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Book online «All I want is everything by Lily Rose (top 10 non fiction books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Lily Rose

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I want is everything

I then hang up the phone an check for any messages from mom, to find one saying goodnight and that she misses and loves me. I send a quick reply and lock my iPhone."Enjoying the view from up there?" Said a thick yet amazing male voice. I drop my phone off of the balcony "Baby!" I shouted referring to my phone, the same time I hear the same voice from a second ago saying "Oww!" While I begin to look over the railing and to the ground below. I see a guy sitting on the floor rubbing his head while my phone is on the grass next to him.

I run out of my room, down the stairs through the kitchen to reach the backyard. Where I run over and land on my knees next to the random guy "Oh my god! I'm so sorry but you scared the shit out of me." I said. He then looks at me our eyes automatically connecting "My fault. I'm sorry I scared you" he said. "It's okay, how's your head?" I ask glancing at where his hand was still on top of his head. "I think I'll live" he said jokingly.

I gave a small laugh and grabbed my phone from the ground, my phone was cracked and so was my phone case. I then look at him to notice he's staring at me, "so who are you?" I said breaking the silence. "My name is Treavor, I'm the landscaper for Mr. Johnson. Who are you?"

"I'm Destiny, his daughter." I said, "Wait your the destiny the one that he always talks about?" He said, I smile. "Yeah I guess I am." My dad then walks outside, "Sweetheart what is going on out here?" He asked. "We'll I dropped my phone because of the beautiful view I have from my room, and it fell on Treavor's head." I said smiling sheepishly, I then hold out my broken phone case and phone, "unfortunately my little soldier didn't make it through the war." I said shaking my head with a little bit of sadness in my voice.

My dad walks over and helps me up, while Treavor gets up on his own. "We'll I guess we will have to get you a new soldier now don't we." My father says with humor I'm his voice. I hug him, "I guess we do" I then let go and smile, "if you want we can go get it now before the stores close down." He suggests, "Sure let me go get shoes. Treavor it was nice meeting you, I hope to see you soon." I say then I do what I always do I hug him and head to my room to grab shoes.

Chapter 5: All I want is everything

I finally reach my room, grab my shoes and quickly put them on. I then quickly spray myself with some perfume and head downstairs. When I reach the foyer I see my dad and Treavor standing at the door saying goodbyes. We then head to our cars Treavor hops into a beautiful black truck. I hop into my fathers car and we head over to the cellphone store, as we're driving I admire the town there are cute small shops lined up next to each other.

We then reach the cellphone store and we go inside, "Hello, my name is Anna. How may I help you." Says a redhead walking towards us. "Hello Anna, my daughter broke her phone and we wanted to get a new one." "What type of phone were you looking for?" After going through picking the new iPhone 5 in black, I picked a few cute cases to match what I wear. My father loves to spoil me I guess, she then transferred everything from my old phone to the new one. We payed and thanked her for the help, afterwards we headed back to the house after grabbing a pizza and soda.

When we reached the house we ate pizza and talked a little until I excused myself and went to go take a shower. I went to my room and unpacked my bathroom supplies and walked into my bathroom to find freshly clean towels that smelled amazing. I took a long warm shower, relaxing after my wonderful day. Then got out and got ready for bed, I walked downstairs to say goodnight and get a drink of water. Not looking where I was going because I was to busy with my phone I bumped into someone, "Ahhh!!"

I fell and looked up realizing I bumped into some random girl, she has dirty blonde hair. A beautiful round yet cute face, wearing a dark blue dress yet looking very business like. "I'm so sorry to scare you." She said, "Who are you?" I ask still sitting on the floor "I'm Rebecca." She said.

I then get off of the floor, that is when my father walks in "Destiny are you okay." He said, noticing I was holding my heart with my right hand while still clutching my phone. I put my phone in my pocket, "I'm perfectly fine, just being here I seem to be having heart attacks left and right." I say full of sarcasm with a sweet smile on my face. He smiles "We'll that's my fault I didn't mention we weren't alone." He said while walking over to Rebecca. "Destiny this is Rebecca my Wife." He said smiling at Rebecca's the exact same way he used to smile at my mother.

Chapter 6: All I want is everything

"Your what!!?!??!" I shouted, completely bewildered. "Since when were you even dating anyone, how did I not know about this? When were you going to tell me? Urgg!" I rant out quickly. "I will answer any questions, just one at a time." My father said, I just shake my head and walk passed him. He grabs my wrist and I yank it away, "don't touch me right now." I say walking to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle I walk outside while listening to them talking.

"I can't believe you didn't tell her." Rebecca says. I then close the screen door, and walk as far from the house without feeling like I can get grabbed from someone at arms length in the woods behind the house. I sat down and all of the tears flowed out, I mean I understand that my parents weren't gonna be together again but I didn't expect him to get married again. How could he not have told me I'm the only one in our family that stays in contact with him, and now I'm here and I can't disappear like I want to.

I grab my phone out of my pocket while trying to wipe the tears that won't stop, I call the one person I need most right now. Ring ring ring "Hey this Is Haleigh, if its important I might spend time to call you back. So leave a message and we will see, oh and live life to the fullest!" Says Haleigh's voicemail, "Hey, it's des. Um I got a new phone. But that's not what I have to say, can you call me a soon as you hear this. I need you." I say between sobs, and a little urgency evident in my voice. I then hang up and hope she calls soon, I drink some water and lay down on the grass.

I close my eyes letting my mind wander to everything, I'm crying so bad now with everything that has happened these past years without my father. Sometime during my crying I passed out on the lawn, I'm thanking Treavor that it is well taken care of. A while later, I sit up feeling dry tears on my face, I stretch and check my phone for the time. It's 5:43 a.m. It is a good thing I was wearing sweats and a long sleeve shirt.

I stand up stretching my legs, and pick up my now empty water bottle. I start walking back to the house I am unfortunate to be staying at till the end of the summer. sigh, I go to the screen door to not only see that the door is unlocked but, a sticky note also.

Chapter 7: All I want is everything

'Dear Destiny, I am sorry I don't tell you things I should have earlier. I just didn't want you not to come, I missed you and wanted to see you. Unfortunately I had to work today so you are alone till around dinner, ill text you later with more information. Love, Dad'

I take the note and stick it in my pocket, while walking into the kitchen. I toss the empty water bottle, and grab a granola bar from the pantry. I eat it as I go upstairs to my room, I plug in my phone to the charger once I reach my room. I then toss the granola bar wrapper, and go into my bathroom and take a quick shower.

By the time I step out of the shower and get dressed its starting to get sunny outside. I go to my bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling when my phone starts to ring. I grab it and answer without looking at who it was, "Hello." I say, "Oh my god, I just got your voicemail. What happened? And what phone do you have now?" Says a worried voice I've come to know as my best friend.

"Well I now am an owner of an iPhone 5, and my dad didn't tell me something important. He

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