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front of me
“Trust me?” he asked
“Always” i whispered he smiled and he put the blindfold on me
“Tell the girls to put them on” he said i nodded
“Girls do it i wanna know where we are going if you trust them you will do it” i said they all sighed and the boys chuckled
“Thank you baby” he whispered in my ear
10 minuets later
We stopped and i started to worry
“Where are we?” I couldn’t hold in anymore
“You will find out baby” he said i frowned
“Tell me” i whined
“On the count of three i want you to take of the blindfolds got it lads?” he shouted
“YER” they all shouted back
“ONE” he yelled
“TWO” he yelled again putting his hands on my blindfold the anxiety was killing me
“THREE” and he yanked my blindfold of i blink several times before i saw it.
It was a castle house it had a banner on the front it said
Welcome home baby!
I giggled and jumped on Tyler and kissed him
“Welcome home baby” he whispered in my ear i giggled and tears slowly came out of my eyes
“Oh my god baby its lovely” i whispered
“DONT CRY DONT YOU LIKE IT” he yelled panicking i giggled and kissed him
“It’s happy tears baby” i whispered
“Thank god i thought you didn’t like it for a second” i hugged him
“The lads helped” he said i let go and hugged all of them and kissed their cheeks and they all laughed i ran back to Tyler and he picked me up bridal style
“Awww that’s so cute” the girls screamed and i giggled and held on tight
“Trust me” he whispered in my ear
“Forever and always” i whispered back he kissed me
“Close your eyes” he said softly i closed them and he opened the door
“Open” i blinked and looked around i was speechless he put me down and i walked around the house
“Say something then” he whined
“You did this by yourselves” i whispered
“Taylor helped” he whispered i saw Taylor pull up and i ran out to him he stood up and i jumped into his arms
“THANK YOU TAYLOR” i screamed he chuckled
“Im guessing you like the house miss” he said putting me down
“Like no i LOVE it” i said Tyler grabbed me and picked me up and spun me around
“GOOD” he shouted i laughed and he started laughing
2 months later Tyler’s point of view
I walked into mine and secrets bedroom and heard her vomiting
“Secret?” i said softy
“I think i need to go to the doctor, i don't think its food poisoning baby” she whispered
“Ill go ring him” i mumbled secret had gotten ill two weeks ago when i tried to cook us a roast the meat wasn’t cooked properly i blamed myself and she keeps on saying it could have happened to anybody but i still blame myself i have helped her the past two weeks. I phoned the doctor and he said he will be on his way. He isn’t an ordinary doctor so he knows about us i sat at the bottom step of the stairs until i heard a knock on the door i jumped up and answered it
“Hello Mr. Wolf i presume” he asked me i nodded and showed him up to our bedroom as soon as he was in he told me to go down stairs and wait i reluctantly went down stairs and phone Kevin
“Hello?” he said
“Kevin its Tyler” i said slowly
“Hey man how is she” he asked
“Worse” i whispered trying to keep my voice normal
“Me and dad are coming up ok” he said
“Ok” my voice was tight and he hung up and 5 minuets later they walked in they saw me on the steps and ran over to me
“Where is she” they asked frantically
“Upstairs with the doctor” i whispered dad pulled me into a hug
“She will make it son” he promised
“It’s my stupid fault, if i hadn’t tried to cook for her” i growled and punched the wall
“Don't be stupid son, food poisoning does not last this long” he said angrily
“WELL WHAT IS IT” i yelled
“I can tell you that” the doctor said
“What’s wrong with her” i asked him
“Calm down sir, she has just completed her final stage at the change she is ready to be marked” dad showed him out and i just sat their and looked at dad he chuckled and so did Kevin.
After they went home me and secret cleaned up then went to bed. I woke up with out secret she was downstairs singing and making me breakfast i growled and walked downstairs, she was supposed to be resting, i got distracted by he dancing and leaned on the door frame watching her
“Morning baby” i said softly she jumped out of her skin and looked down
“Sorry did i wake you?” she asked looking worried
“No, i came down hear to make YOU breakfast as YOUR supposed to be taking things slow and hear you are dancing round our kitchen in my hoddie and slippers” i said looking her up and down
“I don't want to rest, it’s boring, I want to play” she said. The 10 year old is coming out she glared
“Stay out of my head if you don't like what i think” i scolded her but i had a smile on my lips she flushed and gave me a kiss
“Sorry, but i do like to see what your thinking especially in your sleep” she teased i froze and grabbed her arms
“Are you gunna tell me what i thought or do i have to tickle it out of you?” i asked her eyes went wide and i chuckled
“You will have to catch me first” she said running behind the table i laughed and you could see the excitement in her eyes i chased her round the house and out the door and to my parents
Kevin’s point of view
I opened the door to see secret in slippers and a hoddie she was panting
“Quick shut the door” she said slipping in i saw Tyler running up the street
“What’s going on” i asked taking her upstairs to hide her
“He is going to tickle me to get me to tell him what he thinks in his sleep” she said with wide eyes i couldn’t help but laugh i put her under my bed and sat on it. Tyler burst through my door
“Where is she?” he asked
“She went to Tasha’s room” i said
“I can see her foot” he said i jumped up and pinned him to the wall
“RUN SECRET” she ran off giggling
“Thanks mate, I’ve never seen her have so much fun” Tyler said sincerely
“My pleasure now don't mess it up” i growled at him he chuckled and went out the door we ran to the kitchen to see secret on james lap hiding
“I wonder where she could have gone” Tyler teased she giggled and pulled herself tighter to james
“May i ask what’s going on before i decide to help one of you?” james chuckled
“Well secret read my mind while i was asleep and im gunna tickle her until she confesses what i thought” Tyler said never taking his eyes of secret
“Im gunna go with Tyler” james said “i wanna know what he has been thinking about” he said grabbing her arms
“Daddy nooo” she shouted as he slung her over his shoulder everyone laughed and i could see how much that meant to dad
“Im sorry sweetie but i wanna know” he said
“If you help me ill tell you” she bargained
“Hmm” he considered
“Dad you cant you need to be on my team, secrets got everyone else” Tyler complained
“Has she” he said
“She can be very persuasive when she wants to be right guys” i asked they all nodded and dad put her down she ran and jumped on Stevens back and they all ran with her giggling like a child we chased her for about 30minuets before the boys gave up and pinned her down Tyler jumped on her and started tickling her she was begging for him to stop and he flatly refused
“I can’t tell you here” she said when he finally let her talk his eyes went wide and she nodded
“Damn” he said she giggled and he kissed her
“Can i have a brown drink please” she asked us we all were confused except dad he got up and made her one
“You need 3 of these a day” he said handing her a pint glass
“Ok” she said we could all smell it, it was blood and orange juice she didn’t look at us the whole time she drank it.
I could feel how she was feeling shame was emanating off of her i sat next to her and put my hand on her back on she turned away
‘Please leave me alone while i drink this’ she sent me a message in my brain only wolf’s could do that
“How did you do that” i asked her confused
‘Shut up nobody else knows’ she sent back
‘Sorry’ she smiled, so i know she got it, she kissed my cheek and Tyler growled, she sent daggers at him and he put his hands up in defeat
“Secret Tommy’s on his way he said he needs to talk to you” dad said her eyes shot up to his and a smile came on her lips
‘Can i talk to you later in privet so i can tell you everything i can do?’ she asked i nodded and she giggled, their was a knock on the door and dad got it he came in with Tommy and this girl secret jumped up and went to hug him but the girl got in her way. Bad move
Secret’s eyes went black and the girl fell on the floor Tommy bent down to the girl and touched her forehead he kissed her and she passed out
“Secret pack it in” Tommy scolded her she didn’t answer so he took a step forward and she took one back so i jumped up and stood next to her
“Secret” he said softly
“What do you want Thomas” she said looking away from him
“Secret what's the matter with you? You always call me Tommy” he said looking at her with painful eyes
‘What's wrong?’ i sent her
‘Him that girl is only using him and she is working for somebody that wants to find information about me’ she sent to me i gasped and everyone looked at me ‘stop that’ i chuckled and she smiled
“Your communicating with him through the brain aren’t you secret” Tommy said her eyes went wide then she looked down “what's going on tell me” he demanded she took a step forward and spat on the girl everyone gasped no one has ever seen secret so mad
“That tramp, is using you to get to me” she spat he went mad
“Stop lying secret if you didn’t want to meet my
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