhh!” Abbey said quietly. I gave an at ease look to all of them as they continued looking at him. “Look at him Ameesha, he’s so awesome!” she continued whispering. I gave a deep gaze at him.
“Is that the time!?” Stacy yelled out! Everyone’s tension broke everyone’s except mine. I kept observing what he was doing. Ultimately I started counting how many kick ups he did until the ball touched the ground again. Everyone swift out leaving me behind. As they walked out Sasha noticed that I was still frozen behind looking at the boy. She grabbed me and walked close to be at times blocking my way. Was I amused by his skills with the ball or was I amused with him himself?
“Do you want a purple ball Ameesha?” Sasha asked worriedly and broke me out of the observing.
“Me? no.”
“Then why are you starring at the ball he’s kicking about?”
“I was looking at the ball?” it was more of a question to me than to Sasha. She gave me a peculiar look and went ahead speaking.
“The ball is what you were looking at right?”
“The ball?” I asked myself then pausing to think. “Yes, the ball right. That is what I was looking at.”
“Oh!” Sasha said relieved. “I will get you a better purple ball for you as a present! A late birthday present.” she reminded me.

I laughed and we ran to catch up with the group ahead. As everyone split their own ways to go home me and Sasha walked down the steep road. We caught up with a lot that had happened in Sasha’s life in the past few months, mostly weeks to be honest. She seemed happy, so it made me even happier.

I considered to myself asking did me being so depressed affect on how my friends ended up being or acting. I think they had relied on me too much now and I had to stay happy for them. Need to move on in life. Today I achieve something even though it wasn’t much; it had opened out my mind and eyes. Now I could move on in a happier way. I wasn’t over Seldon, perhaps never will be able to but I knew for sure I need to put him to a side and focus on other stuff. For example, education. I had exams this year and next year. I needed to start to concentrate on that as well as moving away from Seldon thoughts. All around me I could feel a change.

New Friendship

November. Whole month had gone past, very fast I presume! I guess I was trying to have so much fun that I didn’t recognise how the time went so fast. One thing that didn’t change had to be the coldness. It was actually more frosty than cold now. Still stuck in my second year of college, I figured how much girls change in this age and year. Irritating it was.

14th November 2010. I remember this day very wisely. As I squinted my eyes because of the sunlight half shinning from the corner of my dull curtains I woke up understanding that it was time to go to college. As a usual routine I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I combed down my hair quite well as it lay silky, jumping into my uniform I ran downstairs and tried to hurry out of my house as I got a phone call on my mobile.

“Hello?” I answered it.
“Ameesha?” Sasha asked. Her voice seemed deep and dead.
“Sasha? What’s up? What happened to your voice?”
“I caught a cold!” she replied terribly. “I won’t come to college today, sorry you will have to walk to college alone.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” I said calmly. “You just stay home and rest, in fact go to the doctors and get yourself checked out, in case something worse happens!”
“Okay, I will try. I’m going to go now, talk later.” she said coughing.
“Ah, yes! I will try coming over after college to see you, bye for now.” I continued walking towards college; I couldn’t be bothered to walk it so I decided to get the bus. I wasn’t so energetic today, I felt very sleepy as well.

Walking towards the bus stop felt so different, I hadn’t been on a bus for a long time. Reaching the bus stop I found someone standing there. I couldn’t see who it was, it seemed like a boy. He was wearing a hoody so I couldn’t see his face clearly, I wouldn’t blame him it was freezing after all. I walked straight trying to avoid the person; finally I got to the bus stop waiting patiently as he looked up at me. I didn’t see his face as I had turned my way around really fast to look out for the bus. When was the bus going to come? I didn’t even know the timings to it!

“Hello.” A muscular breeze of wind flew against me, making sure my hair flew right back, as the hair whack his face in a gentle way, not too hard. I could sense him being very close right behind me as he greeted me. In the end I turned to reply to him. I glared in his eyes; it was a bit blue yet greyish. I was actually trying to figure out colour of his eyes were. There was a big silence, silence I needed to break apart. I look at his white clear skin, I was sure he wasn’t that white, the cold made him look that white. His dark black hair was flying away through the wind just like mine; obviously his was much shorter than mine. It was curly/wavy with some straight areas involved. It was very messy, I blamed the wind, and I wanted to think that his hair in truth was nice and neat.
“Hello.” I allowed myself to reply.
“Do you know what time it is?” he asked nicely.
“Yes, ten past eight.” I told back after catching my breath.
“Oh right, thanks.” he said with smile as he looked out for the bus. We were standing in the cold waiting for a while; it was a little boring standing there in the awkwardness. I wish I could break this tension. “So you go to the same college as me?” he asked interested.
“Yes. Level three second year.” I replied hoping the conversation will extend.
“Oh, I’m a year ahead of you. Do you usually get the bus to college, I never see you around?” he asked in curiosity. I gave a thought to that I don’t even know why!
“Nope, I usually walk to college with my best friend, she caught a cold today so I decided to use the bus as I couldn’t be bothered to walk alone.” I answered thinking why he’s asking me random questions. Perhaps he was as bored as I was. Finally the bus had arrived and I got onto looking for a seat, it was packed so I just stood waiting for my stop to come. As I looked around I saw his eyes catch mine, he always seemed to smile. I would never see him without a smile; I guess that made me smile as well. I liked it when I saw people smile, it made me happy.

My stop finally arrived, well technically both of our stops finally arrived. He was now walking the same pace as me, why I had a feeling he wanted a conversation I didn’t know. I was walking confusingly. “What do I do?” I asked myself quietly.
“Sorry did you say something?” he popped out of nowhere giving me a little fright. I started starring at him; I don’t understand why I would stare at him so deeply there was something about his eyes. A glare, a shine?
“No, I was just thinking about something.” I said back to him.
“I’m Rupert Francis by the way.” he said in excitement as he held his hand out for a shake.
“Ha, my names Ameesha Grint.” I held my hand out to shake smiling in return. We started walking along silently we didn’t really have anything to say, we had just met. New friends, a new friendship. Maybe that’s what I needed to carry on with life, new friendship. Someone who could help go ahead, probably someone who I can tag along with. We were so quiet and there was some time to get to college yet...

“Can I ask you something? It might sound random to you, I’m not sure!” he asked hesitating and a bit embarrass by the looks of it.
“Well, that girl with you. Who you walk with everyday to college. Does she have a problem with me?”
I starred at him for while thinking to myself why he was asking about Sasha now. My lips tend to freeze because of the cold, so it took a while for me to respond. After a few seconds I laughed to myself and replied “Sasha? Ha, she’s just scared of you in a way.”
“Scared?” He looked at me confused with innocents covered all around him. Then I thought to myself what I had just said feeling brainless. I tried to cover my stupidity with a smile as I responded to his confusion.
“Yeah, well she doesn’t really have anything against you except she thinks you’re a little strange, you see Sasha has her own ways in how she thinks about someone, she will never actually dislike a person but she just can’t express her feelings and thoughts properly. But I sometimes understand that she has a feeling or thought that makes her feel scared of you.” That was a lot to take in under ten seconds I assumed to myself.

We were near to college now and I was still walking with him, in silence of course! After a long exhale he looked up to me and asked “so exactly what is so scary about me?” I couldn’t really say anything there; I didn’t know what to say in seriousness.
“Your hair?” I teased. He softly touched his messy hair thinking to himself what’s bad about it, as he eventually approached to the fact that I was just joking.
“Ha, funny!” he said sarcastically. So he was sarcastic as well. I didn’t have a sarcastic friend; I was the only sarcasm one. Fluent sarcasm rushed down my blood to my mouth, I liked him person wise. He seemed cool.
“It must be the eyes then?” I guessed telling him. A tension raised onto his face as he examine on what I had just

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