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Book online «The Rising by Miki Graham (popular novels TXT) 📖». Author Miki Graham

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Chapter 1


The lukewarm water felt amazing around all over my body, covering me like a blanket. The falling water going into the tub sounded like a waterfall to her ears, the steam filled the air and fogged up the bathroom so much that she didn’t see her best friend Shane come in. I yelped as I saw his figure coming in. “What the hell Shane!?” he laughed and asked. “You gonna stay in there all day?”

He seemed so amused by my embarrassment. “Maybe! Get out you freakin pervert!”
“Your funny. I have Claire remember? Besides I was just checking on you.”
“Well you checked now leave!”
He laughed and then walked out. I sighed in frustration then got out.

I looked in the mirror after getting dressed. I saw a small face with big blue eyes looking back at me. She had everything I had. Even the worse parts hidden under this make up. I shook my head and came out holding a towel to my head. Once in the living room I saw both the guys look at me.
“So how was the bath little mermaid?” Shawn asked. He was sprawled out on the couch beside Shane. I sat between them squeezing the water out of my long red- brownish hair of mine.
“It was okay. Where’s Merissa?”
“At school.” Shane responded. Shane and his sister Merissa lives here while their parents were in Africa studying the wild. Claire Shane’s girlfriend lives in an apartment below them. It was weird but great too. I guess.
“So is Dean picking you up?”
“No. im taking the bus.”
Shawn looked at me and said. “Wanna eat before you go?”
“No thanks.”
“No have some bacon Sammy.” Shane insisted. Shawn looked at me with pleading eyes.
“Thanks guys but I will eat when I get home. I promise.” I kissed both their cheeks and got up. Grabbed My bag and jacket and when I was at the door Shawn muttered something. I wanted to ask but didn’t need to. I knew he told me be safe or bye for now. Shawn was always so loving to me. “Im on a diet anyways.” I sputtered back to him. “See you at school.” With that I left.

After a mile of walking a car slowed down to the sidewalk and windows rolled down. “Hey I been texting you non stop damn it!” Dean shouted.
I looked over at him then started to walk faster. I kept my head down and walked, but heard the engine stop a car door slam and next thing I knew Dean was grabbing my arm so hard that I knew it was going to leave a mark. I yelped in pain and saw anger when I looked at his face.
“Im fucking talking to you!”
“I know! Im just ignoring you!” That costed me a slap to my face and he pushed me to his car door.
“Don’t talk to me like that you dumb bitch! Now be a good slut and get in the car!”
She stayed and flinched when he raised his hand. “Okay! Okay!” I yelled in sobs. “I’ll get in. Just please stop.”
Once I turned around I felt him pressing on me. “Hold on.” His hands slid to my thigh and went in between. I turned red just then.
“S-stop it Dean. What if somebody sees?”
“Its your fault. Your just so hot!” I started to cry when he started to rub and I pushed him off.
“Stop it I said!”
He got angry again and grabbed my arm. He shoved me in his car and got in himself. “Your giving me sex rather you like it or not! Or I can just beat the shit out of you.”
I gulped and shivered. “My mom wants me home. So does my dad.”
“Tell them your over at a friends! Do it now!”
I got out my phone and looked at it for a minute then looked outside. I could call Shane or Shawn, but then they will know. She looked over at Dean. I bit my lip and when he pulled in his drive way I leaned in to kiss him and then pulled away. “I-im sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Dean looked at her and then said. “You better be. You can really piss me off. Now get inside soon or I will come out here to get you.” Then he left slamming the car door, leaving me to think. I whiped my tears and told myself I did deserve this. I texted my mom telling her im at Claire’s and then went inside to face my punishment.

I sat there on the floor bloody and naked, where he left me to go to his buddys house. I pissed him off again so he got mad punished me and left. I looked out the window and saw it was dark. I put on my ripped clothes and limped out of his house. I limped to the corner of the street when I saw headlights of a car. Of Shawns car. My vision was a bit blurry and my head was spinning. I wanted to cry when I saw Shawn getting out. Shane and Merissa did to.
“What the hell are you doing out here!? And ripped clothes!?” Shane asked. He looked worried and relieved too.
“How? How did you find me.” I sobbed.
“Your mom called Shane and told him about You spending the night with Claire. When Shane called Claire asking how the girl sleepover was doing, Claire didn’t know about it and so we all got worried. Been looking everywhere, called you, texted you a million times. We thought you were dead.” Shawn explained.
“I suggested that boyfriend of yours. They knew where Dean lived so I just tagged along. Claire is at Shawn’s house in case you showed up when we were out. Now what happened.”
“Nothing. I wanna see Claire.” I sputtered and got in. They got into and so they were off.

“There you are!” Claire cried and hugged me. I couldn’t help but to whimper in pain and that made her let go.
“Sorry.” I apologized.
“Don’t be. Tell us what happen kiddo.” Claire sat her down, Shane sat by her and Shawn sat close to me. Merissa climbed in Claires lap.
“I…. its to complicated.” I said and looked down.
Claire frowned and said. “we can keep up.”
I shook my head. I held my head.
“Stop Claire. Let her get rest. She must of gotten into a fit with Dean.” Shawn said and handed me a sweater. I took off my ripped shirt and replaced it with Shawn’s sweater.
“Thank you.”
He nodded. Shane got up and sighed looking at me. “Is it dean?”
“What!?” I looked at him with wide eyes.
“Is he hurting you?”
I shook my head. “I just got jumped is all. You know New york.”
Shane didn’t seem convinced but kept quiet. “Merissa go to your room.”
“No way!” She hugged Claire’s neck.
“Merissa!” Shane bellowed in a mad voice making me jump up to stop him from god knows what he was about to do. “Shane! Chill out!” I yelled at him. He looked at me with black angry eyes, and it scared me that I remembered Deans face. I turned to Merissa and grabbed her arm then pulled her away.
“Hey! Stop it! Let go!!!”
I didn’t. I shoved her in her room. Before shutting the door I said sorry and then closed it. I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard my breathing getting heavy. Getting fast. I was having my attacks. I slid down the door and on to the cold floor. I crawled to the toilet and began puking just randomly too. “Sam?” I didn’t hear the door open but I saw he was standing there with wide eyes. Shawn knelt down to me and moved my hair out of my face. “Are you okay?”
I whipped my mouth and nodded then shook it. I started breathing hard again and then puked in the toilet. I felt his hand on my back and rubbing me like a friend would.
“I hate to see you like this.” He said.
“Then leave.” I cried. My throat throbbed and my stomach felt so empty. Its been two days since I ate. Stupid Dean telling me I cant eat cause im a fat ass is sick. So what my ass is a little bigger and I have fat on me. I cant help that. I held my stomach and threw up again. It was like uncontrollable stuff just kept coming. It hurt so bad.
“Sammy stop your gonna puke to death. Come on breathe with me.” He coached me to breathe and it helped finally I was breathing.
“Thank you.”
“Have you ate at all today?” I shook my head. He held me in his arms. I couldn’t help but to lay on him letting me fall into him. God I wish I had someone like Shawn. He always been with me through the worst times of my life. Like when I got my period or my dad hit me. Which my dad regretted and later told me how sorry he was. Since then my dad never hit me again. But it was Shawn who has been there for me. I wanted to cry so much and I began to. I was lifted up and carried to his room. He sat me on his bed and covered me up. “Stay. Im going to tell Shane your taken care of and make you some soup.” He kissed her head and walked out closing the door.

After eating her favorite soup, red beans and rice with sasuage in it she cuddled up to Shawn.
“Tell me whats up. I promise I wont tell anyone else unless I have your permission.”
I looked at him. “Dean…. He has anger issues. He gets a short temper. Its fine really he just doenst know how to express his love really.”
I saw Shawn looking at me. “Has he been doing this a lot? Show me your injuries.”
I shook my head. “Don’t make me. Please I don’t want to get it again.”
“Get what.”
I didn’t answer. I just wanted to sleep. And he didn’t even push me to tell. He just held me as I fell into a deep sleep.

I got home to see my mom on the couch asleep. She must of waited for my call. I kneeled down to the couch and held her hand. That made her eyes pop and sat her up. “Sammy!?” She hugged me and I held the urge to scream. “I was so worried!”
“I was at Claire’s mama.”
“I know but I still worry!” She held me at arms length. I smiled. My mother has always been a worry wort but she still let me have my own life. She was never over protective. Just protective. My dad, now he was the kind of parent that bitches at you when you’re an hour late. He has a short temper but usually takes it out on the walls instead of me or mama.
“Your father has been worried too. Are you okay my lovely.”
I nodded. “Yes mama. Im fine.” I kissed her head and got out of her grip. “I need to go. You want breakfast?”
My mom pouted and shook her head. “You just got back.”
“Yes but im already late for school. I come home tonight.” I smiled and kissed

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