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he reached for it, she fled from her hidden spot, using her mind to snatch the knife from the bully’s hands and into the nearest tree trunk. To the surprise of all, it did.
She stared into the bully’s shocked eyes and told him in her mind. Go away and leave us alone!
Shocked at hearing her voice in his head, the bully ran away, leaving TJ to tend to a very frightened Charlie Reynolds.

“Do you remember what happened next?” Hachi taunted. “Why his mind freezes up whenever he’s confronted with danger?”
TJ wasn’t fooled when she shook out of the trance. This demon wasn’t going to get to her. She looked at Charlie, whose soul was slowly being taken by the Banshee. His eyes were wide open with fear, and sure enough, hollow. Just like the first time she used Telekinesis against that bully. His mind was frozen and it was up to her to get him out of it.
“I do remember.” TJ supplied. “I held him close to me, whispered a few choice words and healed him with a kiss.”
“His fear is all your fault.” The Fear-Wraith accused again. “Admit it.”
TJ turned on him, scowling. “I couldn’t just let him die! He was my brother, and I loved him!” She looked to Charlie again and willed herself to go to his side, far from the Fear-Wraith. She continued, watching Charlie’s face with a heart full of love for him. “It was forbidden to love him the way I did, but I did. I still do.”
Eyes on the Banshee, she said simply. “He’s mine. I’m sorry, but you can’t have him.”
With a wave of a hand, a strong gust of wind threw the Banshee away from Charlie and into the point of Jammins’ out-stretched sword. The Banshee shrieked one last time before turning to dust.
TJ finally saw her mother atop Jammins’ horse. She looked a little weary, but she told her daughter in her mind. Call the Destruction Chant to get rid of the Fear-Wraith.
TJ nodded, summoning up the magic and willpower before she repeated it many times. The Fear-Wraith known as Hachi cried out as he disappeared.
Jammins and Julie sat on his horse, watching as TJ bent to the ground beside Charlie.
She sat him upright against the tree and kissed her Protector’s lips. For a moment, all time stood still.
Come back to me, Charlie. TJ sent to him in her mind. Think of me and our love for each other. Fear nothing more, for I need you to be strong, my Earthly Protector. I love you.
It was that statement that brought his mind back to the present. His arms reached and found her waist as he deepened the kiss. Taking a chance, he sent a message back to her mind.
I love you, Tamara. Always have, always will.
When they finally parted, Charlie opened his mouth to say something but she silenced him with a touch to his lips. “Later. We need to get home now.”
Charlie nodded and stood with effort, helping her to stand as well. He saw Jammins on his trusty steed and smiled. Jammins winked at him and Julie sighed happily. He pulled TJ closer to his side and kissed her temple. “Come on, let’s go home.”


Omri was pissed now. “Again! How could they do it again!”
He realized the Ancient Mystics and their Protectors were a formidable force indeed. Confuse the Earthly Protector, and the Ancient Mystic comes to the rescue. Confuse the Ancient Mystic, with the Earthly Protector preoccupied, and the Ancient Mystic finds the courage to save him. He didn’t understand it.
Would it ever end? This loyalty the Ancient Mystics have for one another and their Protectors? What was the driving force behind them all, and how could Omri himself use that to destroy them? It seemed nothing could stop them.
Knowing he was defeated for the moment, not to mention mind-boggled, Omri returned to Master Orthos, telling him the tales. He left Orthos and his new comrade-in-evil Lord Bane seething over the information as he sought his vase to sulk.

Part Two:
The Companion Army

Companion Conference

Braken Joel and Nikita found Kitten’s Claw in her garden.
Kitten’s Claw was feeding her infant daughter K’Sarra when she sensed him, and looked up. “Braken Joel and Madam Nikita!” She cried, standing with the kit in her arms. “What a pleasant surprise!”
“We only wish it were for pleasure, sister-heart.” Braken Joel supplied, kissing her on the cheek. “Where is Tobias? There is urgent business to discuss.”
“Can you not discuss it with me?” Kitten’s Claw demanded. “After all I am the Lady of the Feline Village.”
“We mean not to be rude, Kitten’s Claw.” Nikita began. “But there is trouble in this Realm.”
“If you mean Uncle Orthos and the Nightmare King, be assured.” Kitten’s Claw announced. “We already know. As for my husband, and your brother Madam Nikita, you will find him in conference with Young Guardian and Sire Wolf at Stargazer Castle.”
Braken Joel held his temper. He always knew Kitten’s Claw had a mouth on her, but she never spoke to him like that before. “Is our nephew with him?”
“Tiger is training with the Canine Army, aye, Braken Joel.” Kitten’s Claw cooled. “Would you like me to escort you there myself? I could use a visit to the Canine Valley to see Katherine.”
“Only if you are up to it, sister-heart.” Braken Joel supplied.
Kitten’s Claw smiled. “On one condition, brother dearest.” Braken Joel and Nikita waited. “You acknowledge your new niece.”
Braken Joel laughed, taking the kit from his sister’s arms. “I would be glad to.”
Young K’Sarra cooed, grasping and pulling at Joel’s whiskers. He wrinkled his nose, kissing his niece’s hand as he pulled it away. That only made her giggle more.
“Lead the way.” Nikita grinned, watching the scene.
Just as Kitten’s Claw had said, Nikita found her brother talking with the Sire of the Canine Valley and Young Guardian herself. After Kitten’s Claw took her daughter back, she left to find her twin, and Joel’s other younger sister Katherine.
Braken Joel and Nikita went to them, and saw they weren’t alone. Wolf’s new Page, Red Wolf Moondancer was with them, along with the Elder Companions, Sir Sheldon Stargazer, Wolf’s father, Sir Nathaniel White-Snow, Toby and Nikita’s father, Young Guardian’s consort the Protector, Sir Chase and Madam Celeste Moondancer, Red Wolf’s parents, and Panther Grey. The Shadow and Young Guardian’s twin the Grand Magus sat with them as well. Even his own foster-father, the Elder Braken Hawk was there.
Braken Joel feared he may have been too late as he looked around at the solemn faces gathered at the table. Orthos must have already done something big to bring felines, canines, and Earthbound Crusaders together in one place.
“I hope we are not interrupting anything?” Nikita asked, making the group look up.
“‘Kita!” Tobias White-Snow rose and hugged his sister. “What brings the two of you here from so far?”
“I had a vision of Orthos and the Nightmare King.” Braken Joel supplied, eyeing Young Guardian. She was frowning. “I suppose you know more about this than we do?”
Young Guardian nodded, but it was the Elder Braken Hawk that spoke.
“You are right, as always, Joel.”
“What are you doing out of the Epsilon?” Joel asked him. “Where is my Lady Mother?”
“I was called upon by Lord Guardian himself.” Braken said. “Mystica just gave birth to my own true-son, and was too weak to travel. Princess Sarabeth is acting nursemaid.”
Braken Joel stared. I have a half-brother?
“I know what you are thinking, Joel.” Braken smiled, clasping a hand on Joel’s shoulder in assurance. “You are my Heart-Son, and I have loved you since you were born. I always will, no matter how many true-sons I have. You will always be my son.”
Braken Joel nodded, his heart warming. “What is your true-son’s name?”
“We have not named him, yet.” Elder Braken Hawk supplied. “Your Lady Mother insisted her first son name him, because you were both first-sons in each of your birth-Realms.”
Joel put a hand to his heart and grinned. “I would be honored, Father Hawk.”
“It would seem our ranks are growing at the same time we are at war.” Sir Sheldon hoped to change the subject. His own son Wolf nodded his agreement.
“Which brings up an interesting point.” The Grand Magus supplied, eyeing her twin. Young Guardian rolled her eyes when her sister went on. “While we fight in this war, where are all the Young Companions going to go?”
“May I make a suggestion?” Panther asked.
“Go ahead, Panther.” The Protector nodded.
“If the Underground is still under the Goddesses protection, why not hide them there, so they would be safe?” Panther suggested, looking around.
All heads nodded, the canines growled their approval and the felines purred theirs.
“One problem.” Chase Moondancer growled above the commotion. “Who would care for them? The majority of us will be in battle.”
“Those who don’t want to fight with us, like my wife Marie.” Panther said, then looked at Toby. “I know Kit’s not much of a fighter; not as a new mother, anyway.”
“Katherine is a new mother as well, of twins no less.” Wolf told his Heart-Brother. “Would you have her watch as well, knowing she is a brave fighter?”
Panther sulked. “Heart-Brother –”
“Stop it, both of you.” Young Guardian spoke up, shaking her head. “I’m sure we can round up a few of the non-fighting women to keep watch over the Young Companions in the Underground.”
“Mystica will be more than willing, as well as Sarabeth.” Braken Hawk announced. “I will speak of this to her, and tell Lord Guardian her decision.”
“Thanks, Braken.” Young Guardian announced with a smile. “Based on what we heard from our new Crusaders, Orthos has made his first official moves on us.”
“Has he declared war, or is it just to rile us up?” Sir Nathaniel asked, hissing.
“As far as I know, he’s just playing games for now.” Young Guardian told him. She turned to her twin. “Did you want to tell them, or should I?”
The Grand Magus shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll tell them.”
She went on to tell them what Orthos and Omri’s Fear-Wraiths tried to do to Jammins, Julie, TJ, and Charlie.
“The Banshee that attacked Charlie had to be Kasha.” They heard a female voice speak up. When each looked, they gasped. It was Sabrina, the former Maiden of the Dominion. The fire-demon Cyrix was behind her.
The Elder Companions hissed and growled at the sight of both of them. Young Guardian and the Protector stood up for them.
“It’s okay.” The Protector said. “Sabrina’s on our side, now. So is Cyrix.”
Wolf stood in front of Sabrina and growled. “How can we be sure?”
“I can sense it.” Young Guardian growled back, leering at her canine Companion friend.
After a minute, Wolf sat down, but still eyed Sabrina with hatred and suspicion.
“What else do you know, Sabrina?” The Grand Magus asked.
“Kasha was one of the Dominionites I brought back with me.” Sabrina said. “Along with Cyrix,” who nodded, “Vino, and my maidservant, D’Kora.”
“I destroyed Vino.” Red Wolf announced. “Did you know that?”
“I suspected, when I could no longer sense him.” Sabrina remarked.
“What do you know of your father’s plans?” Chase wondered.
“He will indeed bring back the Stalkers..” Sabrina said softly. “As you know, he already called upon the Djinn god Omri to befuddle your minds.”
“As you know,” Shadow echoed sarcastically. “It didn’t work.”
“Aye, I know.” Sabrina smiled. “I also know something else he does not realize I do.”
The group waited eagerly, staring at the former Maiden of the Dominion and Unknown. Sensing something
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