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Book online «Perfect In his Eyes (finished) by Danielle Palmer (book club suggestions TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Palmer

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'Perfect in his eyes'



“Tiny? Where are you?” I heard Josh say, sounding worried. I looked up at him as he walked into my parents now empty room. I could barley see through my blurry eyes. I was sitting an the floor in the middle of their room staring at the only picture I had of them. I looked back up at Josh who was now towering over me. I started crying. I hugged the picture to my chest putting my face in my hands.
“Tiny please stop crying. I know you miss them. I do to.” He said picking me up bridal-style. I clung to the picture as he carried me out the room and out the house to his car. I was still crying as we got to our new house our parents left us in their will along with all their money. They were both lawyers so we had a lot of money. Before they pasted they bought a mansion that they payed off for us to live.
I didn't understand why me and my older brother need such a big house. It was only us two. I was still sad but I knew josh was going to take care of me like he always had.

My parents were never really there but I still loved them like I spent every minute with them. My dad use to beat me and leave bruises all over my body. I didn't know how he could hate me so much when I loved him to death. Josh saved me one day when my dad was beating me almost unconscious and had broke my wrist.
On the way home from a job party they were hit by a drunk driver. The police said if they wouldn't had drank themselves they would still be alive. Part of me wishes they were still alive but the other part is happy im away from the abuse.
“Tiny are you ready to go inside now?” Josh said bringing me back to reality. He was already out of the car and at my door opening it for me.
“Umm, yeah I guess I am.” I said getting of the car putting my backpack on. We grabbed our suitcases out of the back of the car. As we walked inside the house we stared not knowing what to say. It had 12 rooms and they all had bathrooms in them plus another bathroom down stairs. I ran up the stairs and found my perfect room. Everything is purple and and pink. My favorite colors. It was perfect for a 16 year old.
“JOSH, JOSH, COME LOOK AT MY ROOM!” I screamed. He came walking it. “Wow it's perfect for my little sister!” He said laughing and hugging me. He dragged me to his room. It was a blue and green. His two favorite colors. “I guess they knew we would pick these rooms so they colored them our favorite colors.” I looked up at him and watched him nod. I walked out of his room and down the hall looking at all the other rooms. They were all white with black rugs and dressers. I walked in the backyard and saw a 10 feet deep pool with a slide. “Josh we have a pool.” I yelled. He came outside and looked around. “Yeah it's nice just needs some cleaning.” He said walking inside laughing. I followed him to the living room and sat on the couch next to him. I put my legs on his lap.
“Tiny,” he said while looking at me. “ I was thinking , and I know what your going to say but I just wanted to tell you ima ask all my friends from the football to move in with us. There's enough rooms for all of us and it would be perfect.” He looked at me all happy. “ You really think their parents are going to let them? And I will be the only girl. If they move in that means ALL the rooms are takin and none of my friends can move in.” I said pouting. Don't get me wrong I would love to live with all guys but that means like triple the protection so ill never get a boyfriend.
I already knew the whole football team and they were all like brothers to me. Looking out for me like Josh told them to do. So every time I was hanging out with my crush that I liked since the 6th grade they would come up and ruin it. I knew Shane(my crush) liked me to and in a matter of a couple weeks he would be mine. Now I highly doubt it.
“Destiny I know you will be the only girl but im sorry. All the guys already moved at of there parents houses at 16 cause there parents gave them the permission to. So instead of them having to pay rent they ALL are coming to live here,” He said smile at me. “ Now go unpack your stuff.”
“But wh-”
“No buts Destiny. Im sorry but your going to have to deal.” Josh said cutting me off. I looked at him mad. Then I just decided to give up and go unpack my stuff cause I was definitely not going to win this one.



Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm went off. Wait? What? Why is my alarm going off. I sat up turning it off. Walking out of my room I bumped into Josh.
“Hey look who's awake.” He said grabbing my hand and making me twirl around. I looked at him confused as to why he was so happy.
“ One, why are you so happy? And two why is my alarm going off at 9:30 in the morning?” I said a little angry.
“First off little Missy don't get an attitude with me. And second it's summer so why waste your time sleep plus the guys are moving in today.” Josh said laughing.
I walked in my room and slammed the door in his face. If the guys are coming today I need to look cute. I start running all over my room grabbing my purple skirt that comes up thigh high. Also a black v-neck with a pink, purple zebra necklace, panties and a bra I ran into my bathroom and turned the shower on hot. Stripped off my pj's and jumped in washing my hair and body and shaving my legs. Jumping out of the shower I wrap a towel around my hair and wipe of my body. I put on my clothes and started blow drying my hair. I teased it making it big and put a bow in it. When I was done with my hair I put on a little make-up. I didn't need a lot im naturally pretty. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Oh shot I need to brush my teeth. I ran in the bathroom and grabbed my toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and ran down stairs.

“Josh when are they coming?” I said sitting on the couch. He was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. “Umm,” He looked at his watch. “ Any minute now. And what are you wearing?” He walked into the living room looking me up and down. He got a mad look in his eyes as he stared at me. “What?” I was confused. The door rang and brought him back to reality. “ Go change.” He said calm but mad at the same time. He got up and walk to the door. No I wasn't going to change. He wasn't my dad. I got shivers down my spine just thinking about my dad. I looked down at my scar on my wrist and felt the pain of him snapping it. I flinched.
“Hey Dest.” I heard. All the guys were walking in throwing there bags all over the room. I looked up and saw them all staring at me eyes drooling over me.
“Oh hey.” I said smiling looking at all of them. They all looked happy except Josh. Of course. I rolled my eyes and watched TV. After a little bit my phone vibrated. I looked at my phone and it was a text from Shane.
Shane: Hey are you home?
I jumped with joy. My heart started beating really fast.
Me: Yeah why?!
I couldn't breath and I sat there a waited for him to text me back. I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I guess I was blushing cause they all laughed. My phone vibrated again and I looked down.
Shane: Come outside? Please!
I jumped up and grabbed my jacket.
Ryan, Anthony, Jake, Damien, John, Keegan, Ty, Nick, Jessie, Bryce and Josh all looked at me.
“Where you going?” Josh said standing up and catching me by the arm. I flinched but realized he wasn't going to hit me. I looked over to see them all looking at me worried and confused. Josh slowly let go of my hand realizing he scared me.
“Umm so anyways where you going?” He sad scratching his head. I looked around knowing they all wanted to know. I thought for a second. “Gabby's outside she wants to show me something. ” I said blurting out. I could so tell I was lying. I just hope they bought it.
“Oh ok just don't be long.” Josh said. I waved bye to everyone and walked outside. I cant believe they bought it. Now to find Shane. I turned the corner after shutting the door and there he was. So sexy. Crystal blue eyes and short black hair.
“Hey beautiful.” Shane said pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.
“Hey Shane.” I said smiling looking up at him. Im 5'4” and he is 6'2” so he is very tall. “So what do you wanna do today?” He said looking down into my eyes. “Um I cant leave cause my brother and all his friends think im out here talking to Gabby.” I said laughing. “Oh Josh is here?” He went to walk up to the door. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back fast. “Um see like I said they think im out with Gabby.” He looked mad but then calmed done once I touched his arm. “Oh so they don't know im here? Or is it cause they don't want you around me?” Great. Now I have to tell him the truth.
“Its actually both. But more of the last one. Look im sorry but there all protective and they know your a man-whore that is the captain off the basketball team.” I felt bad to tell him but he had to know the truth before we both got killed. He smiled at me. “Well they got to know me if ima be your man and your gunnah be my girl.” He winked at me. “Are you asking me out?” I smiled really big. He shook his head yes. I screamed and jumped on him giving him the biggest hug ever.



“Kiss me?” He said looking at me in my eyes. I couldn't say no. His lips looked so good i've wanted to kiss him for as long as I could remember. He pulled me up to him crushing our lips together. Our tongues dance together in our mouths. I pulled away wanting more but I had to go inside. I took off his basketball jacket and went to hand

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