Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Lone Wolf by Lisa McIntyre (buy e reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซLone Wolf by Lisa McIntyre (buy e reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Lisa McIntyre

Chapter 1

Silver was an average twelve year old. She had Short Silvery hair and Brown eyes. She was thinking about getting a smoothie from the cafe down the road when she heard someone calling her."Silver Silver wait for me". Silver turned around and found it was Ashly."Hi Ashly what's up" asked Silver.Ashly had Long Blond hair and ocean blue eyes."Not much but you left your school bag at school" Ashly replied. Silver smiled.Ashly was always looking out for her."Do you want to walk together" asked Ashly."Sure Ash" said Silver.
As the two girls walked past the park Silver felt as if she was being watched. She turned and saw a Tawny brown wolf watching her." What's wrong Silver" Ashly asked her worriedly. "Ashly do you see that" Silver asked. "Err see what" Ashly replied anxiously.When Silver looked to where the wolf had been she saw it had vanished.
It was seven o'clock and Silvers Mum and Dad were packing for the holidays.Silver was siting in her room thinking about the tawny wolf.At 1 o'clock They were in the car travailing to Wolf-eye caravan park.It was the first time she had ever been.It was near a beach and a forest.
When they passed through the gates silver had the feeling she had been their before." well honey we're here" her mum said in her cheery way. Silvers mum had dark blue eyes and long blond hair. Her dad was not so different from her mum but Silver was completely different. Silver sometimes wonder how she was even related to them, when she was little her mum told her she was special but she was too old to believe that now.
When they had unpacked Silver went for a walk in the forest.She walked and walked until she realized how far she had walked. Silver heard a growl behind her. She turned. A black wolf with blue eyes pounced on her claws out and fangs showing.She pushed herself out of the way just as it pounced. She fell on the floor. She had avoided the worst of the attack, but had a light scratch on her arm. It got ready to pounce again. This was it she was going to die.

Chapter 2
Just as Silver was about to give up all hope of being saved a girl stood between her and the wolf. Then everything flashed before her eyes. When she could see again the girl was looking at her. Then the girl spoke "Well Silver you really should learn to defend your self".
"Excuse me but I don't think you should be telling me what to do when I don't even know your name" Silver responded. The girl had forest green eyes and.....Tawny brown hair!
"My name is not important yet but don't worry he wont worry you again" the girl said and when Silver looked behind her she saw a boy, at least she thought it was a boy, unconscious against a tree. She tuned back to where the girl had been and saw she had disapered. It was only then that Silver checked the time. It was midnight. Silver turned and started to run home.
Chapter 3
Kuro awoke with a start. Where am I he thought to himself.His blue eyes flashed around the landscape.He was in the wood's. He suddenly remembered the girl with silver hair and he could smell blood, it smelled slightly sweet. "Shit" he said to himself as he looked around "Did I kill her". Then he heard a voice beside him said "Hey Kuro" and then "Someone was a hungry boy then". Kuro turned to meet a tall boy's dark blue eyes. " Shut up Kurai" Kuro replied angrily and then the girl entered his thought's again. "Did I kill her" he said mournfully.
"No another wolf stepped in" Kurai replied. Kuro felt relived. Kurai in his joking voice said "ohhh that reminds me Midori want's to see you" and burst out laughing.
"Hell no Im not going, tell her I'm busy" Kuro said coolly as he started walking.
Kurai stopped laughing and asked "where are you going", but Kuro did not answer he was to busy remembering which way it was the girl had run.

Chapter 4

The next day Silver awoke to a knock on the front door. She got out of bed and looked at The clock beside her bed it was 1.00 Am.The knocking got louder so she called "I'm coming".
When she opened the front door she saw a boy with black spiky hair and hazelnut brown eyes.He suddenly blushed. Silver realized she was still wearing her Hello Kitty PJ's.
Then the boy said "Hello ummmm.. I'm Kuro".
"I'm Silver" Silver said.
"um....... Bye then" Kuro said as fast as he could then he turned and ran.
Silver stared after him and said to herself as she closed the door "What was that about".

Chapter 5

Kuro was sat behind a tree in the middle of the forest regaining his breath."Damn." he said to himself "I've gone and seen her and she's fine, so why can't I get her out of my head". Then he herd a rustling from the bushes and froze. He was preparing to run when a girl jumped on his back yelling "Kuro!!".
"MIDORI GET OFF ME" Kuro yelled at the girl. She got off and stared at Kuro. Her long red hair blew in the wind while her Emerald green eyes looked as though she was pretending to be calm.
"So Kuro I herd you went to see the girl you nearly killed".
"Whats it to you" Kuro asked.
There was silence for a few seconds. then Midori burst into tears and wailed "You like her don't you, but I don't whant you to like her"
Kuro sighed it was going to be a long night.

Chapter 6

"Well like I've said ten times already there's nobody staying here by that name" said the lady at reception. Silver wonderd if she should ask one more time just to tick off the receptionist. Then decided that she had probably better go(as tempting as it was)before the receptionist called security. As she left the building she kept thinking about Kuro, he had looked so worried and Silver was worried about him. She was so lost in her thought's that she never saw the shadow following her.
When she reached the forest she finaly snapped out of her thoughts and noticed she had know idea where she was going, she thought about going back to the caravan but she felt like she should keep going. It was 4'oclock and she had reached about half way in the forest and stood in front of a truly massive oak tree. She yawned, she was getting tired. Then she heard a sound from behind her and just as she was turning round she felt something smack her head. She fell against the tree and the last thing she heard was someone running away.

Chapter 7

'Crap' the person in the shadows thought 'The boss will hate this'. They thought about what their boss would do to them when he found out. They started sweating from the thought of it, but they had no choice they had to report in.

Chapter 8

Kuro snaped awake. He heard something from the old Kibล tree. Then he smelt blood. He started to run. He knew this blood, It was Silvers. 'Oh god what's happened to her' he thought to him self.
When he finally reached the tree(witch felt like an eternity to him)He saw Silver on the ground. He knelt down and fearfully checked if she was bleeding. He sighed with relief then gently shook her to wake her up. Her eyes slowly opened and she groggily whispered "Kuro... is that you". "yes, It' me." Kuro replied quietly "What happened to you".


Text: Lisa McIntyre
Images: Google
Publication Date: 01-12-2011

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