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that you found out the way that you did about me and Beth. Second, the first time it happened was the night before I met you. I spent the next day sat on your porch because I woke up and she was gone. Thirdly this is not just about me getting in her pants’

‘I know that’ Max cut him off.

‘Good I’m glad because I don’t want you to think that. I am so in love with her it makes my heart ache’

‘It shouldn’t ache when you’re in love it should be soaring’

There was silence for a moment. I dint know what Jackson was going to say. I wanted to sit up and move closer to hear better.

‘What if the person you love doesn’t love you’ I felt like I had just been punched in the stomach.

‘You think she doesn’t love you? Max said. He sounded as shocked as I felt. ‘Did you see the way she reacted the other day when I asked you to leave? She can’t be without you’

‘I don’t doubt that she needs me and I know she feels a lot for me but love, I dunno about that’

‘What makes you think that?’ Yeah what does make you think that it think.

‘I have said it to her about 8 times now and she hasn’t said it back. She hasn’t even looked like she wanted to. I know I’m been all girly and pathetic but she is the only person I have ever said those words to and she looks upset more than anything when I say them’

I wanted to scream at him that he had to give me time. That I would say it when I was ready.

‘Do you remember what I asked you to do that day on the porch?’

‘You asked me not to give up on her’ Max said that.

‘I’m asking you again Jackson. She does love you and she will say it. Give her time’

‘That’s easy for you to say’ he sounded so sad I wanted to cuddle him.

‘Yeah your right but she is just like her mum. Jess took ages to say it too. It’s only been a few months’

‘Yeah I guess’ there was a pause ‘I better get going’

‘What are you doing tonight?’ Don’t say anything about the party.

‘Not much. Probably just hang out with Charlie. I neglected him a bit since Beth got here’

Max laughed ‘Ok well have fun and she won’t be grounded for long’

‘Bye Max’

Then the door closed. I sat up. I couldn’t pretend anymore. Max stood at the door looking at me. Neither of us said anything for ages. He came and sat next to me. I still didn’t say anything.

‘Go’ He said.

‘What?’ I said looking at him.

‘The party tonight, go’

‘How do you know?’

‘Do you think I don’t know when someone is planning on sneaking out? I was a teenager myself once’ I hugged him.

‘Thank you thank you thank you’

‘It’s only for today, your grounded again tomorrow’

‘Understood’ I say getting up and running for the stairs.

‘Oh and Beth’

‘Yeah’ I say stopping at the bottom and turning to look at him.

‘Put that poor boy out of his misery and tell him you love him for goodness sake’

I smiled the biggest smile I have done in a long time and carried on up the stairs.

He was right it was time. I did love him. It was just mean not to tell him.

I phoned Brooke and she set of straight away to pick me up. I got in her car and she shouted that Max was a legend and we left. I got changed in the car as originally planned but now I didn’t have to be home for a certain time and I could enjoy myself.

‘I’m going to tell him’ I said. I felt so happy I could burst.

‘Tell who what?’ Brooke asked a bit puzzled.

‘Jackson. I’m going to tell Jackson I love him’

‘About fucking time’ we both burst into hysterics.


The party was in full swing when we got there. Everyone was in costume and looked amazing. I was in such a good mood. I told Brooke I was going to look for Jackson. I don’t know what happened to her earlier but she seemed more relaxed then she had in a few days. I made a mental note to ask her later.

I walked in the kitchen and got a can of pop.

‘Hey’ someone said from behind me. I turned round and it was Caleb. I didn’t say anything. ‘I was hoping we could talk, you know clear the air’ I was a little scared at the smile on his face but I nodded and he walked out of the kitchen. I reluctantly followed him.

We went upstairs into one of the bedrooms. He closed the door behind him which made me feel uneasy. I opened my can of pop and took a drink.

I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me. Not too close though which was good.

‘Ok’ he started. ‘I just want to apologize for what happened in the diner that day’

‘It’s Frank you should apologize too’ I say.

‘I know and I will. Jack was a good friend of mine and after the incident shall we call it he hasn’t really spoken to me and I would like that to change. Making amends with you might do that’

Just then someone knocked on the door. We both turned to look but nobody came in.

‘So what do you say? Can we make a truce?’

He does seem genuine which I’m surprised about. He is either a good actor or he really wants to make amends.

‘Ok fine. A truce’ I say.

He holds up his drink and says ‘Cheers’

I do the same and take a big drink. I feel thirsty. I dint realise my mouth was so dry.

I stand up to go back and join the party but something is wrong. I go dizzy and slide down the bed.

Just then someone comes in.

‘She bought it then’ said a female voice. I look up and Maddie is stood there.

‘Hook, line and sinker. I think I missed my calling as an actor’ he laughed.

Then realisation set in. He had drugged me. But how? I opened the drink myself.

Maddie came over and put her face close to mine.

‘What….How…..?’ I try to speak but it’s getting harder to do anything.

‘I knocked on the door so when you looked he could slip something in your drink. All he had to do was get you to say cheers’

I started to panic but I couldn’t move.

Maddie stood up and walked back over to Caleb ‘Make it hurt’ she said to him then left. I was alone with Caleb. I knew what he was going to do to me and I was powerless to stop it. He walked over to me and pulled me up by my hair. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Maybe the drugs were blocking the pain. Once I was on my feet he punched me in the stomach. That hurt a lot. I couldn’t scream but I let out a sort of grunting noise.

I fell back to the ground by the bed. Caleb walked over to me and kicked me three times in the stomach and once in the face. I could feel the blood on my face but couldn’t move my hands to find out where it was coming from.

He came for me again and pulled me up by my hair. He spun me and let go and I flew into the wardrobes that were on the far wall. The wind was knocked out of me and I was finding it hard to breathe. He charged at me and caught me before I fell to the floor. He grabbed my hair and hit my head into the wardrobes three times.

Everything started to go dark. I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head. Caleb lifted me up and threw me on the bed.

‘You deserve this bitch’ he said in my ear.

He climbed on the bed and started to remove my shorts. Then everything went black.



‘Come on Charlie’ I shouted up the stairs. I went into the kitchen where my dad was making himself a coffee. I went to the fridge and got out a bottle of water. Me and my dad never really spoke, we did not get on very well.

‘Nice costume’ he said. I was Batman. It was short notice and I didn’t think I was going till a few hours ago. I didn’t have the mask on yet.

‘Thanks’ I said.

‘I heard there are going to be some scouts at your next game’

‘Oh really’ I said. My dad only cared if I was good at football. If I didn’t play then I guess we wouldn’t even speak.

‘They will mainly be there to see the seniors but you give them a reason to come back next year’

‘Yes sir’

Just then Charlie walked in as an army guy. I laughed.

‘What?’ he said ‘it’s all they had left’

‘Let’s go’ I said smiling. ‘Bye dad’

‘Be careful boys’ he said.


When we got to the party I saw Brookes car parked near the gate.

‘Are you and Brooke ok?’ I ask Charlie.

‘Yeah for now. I think considering what I did I was lucky she came and spoke to me. I think were in the place we need to be. I’m not going to crowd her. I’ll let her come to me for now. Then when I think I’m getting somewhere I’m gonna fight like hell to win her back’

‘Sounds like a good plan to me’ I say.

We get out the car and go in the house. Everyone looks amazing and the house is decorated perfectly. I spot Brooke straight away and walk over to her. Beth isn’t with her though.

‘Hey you look great’ I say. She does a little twirl and I laugh. ‘Where’s Beth?’ I ask

‘She went to look for you’

‘When was that? I have just this second walked in’

’Twenty minutes ago’ she says shrugging.

I look around to see if I can see her but I can’t. ‘I’m going to find her’ I say and start to walk round the house but I can’t see her anywhere. I have a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something is wrong. I go out to the garden but she is not there either.

‘Hey Jack’ someone says. I turn around and it’s Jay from the team.

‘Hey Jay have you seen Beth?’

‘Yeah I saw her go upstairs with Caleb about ten minutes ago’

‘Thanks’ I say and head for the stairs. That pit in my stomach just became a cavern.

I try the first door but it’s the bathroom. The next room is a child’s bedroom. The third room is locked. I bang on the door but there is no answer. I move back a few steps then charge at the door using my shoulder. It hurts like hell but the door swings open.

The scene in front of me is like something from a horror movie. There is blood all over the carpet. I look at the bed and Beth is laid on it unconscious. There is blood all over her face and neck. Her top is ripped open showing her bra. Her shorts have been removed but she still has her pants on.

Stood at the end of the bed holding

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