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Book online «The Rising by Miki Graham (popular novels TXT) 📖». Author Miki Graham

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hurt, not only by me but my friends to. Bitch!

I sighed and walked off. Great now im gonna get hurt cause----- why am I blaming them. This is my problem not theirs. I shall endure it. Once I was at school I saw flyers all around. It was a picture of me and Shawn kissing in his car. The flyer was worse then its picture.

Don’t fall for this bitch! She will hurt you like she did me! She slept with a fag and left me on the ground bleeding. That’s a slut for you.
- Dean-
I ripped the flyers one by one and she saw Deans face. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Well getting my revenge my sweet.” he snapped his fingers and all the students it seemed came at his beck and call. shit! I thought
“You’re a liar you know. You wasn’t bleeding on the ground and you know your just mad that you cant get to me now.”
“Oh really? Wheres your boyfriend? Skipping school like always?”
“He had stuff to do.”
“Like smoke weed. Get high. Drunk and bang a chick.”
“No that’s just you.”
A girl close to me grabbed my hair and yelled. “Shut up you whore!”
I pushed her back and glared. “Kinda sad when you need the school against me.”
He shrugged. “I just have lots of friends. Unlike you.”
I just glared.
“Well guys have fun. I see you later sexy.” He winked and walked off.

All day I was hiding. Running and actually in a fight although I lost. I keep getting text messages telling me I need to die or how im a fat loser. I know its words but it still hurts. I came home to an empty apartment. Good now I can cry in peace. I walked to the bathroom of Shawns I stripped down and sat in the now filled tub. I hugged my legs and just cried. I can never leave him. He will follow me till I die. I hate that I met him.
“Samantha? You home?” A voice came. I sat my legs down and washed my face to hide the tears.
“In the bathroom.”
I saw Shawn come in all smiling. “So your birthday is soon….. What do you want?”
I shrugged. “Anything would be ok I guess…” I held my legs tight to my chest. Remembering those text messages. Those punches from people who don’t even know me makes me cry and I didn’t mean to but I did. I hid my face forgetting Shawn was still there. “Whats wrong?”
“Just a bad day…..”

It got worse. I got shoved in the lockers and I got beaten in the bathrooms. Behind the gym anywhere a teacher cant see. I hid my abuse from my friends for as much as I could. I felt happier with them but when I came to school I was alone. I was in the bathroom stalls when I heard girls laughing.
“So what should we do about that train wreck?”
“Don’t know but she just needs to die and I mean soon.”
“We can always run her over or----” They stopped and then laughter came about then they were gone. This pain in my chest can never go away. My parents havent spoken to me in weeks and now my friends don’t come to school to even be here. No one really cares if I die right? No Shawn cares. It was true all this time he’s been cheering her up. I walked out of the restroom and on to class. Once school was over I just walked hands shoved in her jacket and walked until a car came at me, I tried to move but it was to fast. I was on my stomach and I looked up at three mean girls looking at me from their car. “oops sorry didn’t see trash there” Then they threw their cold drinks on me and sped off. I got to her feet. I cried all the way home and didn’t go home at all. Once I got to the apartment I didn’t feel like facing them so I left my bag and ran away. I ran to the park and sat on the bench. I hugged my legs. I was soaked and sticky. My face had marks on it and my body hurt like hell but I don’t wanna go home and tell my friends my problem……
Its gonna be okay…. Right?

Weeks dragged on and she hid all day in the stalls. Scared to face them all. She cried so much that she couldn’t take it anymore. Even Shawn was distant to her. She sat on the bed that was Shawns, still is. It wont be hers for long. She grabbed a stool and stepped on it and put her head through the rope and was about to kick the stool but then Claire came in.
“Sam?” Her voice shook.
“I cant do this. He follows me…..I give up I love you all of you….Goodbye….”tears filled my eyes as I kicked the stool, I heard Clair’s scream and her yelling for help and that’s where it all went dark.

Chapter 5


I heard voices from afar then a boy crying. I felt a hand holding mine. I heard Claires crying. Shane cursing even he was crying. And the boy who was crying and holding my hand was Shawn. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a hospital. I sat up slowly and all my friends then looked at me.

“Your alive!” Shawn cried. Tears streamed his cheeks.
“What the hell were you thinking! Leaving us!” Claire was an emotional wreck.
“We saw that suicide note. Be glad Claire told us before you really died.”
I looked down.
“Whats going on baby.”
I looked at him. “Dean got the whole school against me. I get texts….I get hit….I got ran over by a car……its not just Dean its everybody….. And they are after me cause I left him for a real man. And they hate that I angered him.” I let it all out. I held my face. Then I went on. “I couldn’t take it. You guys were too busy…..I had noone to face. My parents don’t bother to call me……and I just gave up……cause people wanted me gone so I was gonna give them what they wanted.”
“You coward!” Shane spited.
“Shane don’t. Sam is sensitive and she couldn’t handle it.”
“Why didn’t you tell us baby?”
“Because you guys helped me with Dean and I didn’t want to burden you so I thought I could take it then…..I I don’t know…….I guess I am a coward.”
“You try that crap again and im not gonna like you. This crap you pull is a burden to us------”
“but if you would of told us we would of went to school and fixed it! Not let it go so far into suicide!”
I looked at Shane. Of course hes right. I sucked it up and nodded at him. “Your right. Im sorry.”
“Just be glad your alive so you can watch me kick Deans ass.”
Shawn winked. For the first time in forever I smiled a real smile and felt good again.

It was my birthday and my parents still havent contacted me. What asses. I came into the apartment and saw noone was home. I sighed. I got another text. I just sat my phone on the counter and went for the shower. Its been a week since my suicide attempt. What was I thinking. Leaving Shawn to suffer. No way. Before I went in the shower I did exercises in the bedroom. Naked. And of course Shaw walks in on my while I was touching my toes.
“That’s a wonderful site.” He said behind me and then grabbed my butt I snapped up and pulled away.
“Back off perv im doing exercises.”
“Your gross.”
“Your sexy.”
“I love gross.”
“I love sexy.”
“Then we have a deal your gross and im sexy.”
We kissed on it and it got really hot. He lifted me up to have me around his waist and I let him lift me. He laid me down and kissed my neck then my breasts and my tummy and he went in between. I moaned and I was hot red.
“M-Maybe we could have you know.” He stood on his knees on the bed and kissed my breasts once more and looked at me.
“You mean sex?”
I nodded.
“If you want.” He stripped, locked the door, then put me on top of him. He laid on the bed and I sat on him. I was red. He grasped my breasts and squeezed them. I moaned.
I bent down and kissed his neck, found his turn on spot. He flipped me on my back and went in between my legs. He thrusted in me with his fingers. Making me moan a lot.
“Wait I wanna do a position.” He looked at me as he was getting ready to stick it in.
“okay.” He already knew what position- we told each other everything. And I mean everything!-. He flipped me on my tummy and thrust inside me as he leaned over holding my waist. I moaned and it hurt so bad but felt so good.
After the thrusting was done and they were on the bed side by side together panting they looked at each other. “You were amazing.”
He hugged her closer to him. “You were cute making moaning noises. Makes me wanna do it again just to hear it.”
“Secousse.” I sputtered.
“Its French. I just called you a jerk in French.”
“Sweet got insulted in French!”
She laughed. “je t'aime!” I spoke in her sexy French accent.
“Ooooh hot! What does that mean?”
“I love you.”
“Speak more French its hot.”
I sighed. “Shall I call you pig or gross.”
“Hey Shane can be the pig I am gross remember.”
I giggled and hugged him. “ Vous voulez prendre une douche avec moi?”
“Want to shower with me?”
“You just said that in French?”
He hopped out of bed and lifted me over his shoulder and ran to the bathroom. Who knew French could do this to a man. But I liked it. We ended up taking a 3 hour shower cause I kept turning him on by talking French finally we got out and dressed. I came out in a dress shirt. I saw food out and looks like it was home cooked.

“Cela ressemble tellement incroyable!” I smiled as they all looked at me like I was speaking tongues. “I said 'This looks amazing'.”
“In French! Can your girl do that?” Shawn smirked.Shane glared

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