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to that party in the first place she wouldn’t be in this mess. You had no right to adopt her. You’re not fit to be a father’

‘Seriously? You do know we have a child together right? Max retorted.

‘Beth is my daughter’ Jessica spat

‘Since when? You didn’t see her for thirteen years. Not only did you not see her but you didn’t mention her. There is not one photo of her in our house even now. She is only you’re daughter when it suits you. I was trying to do right by her’

‘By letting her see Jack? That boy put her in hospital’

‘What the hell is wrong with you? He saved her’

‘She wouldn’t have been there at all if it hadn’t been for him’

‘Yes she would. She went with Brooke not Jackson’

‘Because you let her’

‘So were back to it been my fault’

‘Guys I’m trying to sleep for fucks sake’ I shout.

‘Sorry’ Max says.

‘Take your fight outside’ I say pointing to the door. ‘And for the record the only person at fault is Caleb’

‘Beth I….’ Jessica starts

‘Out’ I say.

It was so peaceful after they had gone. I was hoping they would stay away for a while.

Brooke and Charlie kept coming by but I told them to go back to school. There was nothing they could do here anyway. Brooke was coming by later with some school work I had missed. It sounded dull but I needed something to keep me busy. I was going insane.

There was a tiny knock on the door and at first I thought I hadn’t heard anything. Then it happened again.

‘Hello?’ I said.

The door opened and in he came.

‘Jackson’ I breathed. I don’t know why but I burst into tears. He was next to me in two strides. He put his arms around me and I felt safe again. I moved over on the bed and he sat on it with me. We sat there for a long time. My head on his chest and his arms holding me. I looked up at him and noticed how bad he looked. He hadn’t shaved and he had big bags under his eyes like he hadn’t slept at all. He also looked incredibly sad. I never wanted him to let me go.


I don’t know how long we sat like that but it was the happiest I had been since this all happened. Having him back was the best feeling ever.

The door opened but I didn’t look to see who it was.

‘Jack?’ Max said. We both looked now. Max walked over and pulled Jack into a hug. ‘I’m glad you’re out. I tried so hard to help you’

‘I know they told me. Thanks’

‘So what happened?’ I asked holding his hand. He pulled it away from and went and sat in the chair. What was that?

‘I’m not sure exactly. All I know is Caleb dropped the charges’

‘He was probably told to by his lawyer. Your stories matched perfectly and Caleb is now been charged with attacking you Beth, no jury would prosecute you Jack knowing you was just saving Beth’

‘How do you know that?’ I asked

‘I did pre law’


‘Yeah but I didn’t like it’ so he went from Lawyer to physical therapist. ‘I’ll go and leave you two to chat. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about’

‘Bye Max thanks again for everything’ Jack said. I smiled at Max and he was gone.

‘Are you ok?’ Jackson asked from the chair.

‘Yeah I’m fine’ I lied.

‘Don’t lie to me Beth. I can’t handle anybody else lying’ He said getting up and pacing the room.

‘Ok ok’ I said trying to calm him down. ‘I hurt everywhere. I have the worst headache that just won’t go and every time I close my eyes I see his face staring back at me. It makes it hard to sleep. All I wanted was you and my own mother kept you away. I feel like complete shit Jackson but I’m also grateful that you got to me in time’

‘In time’ he snapped ‘I got there and he was about to…… you were covered in blood and you wouldn’t wake up. I didn’t get to you on time.’

‘It would have been a lot worse for me if you hadn’t got there when you did’

‘You’re just trying to make me feel better’

‘Wow you really are having your own little pity party aren’t you?’


‘Why would I make you feel better? I’m the one who was beaten up and almost raped. I’m the one who is still in hospital’ his face softened slightly ‘you’re supposed to love me and make me feel better and safe yet here you are making it all about you. Just kiss me and tell me that you love and you’ll never let anyone hurt me again. If you can’t do that then fuck off cos I can’t make you feel better when I feel like shit’

He didn’t know what to do. I could see on his face that he was struggling and I suddenly felt really bad for shouting at him. I was actually starting to panic a bit. What if he left just like I told him to?

‘Jackson please look at me’ he closed his eyes and lifted his head then looked at me. ‘When you walked in here I have never been more relieved or happy about anything ever. I felt safe again. None of this was your fault. I started it at the diner. I should never have hit him in front of everyone’

‘That doesn’t give him a right….’

‘….I know that Jackson. I’m not making excuses for him I’m making them for you. This was not your fault it was his’ he moved a few steps closer to me.

‘When can you leave?’ he asked.

‘Soon I think. I can’t use crutches because of my wrist which means I need a wheelchair’

‘I should have been paying more attention while I was driving’

‘The only thing the car accident did was the leg and the dislocated shoulder which I was in a coma so I didn’t feel that. Caleb did the ribs and the wrist. You got hurt too’ I said pointing to his arm.

‘Yeah my dad is not impressed my football season is over’

‘Do you care?’

‘Not really’ he said shrugging ‘I don’t think I will be able to push you in your wheelchair though’ he smiled but not fully.

I smiled back ‘Brooke can do it. She owes me for getting her home the other week’

He chuckled ‘that’s true’ he said.

‘Please don’t leave me’

‘What?’ he says coming closer to the bed.

‘I feel like you were trying to break up with me before’ I say looking right in his eyes. I remember the first time I looked in them on the Beach.

He doesn’t say anything.

‘So you were trying to break up with me?’ He still doesn’t say anything ‘were or still are?’

‘I don’t want to lose you Beth but’

‘But’ oh no no no no no

‘I just need’ he stops.

‘You need what? Come on tell me why you’re breaking up with me while I’m in a hospital bed’

‘Beth’ he said reaching for my hand. I pulled it away. ‘You don’t know what I went through’

‘Then tell me’ I pleaded.

‘I just need some time to process all of this’

‘You need time?’

‘Beth please’ he said coming closer again.

‘You know what I’m going to make this real easy for you, it’s over, get out’

‘No wait come on’

‘Get out’

‘What’s going on?’ said Brookes voice from behind Jack. I didn’t hear her come in. ‘Jackson your out. You look like shit. Charlie is on….’

‘Jackson’ I say interrupting. He looks at me and I start to cry. ‘Please just leave’

A single tear runs down his cheek. We stare at each other for a few minutes then he nods and walks out the door.

I start to sob uncontrollably. Brooke comes and sits next to me and I cry on her shoulder for what seems like hours.


Three weeks have passed since that day in the hospital. I miss him more every day. We have had no contact since that day and it kills me. Brooke says he isn’t doing much better than I am.

I got the cast off my leg today and had a boot fitted which means I can finally walk. I still have the cast on my wrist though. That was a bad break.

Getting the cast off means I have to go back to school tomorrow which means I will have to see him.

I was trying to forget about it till I had to deal with it by doing the work Brooke had brought round for me when Paige came in. She sat on the bed and waited for me to look up.

‘Their arguing again’ she said.

I felt sorry for Paige, I had messed everything up.

‘What about this time?’ I asked

‘Because Daddy adapted you without asking’

I smiled 'its adopted'

‘Adopted’ she mouthed the word silently.

‘What does that mean?’

‘It means he is my dad too’

‘Really? Why is Mummy mad then? Doesn’t that mean we are a proper family?’

‘Mum doesn’t see it like that’ I went and sat next to her. ‘I’m sorry they are fighting a lot it’s my fault.’

‘You miss Jackson’ it was completely out of the blue.

‘What makes you say that?’

‘I hear you crying and you look sad all the time. You were happy with him’

‘He made me very happy. I miss him every day’

‘He will come back to you. He is your prince’ she sounded so sure.

I didn’t want to talk about Jackson. ‘Do you want to watch a film before bed?’

She nodded. ‘Go pick one then’ and off she went.

Two hours later and Max came in. The film had just finished and I was starting to get tired. Paige fell asleep fifteen minutes in.

‘Want me to move her?’ He asked.

‘No she is fine’ I said. ‘You and Jessica need to stop fighting she is getting worried’

‘I’ll talk to her’ he looked so angry lately and it was my fault. He said goodnight and then left.


Today was going to be one of them days. My alarm hadn’t gone off so I was up late. Jackson hadn’t bothered to check so had gone to school without me. I was still living at his house while my mum got better. I saw her last week and she looked great.

I couldn’t wait for her to be better so we could go home. Jackson was different since he went to jail. He wouldn’t talk to me about it or the fact that he and Beth broke up. I tried so hard to get him to tell me what happened. It was obvious it was killing him and yet he wasn’t doing anything about it. It was so odd.

I finally got to school just before the first bell which meant I had five minutes to get my stuff ready. I noticed Jackson at his locker so I went over.

‘Dude thanks for waiting this morning. My alarm didn’t go off and I was nearly late’ I said. He didn’t even look at me.

‘But you weren’t late so whatever’ he turned around and stopped dead. I followed his eyes and Brooke was standing behind him with Beth. She still had the pot on her hand but she was wearing some kind of boot contraption on her leg. Jackson did not say anything. He just stared at her.


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