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Book online «Broken by Vic Johnson (ebooks that read to you txt) 📖». Author Vic Johnson

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he said in a hoarse tone.

I kissed him again. He grabbed me under my legs and picked me up carrying me to the bed. I kicked off my boots as we went. He lay me down on the bed and pulled off my shorts. He took off his trousers and lay on top of me. I could feel how excited he was.

‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ He asked.

‘Oh I’m sure’ I replied.


The party was starting to wind down. Jack did not come back so he either got what he wanted out of the new girl or he was rejected and he was home licking his wounds.

Brooke was in the corner talking to some guy. I hate how jealous I got. Maybe Jack was right and I should just tell her how I feel.

I went into the kitchen to start the clear up.

‘Want some help?’ said a voice from behind me that made me jump. ‘Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you’

Brooke looks amazing tonight. She always looks amazing.

‘So do you want some help?’ she asked again.

‘Yeah sure, thanks’ I watched her as she moved round the kitchen. I don’t really understand where it went wrong for us. She was nearly my girlfriend then my folks split and I asked her to wait for me until that was all sorted and she said she would but then next thing she had a boyfriend. We had never discussed it. Maybe we should. I think the alcohol in me was making me brave.

‘Why didn’t you wait for me?’

‘What?’ she said turning to look at me with a handful of bottles

‘When my folks got divorced I asked you to wait but you didn’t’

She looked like she didn’t know how to answer. She put the bottles back on the side.

‘Follow me’ she said. I did and she led me out the front door. We walked down the driveway and she stopped at the gate. ‘You were stood here and I was over there near that tree’

‘What?’ I didn’t understand

‘You asked me to wait for you and I did until the day you were stood here and I was stood by that tree’

‘I don’t understand’

‘My parents had a huge fight one night and my dad he stormed out. I was gutted and really upset. You were the only person I wanted to see so I came to see you. I got to that tree over there and you were stood here with Maria Short’ shit. She stood and waited while I realised what she was getting at.

‘You saw me kiss Maria’

‘Yeah I saw. Here I was waiting for you to want me and you were out with someone else. So I went out with Tommy Dawson on a few dates.’

‘That’s who I saw you with. That’s when I started seeing other people’

‘Why did you go out with her?’

I guess at this point the truth was the best way to go. Maybe she would forgive me.

‘I didn’t know if I was ready yet so when Maria asked me out I said yes as like a test run. I know that’s awful but if I would have asked you out and it hadn’t worked out because I was too screwed up and you ended up getting hurt then I would never have been able to forgive myself’

‘You hurt me anyway. You broke my heart’ a single tear ran down her face. I was at her side in three strides. I wiped the tear away.

‘Brooke Steele you are the most amazing person I have ever met. I miss not having you in my life’

‘I don’t know if I can trust you’

‘That’s fair’ I said although it killed me that she didn’t just kiss me. ‘Why don’t we just start hanging out again, you know get to know each other’

She thought about it for a minute. ‘On one condition’


‘If while we are getting to know each other again you still want to see other girls can you please not do it in front of me’

‘You know if we were together I would never cheat on you?’ She had to believe that.

‘Yeah if we were together officially I would trust you completely but while we are not just don’t rub it in my face’

That seemed fair ‘you have to do the same’

‘I don’t want anyone but you so you don’t have to worry about that’ she turned around and walked back in the house.


When I went to bed that night I felt like things were starting to make sense again. I had missed Brooke so much and knowing that I hurt her made me want to punch myself. I always thought she moved on first but she saw me that night with Maria. I thought I was so careful.

This summer was going to be a lot more fun than I thought. Getting to know Brooke again was exciting. I wouldn’t see anyone else while that was happening. If we didn’t end up together then so be it but I was gonna do my best to make it up to her.

I also had to sort Jack out. Pining over someone he doesn’t even know. That had to be sorted. He couldn’t behave like that. He should just ask her out already. Sleep was not going to come easy tonight.



When I woke I was happier than I had been in a long time. Maybe ever. I turned over and reached out for Beth but her side was empty. I sat up hoping she was just on the sofa or somewhere but all her clothes were gone too. My happy didn’t last long.

I don’t understand. Last night was amazing. After we made love (which was like nothing I had ever experienced before) we talked for hours and then made love again before she fell asleep in my arms. How had she got away without me knowing? I got up and dressed and looked for my phone. When I found it there was nothing. No message saying where she was. I tried to call her but there was no answer. I text her


Hey what happened? Where

Did you go? I was hoping we

Could get breakfast? Let me

Know xxx


I went in the house and went to my room. I got a quick shower and got dressed. I checked my phone. Nothing. I phoned again but still no answer. I went to the kitchen and made some toast.

I don’t understand we had a good night. We had a great night.

I went back out to my den and fired up the PlayStation, which would kill some time.

After a very long hour I decided to give up. It wasn’t working. I was just about to leave when Charlie came in.

‘Hey man’ he said. He looked happy.

‘I’m just leaving’

‘I need to talk to you’

‘Ok’ I sat on the sofa and he sat next to me. ‘What’s up?’

‘I sorted some things out with Brooke last night’ that’s why he is happy.

‘It’s about time’

‘Yeah well do you remember when I went on that date with Maria Short?’ I nodded for him to continue ‘I didn’t know if I was ready to date anyone then and I wanted Brooke so bad that I didn’t want to ruin it by seeing her when I wasn’t ready. Do you follow?’

‘So you were testing the water so to speak?’ why was he telling me this

‘Yeah exactly. Only problem is Brooke saw me kiss Maria that night and that’s why she moved on’

‘Ouch that must not have been very nice for her’

‘It wasn’t. She said I broke her heart’

‘Why are you telling me all this?’

‘You’re my best friend and I had to tell someone. I feel like shit’

‘You look like the cat that got the cream’

He laughed out loud ‘we are not together, yet but now I know it’s going somewhere I’m not as worried or stressed about it. I feel like a weight has been lifted. Even though I’m not officially with Brooke she’s the only one I want. No more girls mate. You’re on your own from now on’

Wow he meant it too. I sat with my head back. Me and Charlie we ruled parties like the one last night. We got any girl we wanted.

‘There must have been something in that beer last night mate’ I said sighing


‘I told Beth that as long as she was in my life I wouldn’t go near another girl. I meant it too. I think I’m falling for her’


‘Don’t look so shocked’

‘Sorry’ he leaned back too. ‘I was going to come here and tell you not to mess this girl around. That it’s about time you sorted your shit out but it seems I don’t need to do that’

‘No you don’t’

‘So what happened?’

‘Well I caught up with her to try and convince her that Shelly kissed me. I was so desperate for her to believe me. I brought her here so we could talk but she said she didn’t believe me and she thought I was just trying to get in her pants. Honestly dude it was awful. I don’t want her to not be able to trust me. Anyway we talked for a while and then out of nowhere she jumped on me. She was sat on me legs either side holding my head and kissing me. Now I thought maybe she was being shy with me because she didn’t have much experience but that is not the case at all’

‘You had sex?’ Charlie said smiling at me. ‘You always have sex’

‘This was different. It meant something. It meant everything’

‘So why do you look like some has just shit on you’

I sighed ‘because when I woke up she was gone. She won’t answer my calls or return my texts’


‘Again the irony is not lost on me Charlie’

‘Ok I’m not trying to be a dick but this is karma man. It bit you on the ass’

‘Yeah I know’ he was right I deserved this. I left every girl I had ever been with before they woke up. Except for Maddy. But even then sometimes. ‘I’m going to her house’

‘No you can’t. You’re going to come off really desperate’

‘Your right’ I took a deep breath ‘but I don’t care. I have to find out why at least’

‘Do you really want to know that?

‘Yeah I do’

‘Fine I won’t stop you but promise me something’


‘Do not beg’

‘What? I would never beg’

‘You also would never go chasing a girl out of a party shouting her name like a mad man just because she saw you kiss someone even though

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