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Book online «Broken by Vic Johnson (ebooks that read to you txt) 📖». Author Vic Johnson

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She sounded scared. I was scared. I didn’t want her to get hurt. Finally I rounded a corner and there she was. The guy was so close to her. It took everything I had not to run him over.

I got out the car and ran over. He immediately turned around and walked the other way.

‘You will fucking walk away you perv’ I shouted. Beth was shaking. I pulled her into a hug and even though I knew how scared she must have been I smiled. I liked having her this close to me. She was holding on so tight.

‘Are you ok?’ I asked

She tilted her head back to look at me ‘I am now’ she smiled.

I couldn’t help it. I kissed her properly on the lips. My head spun. She was kissing me back. I couldn’t believe it. She put her hands through my hair and I groaned. Nobody had ever had that effect on me before. All too soon it was over, she pulled away.

‘Sorry’ I panted

‘Don’t be’ she said ‘I just don’t want to move too fast. I only broke up with someone a few weeks ago’

‘Ok we will take it slow’ I grabbed her hand and led her to my car. ‘We need to talk though do you have time?’ she looked at her watch

‘Not much time really I’m supposed to be going to this party’

‘Charlie’s party? With who?’ please don’t say another guy.

‘Brooke Steele’ shit this was bad ‘she doesn’t like you’ yep this was really bad.

‘Look whatever she told you’ she held up her had to stop me. We had just pulled up outside her house.

‘I don’t want to talk about it right now, I have to go get changed’ she put her hand on the door then stopped. She turned around and lent over to me. She kissed me once very lightly on the lips. ‘Thank you for coming to get me’ then she got out the car and ran up the drive way and into the house without looking back.


When I got back to Charlie’s he gave me a funny look. I know he wanted to know where I had just been but I didn’t want to talk about it. Even after the horrible things that Brooke must have told her she kissed me back and said she wanted to take things slow. I had never really done slow before but I’m sure I could learn. I would do anything to be with Beth.

When people started to show up I couldn’t help but look at the door every time it opened. After about an hour of disappointments she walked in behind Brooke. She looked amazing. I didn’t care what anyone said I was kissing her again right now. I saw Charlie walk up to Brooke and say hi. I wish they would sort things out. I walked right up to Beth. When she saw me she looked relieved and she smiled. I grabbed her face and kissed her once. It was a long one though.

‘Hey’ she said when I pulled away.

‘Hey’ I said back. I noticed Brooke and Charlie staring at us with their mouths open. ‘Can I get you a drink?’ I asked her.

‘We will get our own drinks’ Brooke said grabbing Beth’s hand. ‘We need to talk’

‘I’ll find you later’ I said to her retreating back

‘Dude’ Charlie said standing in front of me ‘Is that the girl? The girl who punched Caleb?’

I took in a deep breath ‘yep that’s her’

‘She’s hot. I guess she likes you’

‘Why do you think that’ I knew she liked me I just wanted to know what he thought

‘The look she gave you after you kissed her’ He tried to mimic her face which made me laugh. ‘She likes you’

‘Good’ I was relieved that I wasn’t just imagining it.

An hour later and I was bored. Brooke had had enough time with her it was my turn.

Somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them. I felt arms around my neck. I knew it wasn’t Beth because this person was far too rough.

‘Hey sexy long time no see’ shit it was Shelly. She was usually my go too at a party. She was easy.

‘Hey’ I said pulling her arms away.

‘What’s the matter? I thought with Maddy away you would have called’

‘Sorry I can’t’ I said. She looked really sad ‘I met someone’

‘That never stopped you any other time’

‘It’s stopping me this time. I’m sorry’ I said again. Before I even knew what was happening her lips were crushed against mine’

‘I told you’ I heard Brooke say behind me. I pushed Shelly away and spun around and looked straight into Beth’s beautiful but incredibly angry eyes.



I felt sick. I can’t believe I fell for it. I mumbled a goodbye to Brooke then ran for the door which was hard considering all the people at the party. I had just spent the last hour telling Brooke how nice Jackson was and that she clearly did not know him that well. Then I see him kissing someone else. What a douche! I could hear him shouting my name. Shit he was running after me. I got to the gate before he caught me.

‘Please Beth she kissed me I was pulling away I swear I told her I wasn’t interested but she wouldn’t believe me please you have to believe me’ he took in a large intake of breath. He looked so desperate. ‘Come with me’ I let him grab my hand and pull me to his car. He helped me get in and then went round to the driver’s side. After 20 minutes we pulled up at his house. We didn’t go in the house though we went round the back.

In the back was what I could only describe as a big shed. We went in and it was like a boys dream house. It had games consoles and big gaming chairs. It had a sofa and a bed in there. There were posters of bands and various sports teams all around the room.

‘I only sleep in here in the summer it gets too cold in winter’

I nodded my head once then sat on the sofa waiting for him to say why he had brought me here.

‘I know what Brooke told you’ he said pacing the floor ‘Cheated on his girlfriend over and over again. Wouldn’t tell her he loved her. Used girls for sex and enjoyed it. Man whore I think is her favourite description of me. But that was before I met you. Trust me you are all I think about now’

He sat on the sofa next to me and looked me right in the eyes. I could melt in those eyes.

‘I want you so badly that nobody else can even compare. Please speak’ I still hadn’t said anything.

‘I think your lying. I think you want in my pants and are pulling out all the stops because I’m not as interested as the other girls around here and that drives you crazy. You only want me because you don’t think you can have me’

‘Can I have you?’ he asked

‘Half hour ago I was yours’ that wasn’t completely true. I was contemplating been his but to get my point across this was better.

He sighed and sat with his head back. ‘I am never going to get people to believe that I have changed or want to change at least’ I felt a bit sorry for him.

‘You have no one to blame for your reputation but yourself’

‘I know that’ he sat up and looked right at me. ‘I will prove myself to you. I will not be with another girl as long as you are in my life. I will only have eyes for you. You don’t need to be my girlfriend for me to do this. Even if you get a boyfriend that is not me - which I really hope you don’t – I will still only have eyes for you’

‘Wow big speech’

‘I mean every word. I promise’

‘Don’t make promises you can’t keep’

‘I’ll keep it. Just you wait’

‘Why didn’t you love your girlfriend?’ I asked the question before I realised I was gonna ‘I’m sorry that’s none of my business’

‘It’s fine I want us to be completely honest with each other’ he leaned closer to me and grabbed my hand. His thumb started making circles along mine and it sent shivers down my spine. I don’t think he even realised that he did it. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted more then to kiss him I wanted his hands all over me. This is not good!

‘Maddy and me we started off good 3 years ago. We were young and I did not know what love was. I thought I loved her but when I got older I realised that I didn’t. I wanted to. I wished that I did. As we got older we got drama. I couldn’t deal with it all and one night at a party while she was off sulking I met Shelly. She doesn’t go to our school so I figured why not right? I know I was a dick but when I was with her I just forgot about Maddy and the drama. I continued this behaviour every weekend. Different party, different girl. Maddy knew but she never said anything. Then six months ago she told me she loved me and I said aw that’s nice’ he shook his head ‘I felt awful but I knew I had to end it then. It took me till last week to get the courage to do it. She was leaving for the summer so I figured if I did it then she would have the summer to get over me and I had the summer to do what I always do but without the guilt’ he took a deep breath. ‘Then I saw you in Jessica’s car and when you smiled at me it took my breath away. All I wanted to do was kiss you. You know why I kissed you tonight at the party even though everyone was watching?’

I shook my head.

‘Because I can’t remember the time before that’ I smiled ‘it made me feel dizzy. Nobody has ever made me feel the way that I do when you’re around. Just you been here now I feel safe somehow. Like everything is going to be ok’ He put his head back on the sofa. ‘Pathetic right?’

‘No it’s not pathetic. It is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time’ I said. I stared at him for a few minutes. He really was beautiful. He had a strong jaw and big muscular arms that would feel so good wrapped around me. I couldn’t help myself. I shocked myself but I shocked him more. I jumped up and sat on his lap looking directly into his eyes. He had amazing eyes. Then I kissed him. He was surprised for about half a second then started to kiss me back. There was so much passion in his kiss I thought I was going to combust.

I pulled him forward and pulled off his shirt. He was right about his abs. He was buff.

He pulled my top over my head and just stared at me for a second.

‘You’re beautiful’

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