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course I have collected all the evidences against him, through private detective agencies to fix him; and his wife Mrs. Sobha came to know all his clandestine activities and the later punished him by neck him out from her home.

Mr. Raj you couldn’t understand the fact that apparently I was appointed as PS to MD. But it was only a cover job. In fact I was assigned the duty of vigilance over his family members not only to prevent them from committing great blunders, but also protect them from involving in criminal activities.

Mr. Gentleman realised that it was high time for him to put his family on right track, because in the initial stages he kept himself busy in expanding his business empire; but when he realised his responsibility it was out of his control; and everybody in his family in one way or the other had been committing not only grave mistakes, but also some of them had committed serious crimes, even at the stake of their family’s reputation and at the cost of their Great business Empire, leaving morals and ethics to dogs.

And at this stage, the MD of the GM Group of companies chose to appoint me to save the sinking ship of his both his Business Empire and so also his family; and he finally taken my services only to hold back the falling reputation of the GM group of companies in the business Globe and to restore the reputation of his family among the billionaire families in the world.

I tried my best, but I too could not rise up to his expectations and couldn’t do hundred percent justice to set his family in right track in my tenure; and hence my MD finally took a drastic decision of crucifying himself for his family and for its reputation in the aristocratic society”

“Stop it Jasmine. I am not a stupid to believe it. Which fool would appoint a vigilance officer to spy over his own family? What a wonderful story are you narrating me Mrs. Jasmine?” He lost his patience and cornered her.

“You are wrong Mr. Raj; and in fact I need not tell you all these things and perhaps I have done a mistake to expose the family secrets and about the personal life of Mr. Gentleman to an insensible human like you but for nothing in return; and you don’t know the meaning of trust and belief he had in me.

Mr. Raj you don’t know what exactly the meaning of vigilance and its importance in the development of the great Business Empires”

“What is bloody vigilance? And don’t over pose yourself as if you know everything Mrs. Jasmine”

“Sorry Mr. Raj for your information it is not only to protect the organisation or industry from internal dangers and external threats but also spying from within the blood relations including the family members” She spoke the facts.

“Don’t try to would wink others only for grabbing properties and positions Mrs. Jasmine; and people split on your face”

“Mr. Raj you better go to any of the business school or college and learn about the alphabets of vigilance in industrial sector. Internal danger need not be confined to employees only; it does mean from any blood relatives for various reasons; and it need not be for civil disputes only; but for human jealousies, egos, age-old vengeances and even eye- sour. And sometimes, the blood relations would be win over by the professional rivals, who may engage habitual offenders and professional killers for good ransom” Mrs. Jasmine explained him.


“Wonderful narration Mrs. Jasmine; and then it goes to prove that you are the first lady to sabotage his family’s fortunes, or otherwise how could you get his entire properties registered on your name”

“No I don’t agree with your accusations Mr. Raj; and I have been kept as custodian of their properties only, and as chairman and MD of the GM Group of Companies, I have been takingsalaryonly.

As my monthly perks are evidently not less than that of any employee in the world; and it is more than enough and cores of rupees are all ready there on my name in my bank accounts; and I can only eat two square meals a day and not bundles of currency. Now I hope you understand that there is no necessity for me to stoop down to that level as you have suspected” She took it seriously and said.

“On this Earth, there is enough for everyone’s need but not for their greed Mrs. Jasmine” Dr. Raj said sarcastically.

“I know it is not yours Mr. Raj, but it is a good saying and also a fact cum reality. And it refers to people who are greedy only, but not for people like me, who are truly unselfish” She retaliated quite emotionally.

“I think your MD is not the sole proprietor of all the business establishments of gentleman group of companies, and he has only 51% of the total shares in all his businesses and the remaining 49% is in the name of the board of directors, comprises of his wife children and his son in law. Then how could he unilaterally take a decision by himself and transferred all his properties and shares to you? Why should he nominate you as chairman and MD of his GM Group of Companies?

The reason must be he has an eye over your stunning beauty, isn’t my gentle lady? And is it not a fact that you proposed him to marry you?” Dr. Raj spelt out all his evil thoughts and suspicion revolving around her all through these years.

“Yes, it is a fact I am not the one and the only person admired him and loved him, but everyone who has acquentense with him certainly bestowed their love and affection on him. But he is above human passions and weaknesses.

And my MD was the most honest man and was the noblest creation of God. He was a perfect example for exemplary conduct and character, besides known for his truth and integrity. When his Empire was about to vanish; and the reputation of his family was at stake, he took up drastic decisions not in his personal interest, but in the interest of the honour and respect of the billionaire family, which he considered as the prestige of the Nation also” She spoke about her MD in high sounding words and beautiful phraseology.

“Please stop it Mrs. Jasmine and I know that you are an outstanding student in your educational career, and an expert speaker in oxford English; and If you are still mad after Mr. Gentleman, or fond of him, or fascinated by him, you are at liberty to praise him secretly or before his Hench- men, but not in my presence. I can’t tolerate your speech in praise of him anymore, and you better stop story telling”

“Don’t lose your temper Mr. Raj. What I said is hundred percent true. If you still say it a concocted story I can’t help. But you must understand the fact and truth; and in the case of Mr. Gentleman the truth is the fact, and it is not an abstract but it is very much on record.

It was quite unfortunate to note that both his parents and in laws perhaps didn’t know that marriage was a sacred bond between two people, the man and the woman. They also forgot that marriage couldn’t be between two billionaire companies; and also marriage shall not be or an obligation for status or for protecting properties or for holding power or position in the man created society.

It is also an universal fact that if anybody error in choosing one’s life partner, there might not be a chance to rectify it especially in Indian society, by choosing another one afresh because of two reasons, one was due to peoples tremendous faith and belief in the sacred bond of marriage, and another one was the law and of course it was very strong, which never simply facilitate anybody to part with; and in the case of Mr. Gentleman, of course the latter was deeply concerned about the name and fame of the two billionaire families, one was that of his parents and another one was his in laws.

There was always some hope among people that certainly there might be some remedy for any decease diagnosed or unknown. But there couldn’t be any remedy for the injury caused to one’s own self, as there couldn’t be any alternatives for such injuries.

Mr. Gentleman marrying Miss. Bharathidevi though he loved Miss. Hasina, whether right or wrong was not in his hands. The truth was that he tried to sail in two boats, one for surrendering to customs and traditions; and another one was he succumbed to his parents’ commitment to welcome Miss. Bharathidevi, the only daughter of their business partner as their daughter in law.

Mr. Gentleman was too good, besides fair and frank; and that he never spoke a lie. Contrary to the bride’s lovely and pleasant expectations on the day of their nuptials, Mr. Gentleman revealed her all about his love affair with Miss. Hasina since his school days. It added fuel to fire, and since then it created a vertical division between them.

If all men and women were alike in thinking, receiving, understand and try to compromise with the need of the hour, there might not be tragedies at all in human lives.

But, in their case also the story of their marriage had neither a good beginning nor a happy ending. Being sensitive and short tempered; and the only daughter and the heir apparent to her father, Mrs. Bharathidevi took it more seriously. She was not a daughter of a middle class parent to compromise with her post marital life; and since that day she never spoke to him; and stayed separately in another suit room, but under the same roof” Mrs. Jasmine waited and took a little pause to have respire.

“It is sheer nonsense; and I wonder how she conceived and begot three children?” He suspected Mrs. Jasmine as she spoke out and out lies.

“Nobody knew their secrets Mr. Raj. And I read his personal diaries. Even at this stage also if I hide truth, contrary to the promised I made to Mr. Gentleman, I will not be forever excused by the world; and if I also don’t reveal the mystery, people will miss the facts and the true story of Mr. Gentleman. And the fact and truth was only known to the newly married, and perhaps the world’s one and the only bachelor couple Mr. & Mrs. Gentleman”

“It seems you are trying to add a unique word like bachelor couple to the oxford dictionary. And wonder what do you mean by bachelor couple Mrs. Jasmine?” Dr. Raj was confused and asked her.

“Yes, they are only couples for name sake, but both are bachelors” She said.

“Wonderful! Have you started writing any story for a film my dear gentle lady?”

“I am sorry to hear such a comment from you Mr. Raj. But for me it is not a story. I truly feel that Mr. Gentleman made an experiment with truth; for which he had suffered the most undesirable self imposed exile, due to the historical blunders he had committed. For which he fought against his commissions and omissions all through his life. His inclination to establish an Ethiopian society against an aristocratic society; and he being champion of justice tried his best to transform the crime minds to humane, but it proved to be a myth both in his case and for his family too.

His struggle all through his life for achieving the highest goal to make his Business Empire as number one in the world; but practically proved to be impossible. It was rated one among the ten only.

He was always used to be reserved; and never opened his mind to anybody. Perhaps that might be one of the reasons why he kept his parents, elders and all his relations and even close friends on both sides away; as he wanted to

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