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survivor. He grew up in the palace and many presumed he would become king, until an heir was born. Or rather an heiress; No one really knows what drove him or what events specifically took place but he was able to turn part of the army to serve him, probably by magic. The army was made up of subjects of Elebor who volunteered specifically to protect their kingdom, their home. In truth everyone was in the army. Battalions were chosen in shifts from different parts of the kingdom. After he defeated the last of the army he declared himself sole ruler of Elebor. You are aware that Alexandria is Lord Grimwarld’s daughter and hence a threat to his rule.”

Ntende glanced at Alexandria. He wasn’t surprised somehow it made sense. “Our kingdom is built on magic,” continued Albadeluz “certain things cannot occur minus consequences. Elebor is not a kingdom in this planet Elebor is this planet. The throne is a seat of power and so to stop the threat of this evil from spreading a dimensional barrier was set up to separate the old world of Elebor from everything else. The darkness had spread far and wide and in order to prevent it from going any further even the slightest hint of darkness had to be quarantined and as a result a large part of the kingdom was lost with all that lived within it.”

“You’re saying there are people in this old Elebor.” Ntende was horrified. “It was not of our choosing to leave them, but we had to look at the bigger picture.” Said Wizard “To create such a dimensional barrier took an immense amount of power and mystic energy. The king’s court was made of fifty adult clerics each at the height of his power, and it took all of us to set it up, with me as the only survivor.” The audience of four gapped in wonder, “I didn’t know what it took to save me, and I am sorry Wizard.” Alexandria bowed her head solemnly. “Do not blame yourself princess we chose our path and the others live on in the boundary. So long as their blood lines continue the barrier cannot, will not fall ever.” “A tethering spell, excellent; they are the hardest to break, especially when one does not know where or who they are tethered to.” Mihigo stated. “Indeed.” agreed Albadeluz.

“When I went to the dragons they showed me a vision of a warrior, his body ablaze like a second sun, on a battle field of sweltering terrain. From the ground came forth plumes of acid smoke through which he strode unscathed; and then from within him burst a light of cosmic intensity, it washed over the battle field cleansing all that it touched. Even the very ground cooled and from it sprouted fields of ever green blades of grass, imbued with the most aromatic scent ever. Wounds healed, scars faded even those thought dead arose. All weaponry vanished from the scene, until all that was left was a pacific meadow.”

Silent as a grave, Is the only way one could define the atmosphere in the library. Mihigo broke the silence first. “A God.” He spoke barely above a whisper. When no one showed any inclination they had heard he raised his voice. “You’re describing a GOD and expect us to pull off such a feat.” “Not a GOD.” interrupted Alexandria “A DRAGON LORD.” “Whatever you want to call it, neither me nor Ntende can walk right through acid smoke.” Wizard wagged a finger in front of Mihigo “I didn’t say walked, he purpose fully strode.” “I don’t care if he sashayed! We can’t do that!”

“Enough.” Albadeluz’s voice cut through the slowly escalating argument. “Obviously this… being is something to behold, but for now let us stick to what we know. The men that attacked you belong to a section of magicians who believe in him.” Before anyone could ask he continued “Darkness exists everywhere and the death bringer uses it to turn people to his side; now a small group is influencing more and are growing steadily. If they find the descendants of the wizards they can bring down the barrier; we suppose this is his plan; but this is not your fight. We have a team of guardians that will deal with them, for now we must find a way to defeat him. The people here did not forget old Elebor. They have an army standing by to protect their homes if the barrier falls.” “The dragons.” Amber offered and everyone turned to her. She had been so quiet they had forgotten she was there. “They have untold power. The very name of our world Elebor is draconic the meaning lost over time. If we can get Mihigo and Ntende to them surely they can tell us if they at least stand a chance against him.”

“You make good sense Amber. We shall make preparations to leave for the old world in two days.” Albadeluz and Wizard stayed in the library to discuss as the others left. “Just like that we are a team on a mission.” Mihigo for the first time since Ntende knew him sounded unsure. “We can do it.” Ntende held out his hand to Alexandria and Amber. “Together.” He declared and so they joined hands “Mihigo.” Alexandria held out her hand to him. “You can’t do this on your own, none of us can.” “But together we stand a chance.” Ended Ntende; and so Mihigo joined the group linking his hands with Alexandria on his right and Ntende to his left; as he did a jolt ran through them all similar to the one that held Ntende and Mihigo to Alexandria. Only this time they were not afraid, this time they stood together as one. “From here on out,” begun Mihigo “we” followed Alexandria, “are” added Amber “the” stated Ntende and then together they declared “Dragon lords of Elebor!”


The two days went by in the blink of an eye. The day had come when they would set off to the old kingdom of Elebor. Mihigo and Ntende had received multiple provisions as gifts from the inhabitants of the forest; from cloths to food to weaponry, it was as if they had lived here all their lives. And so with Albadeluz and Wizard in the lead Mihigo, Ntende, Alexandria and Amber left for the depths of the forest towards the great boundary that separated the old kingdom of Elebor from the rest of the world. Nezza stayed behind as the acting head of the village until Albadeluz returned.

They kept a steady pace behind Albadeluz, his feet leading him through the ever condensing jungle. Their surroundings became more feral. Over the copious assortment of roots and branches that snapped under their weight and tugged at their cloths they pressed on. The stillness of the jungle was unnerving. Amber’s abundant mane seemed to have been electrocuted for it was now a mound of spikey strands from her head to knee joints. She looked more like a cat on high alert. Ntende wondered when she had unbraided it but could not bring himself to speak in the gloom that seemed to be trying to suffocate him. His vision blurred and he kept tripping on unseen roots. He swore he saw one of the trees lift its root to trip him, but when he tried to speak his voice never left his throat. Some malevolent force was weighing him down and soon he was rooted to the spot unable to lift his feet. In the darkness a shadow loomed closer to him, grasping its throat he attempted to crush the life out of it.

‘I will not be killed so easily.’ He thought to himself even as an insistent voice called out from some distant part of his mind to let go. The voice grew louder until Ntende recognized Wizard’s voice in his mind. “Ntende.” He called his voice clear as day. “Wake up Ntende, WAKE UP!” It came as a roar echoing throughout his mind and ripping through the darkness. Onward it carried Ntende until suddenly he was face to face with Mihigo, his hands clamped tightly around his neck in an asphyxiating squeeze.

A jumble of emotions crossed Ntende’s face as he gasped in horror taking several steps away from his friend. Anguish gripped at him from all sides. He just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. ‘How could I ever hurt my best friend? I tried to kill him.’ He thought to himself. “It wasn’t your fault.” Said Albadeluz; His face devoid of any emotion as though the slightest sign of feelings may be treacherous. ‘I set this trap to stop those who sought to help the spread of evil, now I wonder if I can get my new allies and me through…in one piece.’ He thought to himself.

“Quickly,” Wizard prodded Ntende in the back “we must move on.” Mihigo finally caught Ntende’s eye despite his numerous efforts to avoid him. “It wasn’t your fault my friend.” Ntende presented such a forlorn look Mihigo added “We close upon the seat of evil; it tries to draw us in, to snuff out the light in our hearts that threaten it. Do not despair my friend, you do not stand alone, I am here.” “Truer words were never spoken.” Mumbled Wizard then more loudly so Ntende could hear he added “So am i.” Alexandria and Amber also echoed the same.

Everyone felt the evil bearing down on them and the signs of their struggle were evident. Alexandria and Amber held hands so tightly their knuckles whitened. Mihigo and Ntende supported one another as though the other would soon collapse. Even Wizard and Albadeluz held onto the same staff for support. Where it came from no one had the strength to ask. It seemed the further into the forest they travelled the more unyieldingly did the unseen force press into them.

Albadeluz had earlier explained to them when Ntende’s curiosity surpassed his tiredness, that the boundary they were crossing was as much a death trap as any. He went on to say that the spell cast over the land that the boundary touches in thickness, is a self-sustaining and intensifying spell, meaning so long as it existed it would grow stronger and stronger. It was created to contain the evil in the old world as well as keep any one who attempted to cross from ever reaching their goal. The spell would grow in intensity the deeper you traveled into the boundary. From simply causing you to remember some would be more important errand, fatigue, to hallucinations and other despicable things that would send any one running in the opposite direction.

          Eventually none of them could move a muscle. “We are at the edge of the boundary.” Gasped Albadeluz “The spell will try to kill us now; There is no turning back.” “Could have mentioned that earlier.” Ntende wheezed as he crawled into a ball. “Join hands.” Wizard nearly pleaded while clawing at his chest. As Ntende clasped Alexandria’s hand he felt his strength begin to foster. Soon they were in a bizarre kind of circle each trapped in his or her own posture unable to move.

Mihigo could feel his

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