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aback. He couldn’t answer her nor dare to look into her eyes.

Dr. Jasmine looked at him and found him feeling a lot for his lapse.

By and large Mrs. Jasmine used to be very jovial, but today she was looking quite serious.

Mr. He-man did not know the fact that Dr. Raj warned her seriously regarding their affair.

“Mr. He-man, since how long you are in love with my daughter? Have you expressed it first? Or my baby doll fall in love with you first?” She put him in quandary.

Mr. He-man felt embarrassed. He became nerves too. He never expected that he would be subjected to so minute enquiries about their affair by her mum.

“I repeat mister and I am asking you again. At first I couldn’t understand why this girl has recommended you for appointment in our small nursing home, when there are very bright opportunities for you in the corporate hospitals. Moreover you are a bright student, being university topper with cardiology as your specialization. It means you both are hand in glow isn’t it?” She asked him in little irritation.

He was silent.

“As you have no answer means it is hundred percent conformed that you are in love; and I think you are also in dating, isn’t it?”

“Sorry madam, yours is a quite wrong inference; and a very poor opinion on your daughter. She is hundred percent a typical Indian spinster and also a conventional lady, following all the customs and traditions of Indian society in true spirit.

As we happen to be classmates and lovers for the last seven years, please don’t belittle us madam” He felt humiliated for her wrong accusations.

“Good I appreciate you for your excellent opinion on my daughter, besides having trust and belief in our customs and traditions with highest regards.

But, the only lapse on you is that when you are in deep love with my daughter why you have hidden the truth? Don’t you have guts to reveal your affair to your parents and me at least? Or otherwise you shouldn’t have proposed my daughter at all” She again put to him a delicate and rather a sensitive question.

“Yes madam, I truly accept that it is a great mistake on my part for not revealing either to my mum or to you madam.

In fact I thought and expected Honey would inform you madam; and Honey trusted me that I would. But in either case I am at fault. Pardon me madam, as I failed to inform you and sir”

“It is really a poor explanation; and pardon for what?” She put him in confusion.

He was taken aback. He couldn’t answer her nor dare to look into her eyes.

Dr. Jasmine looked at him, and found him feeling a lot for his lapse.

By and large Mrs. Jasmine used to be very jovial, but today she was looking quite serious.

Mr. He-man did not know the fact that Dr. Raj warned her seriously regarding their affair.

He drove the car towards Judges Colony.

“Why are you taking me towards Judges Colony?’

“I am staying there only”

“Then who is your mum?”


“What?” She was surprised to know it.

He had knowledge that both Justic. Hasina and Dr. Jasmine were known to each other more than doctor and patient relation, as the latter used to go to the bungalow of Miss. Hasina now and then for her general check up. In the meanwhile they reached the bungalow of Hasina.

Still Dr. Jasmine couldn’t come to ground reality.

“Are you speaking truth Me. He-man?”She again asked him to confirm.

“Yes I am not speaking any lie; and truly she is my mum madam”

He then stopped the car in the portico.

Miss. Honey parked her car at the bungalow of Hasina.

On seeing Dr. Jasmine, Hasina came out and received her quite affectionately.

“I beg your pardon Madam Justice; and kindly instruct your beloved son I mean Dr. He-man either to go to his reading room or lawn for some time, as I want to discuss an important issue with you madam”

“Sure Jasmine” Hasina assured her.

She suspected that something went wrong with him; maybe he might have miss behaved with Miss. Honey. She looked at him seriously and she shouted him to go to lawn and stay there, until he was summoned.

Accordingly he went to lawn. “You are not special Honey and of course we need not tell you separately. Please wait in the reading room till I call you” Mrs. Jasmine instructed her seriously.

Miss. Honey went to the reading room. She was utterly disappointed and felt humiliated as her mum belittled her in the presence of both Hasina and Mr. He-man.

Miss. Hasina took Mrs. Jasmine to her personal suit room. After they were served snacks and coffee by the servant maid, they both interacted acted for about half an hour and decided at first to know their opinion regarding their further studies, carrier and about their personal life too.

Later they called Mr. He-man first to know about his relation with Miss. Honey. He was firm in his stand; and told them that he was in deep love with his Miss. Honey. They instructed him to wait to know their final verdict.

Then it was the turn of Miss. Honey and she was also subjected to many questions; and they came to know about her stand also. She was also asked to wait out till their fate is decided.

Later both Hasina and Mrs. Jasmine discussed at length and finally came to a unanimous decision.

Mrs. Jasmine and Miss. Honey went to the jurisdiction police station in their car; whereas Hasina and Mr. He-man went to city to meet an advocate in their car.


Chapter: 36

Dr. Raj received a SMS message to his mobile phone, which reads as “Done as instructed sir”

On seeing the message his face became pale. He immediately dialled backed to the person who informed him the result about the worked entrusted to him.

“Idiot you are thoroughly useless; and a simple task you couldn’t do it. What a bloody shame on your part! You better leave the city at once; otherwise you will land in trouble” On hearing the other side, Dr. Raj fired at him and warned him sternly.

It was about the same time there was a flash news of a head on collision of lorry and a car at the U turn in the city, resulting in the instant death of two of the inmates of the car; the same was scrolling in the TV channels. And the car belonged to a cardiologist Dr. He-man.

Dr. Raj switched off the TV with the remote.



The Assistant commissioner of police along with his staff surrounded the bungalow of Dr. Raj.

It was not a surprise for Dr. Raj. In fact on seeing the scrolling news in the TV channel he expected it.

“Mr. Raj do you know these people?” The ACP showed the lorry driver and two of the hired assassins to him.

“I am sorry Mr. ACP, I don’t know them and in fact I am seeing them for the first time”

“Then can you explain why your number is displayed in their mobile phones?”

“I have engaged a goods vehicle to bring medicines required for our hospital and to transport oxygen cylinders to our operation theatre.

But they are confessed that they were engaged by you only to kill the inmates of the car and the contract for these murders was for rupees fifty lakhs and we have also seized the advance paid by you”

“I am sorry, do you mean to say that I engaged the hired assassins by spending rupees fifty lakhs only to kill the professional offenders of the cars theft,?

“No you have perfectly planned and engaged the services of the hired assassins to kill Dr. He-man, but fortunately he and his mum are saved and the unfortunate some unknown young offenders are killed mistakenly” The ACP revealed his investigation findings.

By then the newly wedded beautiful couple Dr. Honey and Dr. He-man along with Dr. Jasmine got down their vehicle in front of the bungalow of Dr. Raj.

“Mister ACP, now I put it to you, let Mr. He-man and my daughter speak against me or express even an iota of suspicision over me” Dr. Raj challenged the cops.

On seeing Dr. He-man and his wife Mrs. Honey in bridal dress, the ACP could understand that it was wrong time he laid his hands on Dr. Raj without foolproof evidence. And he left him and went away seriously.

Dr. Raj slapped Mrs. Jasmine, but he did not notice the advocate commissioner, and also the two cops appointed by the city civil court for providing protection to the newly wedded couple.

The court commissioner and the cops were stunned on seeing the unusual and the most heinous act committed by Dr. Raj against a lady doctor, though the latter was of course his wife, which showed them his male chauvinism.

For Mrs. Jasmine it was a great shame, which she never expected but experienced in the presence of the newly wedded couple, besides the court commissioner and the cops.

Mrs. Honey and Mr. He-man, who were in bridal dress with garlands round their neck in the typical Indian style also felt unhappy with the aggressive behaviour of Dr. Raj.

They couldn’t even think that he would stoop down to raise his hand against the generous lady.

The advocate cum court appointed commissioner and the cops raised their voice against Mr. Raj.

“Oh! My gracious and intelligent gentle lady you have come prepared with all paraphernalia to battle against me. And you even forgot our thirty years of marriage bond; and I expected it since you are not an ordinary woman, but an iron lady and a warrior queen. Shit, it is bloody shame on my part to say that you are my wedded wife” He spoke in terrible irritation.

Mrs. Jasmine requested the court commissioner and the cops to leave the bungalow at once, as their presence was not at all required and that she would handle the situation quite politely and amicably as it appeared to be her family matter and besides a issue sensitive.

Mrs. Jasmine as usual expected that Mr. Raj on seeing the couple would upset and pounced upon her making all allegations against her only. She controlled herself and didn’t spell out a single word against him, as she understood his rebellious attitude, self proud and egoistic behaviour more than anybody else.

And she tried to take the newly married couple inside the bungalow, but Dr. Raj objected them seriously; and he raised his hand against Mr. He-man forgetting that he was their son in law.

“I say stop it Mr. Raj, that is the reason why Hasina got appointed the court commissioner and requested the protection of the cops to the newly wedded couple.

Having trusted you, I have withdrawn the court commissioner and the cops, but you are not behaving gently. Is it the way to receive the newly wedded couple? They haven’t committed any crime Mr. Raj. After all they loved each other; and I am only instrumental in solemnised their wedding” She said positively.

“That is the greatest blunder you have ever committed Mrs. Jasmine”

“Yes the only blunder I committed is still I have been believing you knowing full well your selfish heart      Mr. Raj. Even at this age also there is no repentance and reformation in you; and your poor daughter has blindly believed you; and still she has some hope that you would honour and acknowledge her love and bestow your warm love and affection towards them, but it is proved to be in vain; and your innocent daughter never knows the inner side of you. Anyway it is not fair on my part to expose you before our son in law. It is their life; and they have decided to live together.

And my guess is a right, as to why their marriage is solemnized in registrar’s office; and is filed in the court to provide advocate commissioner and protection of the cops as advised by Hasina; and the city civil court has appointed a commissioner to give protection to the newly wedded couple; and to handover their academic certificates and passports which

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