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avoid unwanted sympathies; and consequent unnecessary self explanations; and he remained isolated from functions; and ceremonies ever since he married Miss. Bharathidevi.

His first commission was that he brought a boy from an orphanage; named the boy as Ram and finally adopted him as his son.

Mrs. Bharathidevi suspected that Mr. Ram was the off spring born to Miss. Hasina and Mr. Gentleman as a result of their love cum lust; and for which she was annoyed; and it further hurt her ego and challenged her womanhood. Consequently, Mrs. Bharathidevi wanted to beget a child as her heir apparent without his cohabitation, but through a donor?

Whether her demand was right or wrong Mr. Gentleman accepted her proposal to have off spring through an unknown donor, which was his first omission. And she begot a female child, i.e. Miss. Sobha.

In order to hold her empire intact, there was express necessity for her to have a male child. Hence she again ran after an unknown donor and this time she begot a male, i.e. Mr. Laxman. It was certainly his second omission.

The third omission was that Mr. Gentleman never showed any ill feelings towards the girl and the boy, but just treated them on par with Mr. Ram as his children and performed their marriages.

But, he failed to adopt the same freedom for himself. He neither utilised his isolation to have conjugal relation with his first love Miss. Hasina, nor did he enjoy with any other beautiful damsel, as he was committed to his first love. In fact Miss. Hasina was ever ready to invite him into her life, and wanted to be at least as his kept mistress; and to have a child through him. But the well cultured and mannered Gentleman never accepted her proposal, as he was a firm believer of the systems of, one love and one marriage in one’s life time.

Though there were good number of reasons for him to give divorce to Mrs. Bharathidevi, but he didn’t, because he wanted to remain as a perfect gentleman, who truly believed in customs and traditions of the Indian society.

The final omission by Mr. Gentleman was that he did not disclose any of these facts even to the children, as he believed that when once the off springs opened their eyes, it was the honour of the mother to show them their dad. And Mrs. Bharathidevi was cleaver enough to declare him as their parent for various reasons, one for claiming legal rights in his Business Empire and the other one for keeping up her status and image in tact in the aristocratic society.

Another commission by Mr. Gentleman knowingly was that Mrs. Bharathidevi wantonly made Mr. Gentleman to do a crime knowing full well was that she convincingly performed the second marriage of Mr. Ram with Mrs. Ritu, the daughter of her cousin brother, and an unfortunate young widow. The apparent cause and necessity she showed to Mr. Gentleman and obligated Mr. Ram was on humanitarian grounds and to give a new life to a young widow. But, the poor chap Mr. Ram became a scapegoat; and he did not understand that it was a baby trap and well planed and pre-planned by Mrs. Bharathidevi and her cousin brother, as the young widow happened to be the mother of two children. The marriage was performed only for holding her estates, industries and properties intact.

The one and only great thing Mr. Gentleman did either knowingly or unknowingly in his life for his person was, he wholeheartedly written in his personal diaries incorporating all his life experiences.

And when I came to know all these things through reading his diaries, he took an assurance from me not to disclose these facts to the wonder world. But now I break my promise as I wished that all his sacrifices should be made known to the world. And I found it could be done only by Miss. Hasina through her writings; and hence I handed over all his diaries to her soon after his death.

And Hasina, who felt guilty of pronouncing the historical judgement of death sentence to his fiancé, decided to impose a true judgement against herself to save the truth and their pious love from the materialistic world, she resigned from the judiciary as she understood that she wrote an error of judgement; and for which she awarded herself as the truth shall alive at any cost or at least to be reborn; and hence she got his spermatozoa preserved immediately after his death; got it fertilised with her ovum; later she conceived and gave birth to a heir parent to Mr. Gentleman and thus she became a spinster mother to Mr. He-man.

Anyway, Mr. Raj now I put it to you that can you honestly certify your virginity from the bottom of your heart?” She put him in an embarrassed situation.

There was absolute serenity and he couldn’t spell out a single word.

“I know Mr. Raj you have no say; and you can’t assure it also. And I am asking you finally one more question. Can you say truthfully that am I the first lady to cohabit in your life Mr. Raj?” She again put him in quandary.

“I know for that matter mostly in the 21st century, no man ever answers honestly, because there are no virgin tests for man. Perhaps nature also showed favour to man and cursed only woman.

Mr. Raj, you must know one thing, I mean in your terminology regarding physical conduct and character, especially before you are belittling noble people and calling orphans as bustards and pious ladies as bitches?” She cut him to size.

“Mrs. Jasmine don’t take my silence, as I readily accept all your accusations against me. For your information you were not one and the only spinster who loved me; and in fact there was a long queue for me; and I had been loved by not only by you but also by many; and so also there were proposals from many spinsters, which list also included some of our classmates. And don’t over pose yourself as you are the one and only the goddess of beauty and a perfect and pious lady” He broke out with all his resentment against her.

“Mr. Raj it is quite unfortunate to hear from the mouth of a classmate cum lover, who is a well educated and more so from a noble profession; and belittling me suspecting my character, about thirty years after our marriage.

Further I pity, as you have failed to understand the fact that most of the women in the world are very frequently deceived by men than the latter by women. And more often than not you have been using the word bitch even for pious ladies; and for your kind information no woman is willingly take up the skin trade, but some are forcibly dragged into the profession by some of the pimps; or those women who are raped at gun point by some roughs like Mr. Rahul; and those innocent minor girls, who are wood winked with false promises, trapped by deceitful means and cheated by polished criminals like Mr. Laxman only turn to be prostitutes, since they may not have respect and ostensible means of livelihood in the society, when once they have been victimised. And you may better go through the past incidents with the perfect statistics by referring the previous news papers for what has been happening in the society and how the innocent girls are often made scapegoats by the inhuman and barbarous men without sentiments” Mrs. Jasmine lost her patience and came out with her emotions rather feelings, unable to bear his male chauvinism and insult in the presence of her daughter and son in law.

She also grew wild over his ado city, as he was trying to corner her time and again referring her character as if she had lost; and finally she threw her medical reports at his face, which truly and scientifically certified her virginity intact.

Dr. Raj felt embarrassed and feeling guilty for the first time. So far he had been seeing in her the best and the richest qualities of a woman, i.e. the enchanting beauty, besides gracefulness and also found in her soberness.

But, contrary to that, for the first time since after thirty years of their marital life, he saw in her a perfect lady, who gave a much taught fight to a husband for honouring the motherhood, whatsoever manner it might be.

“Mr. Raj I forgot to tell you one thing, did you ever ask your mother whether you are really born to your father?”

“Shut up you bitch, what rubbish are you talking?”

“I am sorry; I know everybody would lose temper on hearing the words bitch and bastard. But when once you are just asked, you have lost your patience. In fact I never have anything in my heart, nor I am narrow minded to ask you such intolerable question, but since I know your mind and that you even suspect your mother and sisters also; and now they are really fortunate, as your mother is no more and fortunately you have no sisters.

Anyway it is none of my business to comment about your conduct and character. But I do feel the necessity to clarify all your inhibitions before I part with you Mr. Raj.

And now you please go through this biographical work, written by the famous writer Miss. Hasina; and I hope you will certainly come to know what is an ideal love and your love and the difference between love and lust.

Mr. Raj you will be surprised to know about the two great universal lovers, who never had even a first kiss in their life time, but the spinster lady begot a son to him as his heir apparent posthumously. They are Miss. Hasina and Mr. Gentleman.

Now I hope Mr. Raj you can make out the difference between their pious love and the most heinous lust of course which you have been enjoying with me all through these years.

Mr. Raj do you know the last desire of Mr. Gentleman’s, rather request to the jail authorities was to donate his spermatozoa immediately after his death to Miss. Hasina, only to unite us as he believed that ours is a true love; or otherwise I may sacrifice my love for a noble cause. But you have disproved that yours is not a true love, but a lust of course”

“Shut up; and you are talking too much and none sense Jasmine” Dr. Raj got annoyed with her painful and the most heinous accusations.

“Mr. Raj if you still do not believe my version please read her book and you can find the same facts on record.

And finally what I request you is that please don’t distrust the biography of the noble people, because it is definitely written with the facts and evidences only; and the world has accepted the truth therein.

I thank you Mr. Raj for bearing me since after our marriage; keeping the most unbearable and intolerable thing, which I never expect from you, being my fiancé and beloved husband, i.e. suspicion over my character; and struggling within yourself all through these years.

Mr. Raj finally what I want to impress upon you is character means not only physical character, but I do mean that it also includes trust and belief, that is what the women have on men; and unfortunately that is what you do not have on me.

Mr. Raj, I really failed to understand your actual character before our marriage. And also I might be quite poor and immature in assessing you. But now I couldn’t generalise and I dare not say that all men are like you.

Anyway there are no regrets from my side for whatsoever has been happened to me. I have really enjoyed heaven of joy, knowingly or unknowingly with you. Though you have distrusted me, but still I love you; and I am feeling to part with you; and I never and never distrust you, but I am not stonehearted; and I have

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