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Book online «Till the End by Jennifer Trevino (e reader manga TXT) 📖». Author Jennifer Trevino

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                She took small steps down the winded staircase, every eye in the room gazing at her with interest and respect. Her head was held up high with pride as she reached the floor in her heels. The white dress she wore for the ball cascaded down elegantly to the floor hiding her long legs, it was one of her best dresses that hugged her body in the right places especially her chest. Her hair flowed freely in glossy brown waves that reached her back, and she wore little make-up.


                "Lisa you look as beautiful as always," a boy her age commented she didn’t even have to glance at him to know he was handsome, you could just tell by his deep voice.


                "Thank you," she said not even sparring him a glance as she walked toward where her father was standing with a bunch of tall men in classy tuxedos.


                She halted right beside her father, and noticed the way one of the men stiffened and the way his eyes widened. She ignored his reaction, and tapped a single finger on her father's shoulder.


                He turned around swiftly and smiled when he saw her. For his age of one hundred and seven her father still looked dashingly handsome and young. You could barely see the grey streaks in his brown hair. Of course he was the Alpha of the pack, and aging isn’t really a problem since he has looked like this for a hundred years.


                "If it isn’t my little princess, you look lovely Lisa," he said his lips stretched into a smile as he gestured for her to step into the small circle of men he was talking to.


                She sensed that these people were all powerful by their stance and by the gold badges that were worn on their chest. If she wasn't mistaken then they are all Alphas of good packs. "I'd like you all to meet my daughter Lisa, the star of this party," her father introduced her.


                Lisa bowed gracefully giving them one of her best smiles, after all these people had come from over the sea just to come to her seventeen birthday and she was extremely grateful.  "Hello, nice to meet you," she said politely.


                They all introduced themselves to her, and just as she guessed they all were respectable Alphas that had come to celebrate her birthday. Out of all the introductions only one of them interested her, Dalton Cane.


                She knew who he was everybody knew who he was, the great heir of the Alpha of the Bloodhound pack, that would soon rule his father’s pack in less than a month. He is also the most handsome werewolf that anyone had ever laid eyes on, nobody compared to his god like looks not even the humans themselves.


                He stood at an incredible height of 6'5 tall, his chest was hard and amazing under the tuxedo he was wearing. His skin color was a bit dark because of the hours spent outside training, his black hair reached barely above his striking black eyes that always seemed to capture her. He was the man that every women would beg on their knees to have, the man that other men wished they were like, he is also the man she is arranged to marry.


                "Dalton why dont you go and spend some time with Lisa, after all you two are engaged," his father suggested.


                "Yeah, you two need to get to know each other," Lisa's father added as he gently pushed her closer to Dalton.


                "It's okay father-"


                "We will go and dance," Dalton cut her off as he grabbed her hand in his and leads her to the dance floor where many couples were dancing. She didn’t utter a word afraid of the way he would react if she defied him. Everybody knew how werewolf males are when they get angry, and she wasn’t about to cause a scene.


                He stopped at the center of the ballroom, just as the musicians had started to play a new song. She curtsied, and he bowed. Then they both linked their hands together and danced to the slow rhythm of the music.


                Her eyes gazed into his unaware that the distance between them had decreased as they moved with the grace of a King and Queen. She didn’t feel sparks or a warm rushing feeling through her body as she danced with him, she didn’t feel anything toward her fiancé. Lisa would admit he was handsome, too handsome for his own good. But the attraction between them was nothing but a size of a pea.


                "We aren't mates, why would you accept that we should marry?" She asked softly so the others wouldn’t hear.


                "Why did you accept?" He shot back.


                "Because I have to, my pack needs a strong leader and even if I took over nobody would take me serious, and also because of my father I won't let him down by not obeying him," she answered as he spun her around with one arm and brought her to his chest.


                "I dont really partially want to settle down I have a reputation and I'm barely twenty-three, but I have to because of my pack," he explained.


                Lisa knew about his reputation he is the strongest werewolf in the world, he has proved it in the 'Werewolf Games' where only the strongest fought against each other to find out who is the strongest. He also has the reputation to make any women fall in love with him, and slept with anything that had a vagina. Sad and disgusting, but so true.


                "We can still decline this and not get married," she offered.


                "That's an offence to me, and I highly doubt our fathers would even let us. As much as you and I dislike this arrangement we can't just deny this," he said and then stopped as the music came to an end. They both curtsied and bowed and left the dance floor.


                "But dont you want a mate? I'm sure if you look hard you will find your soul mate," she said as he led her outside to the courtyard. The courtyard was full of many exotic plants and flowers. Vines twisting around a few sculptures of angels and gods that they worship. There were a few benches around a fountain that was gushing out sparkling clear water.


                "I don't want a mate, that's just wishful thinking my father never found his and there's always twenty percent I'll even find the girl that is meant for me," he said as he let go of her hand and walked over to a bush of blooming red roses. He took one out and brought it closer to his eyes to examine the beautiful rose.


                "I suppose, but many people find them eventually it’s hard for the women because they can't tell who he is, the one that they are meant to be with," she said as she sat down on a bench near the fountain.


                Their kinds only have one mate and the only one from the couple that knows that they are mates is the male. Women only get two hints to know who their mate is and that is when they look into the others eyes and when they shared a kiss. Lisa already looked directly into Dalton's eyes but felt nothing like fireworks or her world spinning around. She didn’t want to be too bold and kiss him, so she decided against the idea.


                Dalton didn’t answer his gaze was on the rose he held, Lisa could barely hear his heart as it beated softly against his chest almost like a song that kept its rhythm it was soothing and comfortable.


                There was a small current of wind that blew her hair toward his direction, and in a matter of seconds Dalton stood in front of her. One arm at each of her sides his face just centimeters away as he gazed at her face with an emotion she couldn't describe. His warm breath tickled her sensitive lips, and she felt her heart suddenly accelerate at his proximity.


                "You smell like lavender...and roses," he said as he brought his lips down to her neck. She didn’t know what was happening it was too fast for her to comprehend what he was doing, but she melted as his lips kissed the crook of her neck.


                The gesture was shocking to her, but what is to be expected from a man who is always sleeping with a women?


                But his lips on her skin brought shills up her spine, and they felt so moist and felt so good as he caressed her skin with his tongue. It felt as if she was in heaven and he wasn’t even kissing her on the lips. A soft moan echoed from her throat, and Dalton's body tensed at the sound.


                He pulled away gently his eyes adverting away from hers, he leaned away and put his back to her. He took a few even breathes to calm down his raging hormones.


                Lisa felt slightly disappointed that he stopped, but another sensible side of her was happy he stopped. She could hear the fast heartbeat that thundered from him, and hers but at the moment she wasn’t paying attention her hand flew to her neck and she knew he had left a hickey that everyone would surely see.


                "Dalton what was that?" Her voice trembled as she put some of her hair over the mark afraid of what his answer would be.


                "Sorry I haven’t fucked any women for the past month and I just..." he drifted off his back was still facing her so she couldn’t see his face.


                A small smile crossed her lips, and she forced a small chuckle. "You haven't slept with anyone? That's surprising I thought you were the almighty playboy," she said as she stood up from the bench and took a hesitant step toward him.


                "I am, and I've had too much work on me so I didn't have time to catch up on my sexual life," he explained.


                She felt a weird wave of emotion cross her at the thought of him sleeping with another girl. They are engaged and he is planning on cheating on her already?


                "So you're planning on cheating on me?" She questioned her eyes narrowing at him with disappointment and disgust.


                He turned to face her his face was hardened as he towered over her small frame. His eyes looked down at her with no sign of emotion, his tone was harsh and deep. "We aren't even together, so you have no say in what I do with my life. You and I are getting married because of our pack, and not for love. Just because we are getting married doesn't mean I have to only sleep with you."


                She felt her anger boil hotter at his tone, what does he mean that even after they get married he is going to sleep with other women? That two-timing cheater!


                "That's okay, it's not like I'm planning on sleeping with you!" She said her voice rising to match his.


                He flinched and then covered it up with a fierce glare as he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to his chest. "Well I'm not letting you sleep with other men! You are just going to be my wife and we will only have a business relationship."


                "What about my needs! I want someone who will love me and in bed, if we're going to make this work then you have to sleep with me to conceive a child!" She exclaimed struggling under his hold on her hand.


                "I think you should lower your voice, we dont want anybody

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