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be impressed upon; and for your kind information I am fifty plus. Anyway thanks for attending my interview and you can go now my gentle lady” He concluded.

She was not that stupid to understand his opinion; and consequent her result. She realised that she made a mistake. She was about to leave his chambers painfully, as she had hundred percent hopes in herself, but it was quite unfortunate that she never thought that her dress code only spoiled her fortunes.

“I am sorry sir” She said in modesty.

“It’s okay, anyway I consider you for the post of Manager in my office, are you interested to join my gentle lady?” The chairman waited for her reply.

The HR head expected that she would honour the offer.

“No, sorry sir, I have applied for the post of lady secretary with highest perks and privileges and now if am considered for the lower post I feel that it would be a dishonour to me personally sir? And I express my unwillingness to yield for a bargain sir. Anyway I thank you very much sir” She frankly answered him and left his chambers.

“I think she is quite arrogant women sir” The HR. head passed a comment.

“No not at all and in fact she is a good choice, but really we missed her. I would not have commented her. I must say sorry. Though she did her MBA in London she didn’t pose or exhibit any style or at least its shade. She wanted to prove herself 100% Indian. She is perfectly suitable for our requirement. It is really our bad luck. If possible please call her back” The Chairman said in repentance.

The HR head tried to call her back through his mobile, but in reply she switched off her mobile.

“Sorry sir she is not responding, it seems she has switched off her mobile” The HR head told the chairman.

“I think she is seriously hurt by my interaction in the interview and perhaps my offer of lower grade post also might have hurt her; but not responding is really intolerable and now really it is her bad luck and I admit that she is really headlong and she doesn’t know manners and please call the next” The Chairman instructed him.

Now there was a call for the last candidate of the day.

On hearing the last call, one beautiful damsel, clad in formal dress with a blue coloured pant, a light sky coloured full hands shirt in tuck up with a neck tie and having a matching blazer, tapped the door and entered the chamber of the Chairman of the GM Group of Companies.

She was taking heavy breath and sweating.

Mr. Gentleman raised his head and found her. He offered her a chair and gave her a glass of water.

“Thank you sir” She said humbly.

“Why are you sweating, being in centrally air conditioned chamber?”

“I have just walked to the venue, that is why I am little tired sir”

“There are six lifts available in the gentleman towers and why have you not come by lift my gentle lady?”

“Yes of course, but all the six lifts are defunct. When I reached the venue, it was 12 minutes to 1100hrs, the scheduled time given for attending interview and hence I have no other way except to walk till to the twelfth floor sir”

“Oh my God, you being a lady walked 12 storeys. Why have you taken such a risk my gentle lady?”

“It is nothing for me sir, I used to jag more than this daily to keep myself fit”

“At least you would have informed me, isn’t it?”

“I am sorry sir, I am attending an interview for the post of personal secretary and it means I am supposed to assist my MD in his day to day engagements, appointments, seminars, video conferences, press meets, and such other important business activities. If I call him for my help means, it is nothing but I would be a dead wait to him sir” She said quite politely.

“Beautiful analysis; and by the way there is a provision to come by drive either by car or by motor bike to my chambers you know”

“Sure sir, but that facility is provided for you only. And even if I avail the facility, it may disturb the environ as mine is a sports bike; which creates huge noise and hence I chose to walk sir”

“You are Miss. Jasmine, isn’t it?”

“Yes sir” She answered him politely. “Nice name, I mean a fit name to a fitting personality, and I whole heartedly appreciate your parents for having chosen a nice name to you”

“Thanks for your compliments”

“Miss. Jasmine I have seen your CV and learnt that you have done PG in general surgery. Then why do you prefer this job? You can as well join in any of the reputed corporate hospitals or you yourself can start a Nursing Home and earn more, is it not? Or aren’t you interested in your profession?” He expressed his doubts.

“No sir, in fact I love my profession; and I am not leaving my profession at all; nor do I neglect the poor and the needy”

“But how is it possible, when once you join in my office?”

“It is possible sir, as an employee I have definitely my job chart and timings, and after my working hours in the office are over I can attend to my profession sir”

“But the service rules and code of conduct will not permit you to do another job or business, whether it is civil service or private job you know?”

“I do admit your objection sir, but I am not practising my profession for earning. I am only doing voluntary service to the aborigines, the rural poor and the needy, which fall under below poverty line” She said one and the only answer.

“I think your ideals are certainly to help the people living below the poverty line, which is one of the manifestos of the communism. So I think you are influenced by left parties, am I right my gentle lady?”

“Sorry sir, I hardly know the ideologies of any political parties. In fact, as a medico we used to take an oath to serve the poor and needy and there is nothing new in my concept sir”

“Do you have boy friends?” The Chairman suddenly changed the topic.

“Yes sir I do have”

“How many Miss. Jasmine?” It appears to be a strange and irksome question.

“Sorry if you have any reservations my gentle lady” The Chairman said as precaution, because some questions my not only hurt woman, but also make them burst out, as it happened in the case of earlier candidates.

“It’s okay I never mind to reveal. The number is leaving 30% of the medical seats reserved for girls, the remaining all the strength of my class; and so also with the same equation of my seniors and juniors, the remaining are all my boy friend’s” She said in routine.

“What I mean is, do you have a lover?”

She took a little pause.

“Yah, I do have a classmate and fiancé by name Dr. Raj, and we are in love since seven years” She answered him quite frankly.

“Are you in dating” The Chairman expressed his suspicision.

“No sorry sir, I am truly an Indian spinster and I respect my customs and traditions and I am against dating before my marriage with Mr. Raj is solemnized sir”

“Then how can you sign in my contract and remain as bachelor for ten years without marriage Miss Jasmine?”

“We will wait sir”

“Fine, but are you confident that your bachelor fiancé would wait as for ten years for marrying you?” The chairman put her in quandary.

“I am sure that he will wait for me sir” She answered him with utmost confidence.

“May be you believe him, but I know the mindset of the modern youth and especially your lover boy and I doubt”

“I am sorry; you are wrong sir, especially in assessing my fiancé Dr. Raj. And I can 100% guarantee his conduct and character” She was not annoyed, but answered him firmly.

“But how could you predict his future?” The Chairman again challenged her.

“I have not only studied medicine for seven years but also studied human psychology, especially love and lover’s psychology sir” She answered him quite professionally.

“It’s okay and then I don’t want to comment the world’s greatest lovers like you both. But, I don’t understand one thing that why are you sacrificing your precious life? Is it for making money?” He waited for her reply.

“Sorry sir, when compared to great many noble people like Florence Nightingale and Mother Theresa, who really sacrificed their lives in the service of humanity, I am nothing being a lady doctor sir. And you have asked me that whether I am for money, yes, frankly speaking I do need more money besides speed money too”

“What will you do with such huge money Miss. Jasmine?”

“I want to serve the poor people; attend the destitute children suffering from cardiac problems; treat the neglected, abandoned, diseased and aged parents in our country; and also I want to help the socially oppressed prostitutes and the transgender who are all neglected by the governments and to arrange food, clothing and shelter to all the sufferers; and in order to provide them permanent solutions and finally make them stand on their own, I need to spend crores of rupees sir” She said little emotionally.

“Your ideals are superb Miss. Jasmine, but I doubt whether you stand for my scrutiny of my tests before I consider you for the job?”

“What tests sir?”

“Regarding your virginity my gentle lady”

“What?” Dr. Jasmine was shocked.

“Yes Miss. Jasmine the test is regarding your virginity before employing you as my PS and subsequently for every month before paying you monthly perks, i.e. total annual perks divided by 12 equal shares” He explained her.

So far she considered him not only an elderly man besides a nobleman too. But, now she couldn’t estimate his true character. Why he was so narrow minded? Why he was thinking quite selfishly? And such a proposal of testing virginity of his women employees regularly for every month, appeared to be quite disgrace to the womanhood and rather suspicious too.

“Mr. Gentleman is a nice name sir and I am also convinced at first as you are a perfect gentleman. But now I fear, rather I am forced to question myself as why shouldn’t I suspect your bonfides? Sorry sir before you are asking a woman to prove her virginity, haven’t you forgotten your mother, sisters, daughters, and daughters in law sir? Does the virginity test for women is that necessary and patent in your GM Group of Companies only; and what great is your group when there are much bigger and famous Business Empires in existence sir?”

Mr. Gentleman could see and hear for the first time the reaction of a woman, when she was subjected to such test. And he couldn’t reply her at once.

“Are you scared Miss. Jasmine? Or else are you doubtful about yourself? Anyway you are at liberty to withdraw yourself even at this stage if you do not want to undergo the tests my gentle lady” The chairman of the GM Group of Companies gave her an option.

“Any woman would certainly grow wild and outburst on hearing such an indecent proposal and it is as much as a humiliating test for womanhood sir. One thing I could not understand the necessity for the so called physical tests sir; and further I do not find any reason nor could I balance between the nature of the job you offered to me and the tests you are proposing me to undergo. And I have one more doubt sir, what do you mean by virginity for women in your understanding sir?” Though she said politely, but was seriously waiting for his answer.

He could not spell out anything immediately.

“Sorry my gentle lady; I can’t explain what exactly these tests meant for? But one thing I can say that I have made it a policy in my Business Empire that whenever any unmarried woman is employed in my group of companies she

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