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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (reading a book TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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married. Not soon after, Jammins had the idea to search for Julie’s lost daughter, Tamara Jane. Behind his new bride’s back, he employed the help of his best friend, Chips Deneson. The couple stayed at the System-Network Agency for another two years. All the while, Jamie kept his secret from Julie.
The secret wouldn’t stay one for long. Julie was suspicious of her new husband’s actions, and decided to ask him about it.
“Just what have you and Chips been working on all this time?” Julie countered him one night in their shared quarters. “I know you’ve been up to something. I can sense it.”
“I know you can, which is why I’m not going to deny it.” Jamie held his smile.
“Good.” Julie supplied. “So tell me.”
“I didn’t want to tell you until I knew for sure.” Jamie supplied. He sat on the bed next to her. She wasn’t smiling. “We found Tamara Jane.”
Julie shot up, exclaiming. “Oh, Jamie! You didn’t!”
“We did.” He stood, receiving kisses and hugs from her. “Isn’t that great?”
“It’s wonderful!” Julie cried. “So, where is she?”
“She’s on her way here from Minnesota.” Jamie replied. “I sent her two first-class tickets. I already spoke to Shannon about this, and she okayed their staying here.”
“They? Who’s coming with her?”
“Her adopted brother Charlie Reynolds.” Jamie said.
Julie sat on the bed, fingering the Dream Locket that hung around her neck. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening!” She whispered, her mind in a trance.
Jamie sat on the bed, embracing her. “Believe it, Jules.”
“She must be sixteen by now.” Julie continued, not hearing him.
“Which is why Charlie had to come with her, as an escort.” Jamie said, nudging her. “Happy, love?”
Julie snapped out of her trance, turning to him with a smile. “Very.”
“I’ve got something else to make you happy.” Jamie said. “I applied for a job with the Special Services of Ray County, Michigan. If I get the job, we’ll all move there.”
“A place of our own?” Julie asked. “Away from Shannon and the Agency?”
“Of our own.” Jamie supplied. “I may miss this place, but I’ll get used to being away from it.”
“What about Chips?”
“He can do without me.” Jamie announced.
“What about the rest of your friends? Are you gonna miss them, too?”
“Of course I’d miss them.” Jamie supplied. “I grew up here. I’d be a jerk if I didn’t. Now, will you quit asking stupid questions long enough to listen?” She was silenced, but crossed her arms, listening.
Jamie sighed. “I’m not only doing all this for us, I’m doing it for you. I’ve heard your constant dreams about Tamara Jane and decided to do something about it. I also know how much it means for you to have your own life, outside Shannon’s shadow.” He kissed her passionately. “I guess what I’m trying to say is this. I’d do anything for you, Jules, anything at all to make you happy.”
“That’s what I love about you, Jamie Stewart.” She hugged his neck. “You’re so thoughtful and kind. ”
“Yeah, I know.” Jamie kidded, kissing her once again.

Prologue #2:
Where Time Has No Meaning

Presently in the Dream Realm’s Canine Valley, Sire Wolfton Stargazer was having a hard time concentrating on his work. He was teaching a small group of canine pups, plus one feline kit, various lessons in sword-work and battle-fighting. With him was his new Page, Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer, a Mountain Wolf Companion who used to be an old friend from long ago.
It was as a friend and not a Page Red Wolf sensed something wrong. He took over and excused the pups and kit from the remainder of the lesson.
“What did you do that for?” Wolfton growled.
“You had something on your mind, other than the lesson.” Red Wolf supplied. “I just intervened, that is all.”
“Next time, leave it to me.” Wolfton began to walk away.
“It was clear to us all you were not paying attention.” Red Wolf remarked to his Timber Wolf friend. “Even your own nephew and daughter noticed.”
“Celine.” Wolfton whispered under his breath, stopping in his tracks. He turned to his friend. “Did she say anything to you?”
Red Wolf nodded. “Aye, Wolf. She noticed your behavior since the Dark Mist was destroyed. She and Katherine are truly worried for you. In fact, so am I.”
“Do you recall what Toby told us?” Wolf asked. Without allowing him to answer, he went on. “I do believe it’s time to visit our old Warrior friend. This time, I will take Celine with me.”
“I will join you.”
“Nay.” Wolf remarked with a shake of his head. “I need you to stay with the Army. I will take Celine and Tiger White-Snow with me.”
Red Wolf only nodded. “Aye, Sire.”
Red Wolf shifted form and headed back to the Canine Wood.
Wolf Stargazer himself had something else on his mind. After watching his friend-Page leave, he too shifted to his timber wolf form and headed in the opposite direction. It was not the right time to visit Tobias White-Snow. There was time for that later. Now, he had a pressing urge that needed to be fulfilled.
Someone was calling him in his mind, and he had to get to them. Now.
With only the thoughts of a wolf in his mind, he dashed to the top of the cliff that overlooked the entire Canine Valley. He stopped at the top only to find someone else was there already.
Wolf sniffed in his wolf form, trying to catch the familiar scent of the she-wolf. She was smaller than himself, lighter coated, but beautiful none-the-less. She was sitting at the edge, staring into the night sky. He could sense something was bothering her. She would never be able to shift to wolf form to call on him. It was almost sad, really.
Rather than disturb her, he sat next to her, losing himself in whatever caught her eye.
“I knew you would come, my friend.” The she-wolf announced.
“What could I do but heed my Young Guardian’s calls?” Wolf responded. He nudged her snout with his own. She turned her head to meet his canine eyes. “Why did you call me here?”
“I had to speak to someone about my prophetic dreams.” Young Guardian told him, tears welling in her canine eyes.
“You have those in your world, do you not?”
Young Guardian shook her head. “They’re all too busy living their lives.” She laid down on the rock, snout on her outstretched paws. “Everything has changed, and I don’t think I can handle it.”
“It has changed here as well.” Wolf told her. “Do you smell the scent of evil in the air?” When she didn’t answer, he continued. “The kits sense something terribly wrong in the Canine Valley and the Feline Village. Panther suspects it’s growing, and gaining power.”
Young Guardian the wolf gasped and changed to her human form. She was wearing her angelic-like Guardian’s Gown in moments. The look upon her face scared him. “Do you feel it as well?”
“Why do you think Red Wolf has taken over the Army’s lessons?” Wolf changed his own form to half-man, half-wolf. “Every Companion creature can feel it in their bones, but not one of us knows what to do about it.”
Young Guardian sat on the pavement. “I wonder....”
Wolf frowned. “What is on your mind?”
She turned back to him. “How have the Young Tiger White’s lessons in the Canine Army been?”
“Exceptional.” Wolf remarked. Without speaking, she nodded. At this, he sighed. “Surely, there is more on your mind than how my feline nephew is coping in a canine realm?”
She smiled. “Indeed, Wolfton, there is, and it has to do with my prophetic dreams.”
“Are you going to tell me about them, or am I left to guess?”
“Such disrespect, Sire Wolfton!” Young Guardian joked. Wolf wasn’t smiling, so she went on. “In my dreams, there is a war. The Crusaders and Companions, Ancient Mystics and Elders are on our side, fighting.”
“What are we fighting against?”
“Old Dominionites, Dark Areans, and – get this – Gloriana and Orthos!”
“Has he returned somehow from Exile?” Wolf was anxious, frightened of what his Young Guardian friend was saying.
“Not yet, but I fear it’ll be soon.” Young Guardian told him. “Which brings me to your nephew. Tiger White was in battle, fighting the best he could alongside his canine friends. Toby was by your side in one of my dreams, leading other Companions behind you. Somehow, all canines and felines, and every other Companion creatures I saw, were working together against a common cause.”
Wolf just stared into her silver-blue eyes for a moment, letting the information seep in, and an idea come to his mind. “Are you suggesting Toby and I get all Companions together? In peace?”
“I know it seems impossible, but it must be done.” Young Guardian changed back to her wolf form and said one final statement before leaving him. “War is not far in our future, and we must be ready for it.”
At that, she jumped off the edge of the cliff and disappeared.


The Maiden Sabrina, on orders from her father, the Master Orthos, found a way back to the Old Dominion’s dungeons. She was sent on her own to fetch Lord Maximaniac’s Spell-book, and take it back to her father.
After learning how hard a task it was going to be, Sabrina took a small team of Warriors with her. D’Kora, her troll-like maiden-servant, Kasha, a silent but deadly banshee-human Warrior, Vino, a snake-like human male Warrior, and Cyrix, a fire-demon male Warrior all followed their Maiden wherever she went.
“I mean no diss-respect, Maiden, but how are we going to get Lord Maximaniac’s-ss Sss-Spell-book without him knowing?” Vino asked, bowing to her.
“Do you have a plan?” D’Kora asked.
Sabrina’s eyes glowed red as she stared at the two of them. D’Kora and Vino exchanged looks before bowing to her feet in apology.
“Our deepest,” D’Kora growled.
“Apologies-ss, Maiden.” Vino supplied.
“Enough groveling. We have work to do.” Sabrina supplied, turning her back to them. She addressed Kasha, who could only speak in her mind using telepathy. “Patrol the area. Take them with you.”
Kasha nodded, leaving with D’Kora and Vino.
“What are they patrolling for?” Cyrix asked, grinning as he strolled out of the shadows to her side.
“Any of Lord Max’s minions who may be doing the same thing.” Sabrina remarked. “Why do you care?”
“We would not want us getting caught in our mission, now, do we?” Cyrix only smiled. “I forgot how chilly and dark the Merchant’s dungeons were.” He conjured a fireball in his hands. “How about a little light?”
Sabrina was confused once he aimed the fireball at some timber in the corner of the cavern. “I know why the others came. Why did you agree to come back?”
“I told you once before, my beautiful Maiden Sabrina.” Cyrix replied in a whisper. He took her hands and kissed each of them. “There is a heart somewhere in there, and I intend to unearth it.”
She snatched her hands back and stomped away from him. “How dare you suggest I have a heart!”
“I am not suggesting it. I know it.” Cyrix supplied. “As for our mission, do you have a plan?”
Sabrina found the nearest corner and slumped on the rock-bed against the cavern wall.
“I will take that as a no.” Cyrix said. “If I may make a suggestion?”
Sabrina stared at him. “You may.”
“It is rumored your daughter Tempest is at the Shady Kingdom Castle.” Cyrix announced.
Sabrina shot up. “Explain how you know about this!”
“Rumors.” Cyrix said. “Does it matter how I know? All that does is what you can do with the
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