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Book online «Crazy (finished) by Danielle Palmer (speed reading book .TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Palmer

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Seth. 'Yes baby there fine. I'm fine. Were just a little banged up. Some of the pack didn't make it though. I'm more worried about you. Where are you? How is Zion?' I looked around but there was nothing. Just opened fields with cows and stray horses. 'I don't know to both.' I whispered feeling more alone and helpless every passing moment.
'Is there sign's or anything?' I looked around again and nothing. 'No hold on.' I looked over at Attlee and he was still looking blankly out at the open road. I cleared my dry throat before I spoke up, "Where are we going?" He didn't take his eyes off the road and answered blankly, "My house in North Dakota. Were only like 30 minutes away." I nodded my head and looked back out the window. 'He said North Dakota.' I said to Seth. 'Do you happen to know his name?' I could tell he said it through clenched teeth. 'Attlee.' Right as soon as I said it I heard growling. 'Baby please stay safe. I will be there before he hurts you ok? I love you and were on our way.' His voice was full of worry. He knew he wanted to kill me. 'Ok. I love you to. Please hurry.'
I pulled away and then focused on the world around me. We were driving through a city now. It wasn't very big but was nice. We drove for about 10 more minutes before he drove up to gates. He slid a card into the machine beside the car and the gates creaked open. There were 10 houses. 5 on one side and 5 on the other. He pulled up to the house right in front of the gates and park in the drive way. Without saying one word he got out and walked to my door and proceeded to help me out. He pulled me up to the front of the house and opened the door.
I couldn't even explore because he pulled the stairs and down the hall to the last door. He obviously didn't care that I was going to starve to death. The door also locked on the outside and without a word he pushed me in the door, shut it and locked it. I sighed and looked around. It was a decent room with a queen sized bed and a t.v. Giving up on trying to find a way out I curled up in a ball on the bed and had nothing better to do but sleep.

Chapter 11
Being a smart ass(;

I woke up this morning to heavy boots walking up the stairs. I instantly sat up and scooted back. The locked clicked and the door knob turned. The door opened revealing a older looking man with brown hair and almost black eyes. “Come with me.” His voice was deep and held no emotion. I had no choice but to follow this man. My feet carried me slowly towards the guy. Once close enough he grabbed my arm and pushed me down the hall way. Not letting go, he dragged me down the stairs and down another long hall way.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I tried to pull my arm away. He didn't answer and only held on more tightly. He opened the basement door and pulled me down them. It was pitch dark but I could still make out figures. The light came on and blinded me making my eyes go blurry. I rubbed them till I could finally see. All the guys from the other day were in a half circle. Zion was in the middle tied up to a chair. His face was bruised and there was a cut going from his forehead and over his eyebrow. He had blood all over his shirt and looked weak.
I looked over at Attlee who was against the wall holding a bat. “Let.Him.Go.” I snarled at him. He just laughed and walked towards me. Once in my face he whispered in my ear “No can do. He is going to watch you die since I couldn't get his pathetic Alpha. He will just have to give Seth the message.” I rolled my eyes at him. I knew Seth was going to be here soon. I just needed to keep them distracted away from Zion cause he is already to weak.
“Did the idea ever occur to you that killing me wont bring her back?” I asked getting in his face now. I didn't even see it coming but I felt the blow to my side. The bat broke at least 3 of my ribs and made me fall instantly to the floor. What a coward. Having to use the bat. I coughed up blood and spit it on the floor. Whipping my face with the back of my sleeve I looked up at him. “I thought real men used there hands?” I said smiling sweetly at him.
That earned me a punch to the face. It felt slow motion though. I felt both his rings slice open my cheeks once they made contact. Once I realized what happened my hand went to my cheek. I pulled it back and it was full of blood.
'Babe were here. Are you ok?' Seth voice sounded in my head. 'Just a bat to the ribs and a punched to the face. Zion is worse. He can't shift.' There was growling in my head. ' I'm going to kill him.' He snarled. 'Go ahead. He's standing right above me.' I looked up at Attlee right as soon as Seth's howl traveled through the sky. I smirked up at him as he looked down at me.
“You little bitch.” Attlee growled. All the guys went running upstairs with Attlee leading. Once me and Zion were alone in the basement I went crawling to him. I pulled the gag out of his mouth and hugged him. “You could have gotten yourself killed.” He said weakly. “I had to distract them from you. Your to weak.” I said as I started untying the ropes. “But your human. I can heal a lot quicker.”
“I can take a punch or two. I'm not going to die. Even if I kinda feel like it now.” I said as I laid on the floor. It was getting harder to breath and it felt like someone was stabbing me. “DELILAH? ZION?” I heard someone yell down the stairs. There was stomping coming down the stairs and I knew instantly it was Seth, Deangelo, Felix, and Jonathon. Seth ran to me and instantly pulled me into his arms. I screamed as he squeezed my side.
“Baby what's wrong?” He asked whipping off the tears that were now running down my face. They cuts from the rings stung as the salty tears hit them. I slowly pulled up my shirt and revealed a long bruise from my hip to right under my bra. Seth growled, got up and ran back up the stairs. “Where's he going?” I asked no one in particular. “Kill Attlee I bet.” Deangelo said before he came to my side and took off his shirt. He held it to my face and cleaned off all the blood.
He pulled his hoodie back over his head and put it back on. “This is going to hurt but I have to take you to the car.” He said. I nodded and braced myself. He slowly picked me up and stood back up. Felix and Jonathon were helping Zion up the steps already and we followed behind. Once out of the basement, he headed for the back door. I never noticed that behind there houses were the woods.
The back yard was a mess. There were bodies every where. As I looked around I couldn't help but feel nauseous. I turned my face away from it and hid my face in Deangelo's shirt. I felt him come to a stop but once I looked up I wish I hadn't. Attlee was limping towards us. Deangelo slowly set me on the ground and pushed me behind him. I instantly started looking around for Seth. He was laying a few yards away not moving.
“SETH!” I screamed and pulled out of Deangelo's hold. I ran as face as I could to him while holding my side. My ribs protested to stop but I pushed my legs harder. I slide right next to him and instantly started shaking him. “Seth baby please wake up.” He heart was still beating but he wasn't moving. I laid my head on his chest and sobbed. “I love you. Please get up.” I whispered into his chest.
I looked over to were Attlee and Deangelo were fighting now in there wolf forms. Attlee was on top of him and trying to bite his neck. I started panicking and looking around for something. There was a long wooden board a few feet away. I stood up and walked over to it. I picked it up and made my way to were they were fighting. Once close enough I lifted the board in the air and as hard as I could hit the wolf on his side. He lost his footing and feel off of Deangelo. Attlee looked at me and growled showing his teeth. He jumped at me and I closed my eyes. If Seth was going to die so was I.
I heard yipping and snapping. I opened my eyes and saw Attlee was laying motionless on the floor with Seth's wolf form standing over him. I looked back where Seth was laying but he wasn't there. Shit. Now I'm going to get yelled at. I slowly turned back around and found an angry looking Seth and Deangelo. I was thanking the lord that they were dressed in sweats.
“Hi.” I said doing a little wave. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME DELILAH? YOU COULD HAVE DIED.” Seth shouted. I looked at the floor and whispered “I thought you were dead.” Tears poured from my eyes. I looked back at him. His eyes were softer and he looked calmer. He sighed and walked to me. “I'm fine. We'll talk about it later. Now we got to take you to Felix so he can clean your face and wrap your side.” I nodded and smiled. He slowly picked me up as I bit my lip to hold back a whimper.
Once back at the truck Felix cleaned my face and put on a bandage. He looked at Seth who was studying him the whole time. “Um she has to take off her shirt.” He said biting his lip. Seth was about to protest but I held up my hand. I seriously needed my side wrapped up and if that was the only way then that's what it's going to be. “I can't lift my arms up.” Before Felix could say something Seth walked over and ripped the bottom half off my shirt off. He made sure it still covered my chest. I giggled and shook my head at him.
Felix started slowly wrapping my whole torso in an ace bandage starting at my hip. “I have to do it kinda tight. So it might hurt ok?” I nodded my head and bit my lip. Once he got to the top part it was pretty tight. He pushed my bra up a little which cause Seth to growl. “Stop Seth. Go away if your going to act like that.” I said. He sighed and walked around the other side of the car. I heard all the guys laughing and it made me laugh.
When Felix was finally done he took of his jacket and gave it too me. Everyone loaded into the truck and started our long drive back. The whole way Zion joked about how I was such a smart ass. Everyone thought it was funny

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