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Book online «THE DRAGON LORDS OF ELEBOR by MIHIGO EMMANUEL (best english novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author MIHIGO EMMANUEL

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In my youth, I traveled and went on adventures, made friends all over the world, fell in love so many times; with the lands I visited, the seas I sailed, but the one constant feeling was the yearning to come home; do this spell, come to the dinner, stay one more night and then we shall try to find a way to reach your land, and get you home.” And so Mihigo and Ntende did the spell to protect their names. “Well?” Albadeluz asked “My name is Mihigo Emmanuel.” On hearing this Albadeluz raised his staff at him and commanded “Mihigo Emmanuel, rise from your seat.” Mihigo smiled “Guess it worked.” He turned to Ntende and nodded. “My name is Ntende Lawrence.” Albadeluz raised his staff to him as well and commanded him to attack Mihigo but he just hugged him. This made Albadeluz smile.

As the sun set Ntende returned to Tuisenge to pick up his outfit. When she saw him she smiled brightly “It’s ready.” She pointed to a smaller room like a closet where he found his cloths placed neatly on a table. When he re-emerged Tuisenge sighed with content “I knew you would look great in it, I am so good at what I do I surprise myself.” Ntende walked to the mirror and studied his reflection. He was dressed in a navy blue admiral like jacket that went just beyond his waist with golden clasps; the sleeves and lower hem embroidered with gold, over a white shirt that complimented the jacket. His trousers were a deep blue that blended nicely with the jacket and were secured by a black belt made of a material a bit tougher than leather. Ntende smiled at himself. “Thank you Tuisenge, this is indeed great.” “I know dear, now you best get to the great hall, I have to get dressed too.” From there he left for the great hall and found Albadeluz and Wizard already at the high table.

A tap on his shoulder brought Ntende back to reality; he turned to find Mihigo smiling down at him in a similar outfit. Ntende smiled then rose to greet his friend. “Where were you?” “With Alexandria, she is relentless.” Ntende studied his friend, his eyes widened in realization “She combed your hair.” They sat down and Mihigo told how she first tried to butter him down with flirtations but quickly realized he would not yield. She then proceeded to literally tie him down to a chair. Mihigo’s expression turned grave and he said in a whiny voice “She murdered my hair Lawrence, murdered.” Lawrence shook his head in disbelief “She gave you a haircut? What did she do, tie you down with magic?” Mihigo begun feigning tears “Oh Lawrence we must strike back.” “What’s your plan?” Mihigo smiled a devilish smile, a mischievous glint in his eye. “I shall shave her eye brows mwah ha, ha, ha, ha.”

Albadeluz rose to his feet, and a wave of silence spread out across the entire room. “Welcome citizens of the eternal forest to this fabulous moment, definitely going down in the forest’s historical records; Today we celebrate those who saved us from a horrific attack. An event meant to destroy us has bought us closer together and united us more than ever. So tonight we not only celebrate these new heroes but also the return of this forests most ancient protectors; May we raise our glasses to this night and to our heroes.” He turned to Mihigo and Ntende who nodded their consent “To Mihigo Emmanuel and Ntende Lawrence.” Every one followed suit and rose their glasses, nodding towards Mihigo and Ntende and murmuring “To Mihigo and Ntende.”

Conversation broke out throughout the hall even Albadeluz and Wizard were engaged in deep conversation, but when Ntende turned to look at Mihigo he was hungrily tearing at a fleshy piece of meat. “Sometimes I wonder if you are omnivorous or just pure carnival.” “Bottomless pit.” Mihigo said between raising another piece of meat to his mouth. Ntende shook his head and gazed out at the crowd and caught Alexandria’s eyes, she waved at him and he rose to his feet “Be right back.” he said, leaving Mihigo to gasp in joy as another piece of meat materialized on his plate. “So, Ntende huh?” Alexandria smiled as Ntende sat down beside Amber. “Yeah, but Mihigo calls me Enzo.” Amber leaned in close “Well, it’s finally nice to know your name…” Alexandria raised an eye brow “your real name.” Amber finished.

She reached out and held his hand, then begun tracing circles on his palm. “Hey Ntende, you’ve been to the library have you not?” “We were all there.” Alexandria glared at Amber who only bats her eye lids innocently. “You see there’s this book, it’s encased in glass, it’s the only book encased in glass.” “I’ve seen it.” He said in a hushed voice as he leaned in closer to her. Her eyes lit up and she put on a seductive smile. “It is said that book can only be read by those destined to save us. Perhaps you should take a look at it; it might have a way to get you home.” On hearing this Ntende nearly jumped out of his seat. “Albadeluz never lets anyone near it.” Alexandria supplied making Ntende furrow his brow in thought. Amber begun tracing her finger over his chest in an ‘S’ fashion “I am sure a brave young man like you can manage to get a book out of a library unnoticed.” She once again bats her eyes at him. “I definitely can, where do we meet?” Ntende declared at once.

Later that night Ntende walked out of the library hugging his tummy in an odd manner. He made for the forest not noticing the shadow of a hooded figure following him. Ntende reached a small clearing in the forest that had once been part of the village. “Well,” Amber’s voice said behind him “did you get it?” Ntende smiled and revealed the book. “So,” came Alexandria’s voice “now what?” she asked stepping out from behind a tree. “Open it.” Amber urged him. “Yes Enzo please, open it.” They all jumped at the new voice “I would like to know what could make you commit such an atrocity to those who have been so generous to us?” Mihigo pulled back the hood to the cloak he wore letting the moon light illuminate his face. He showed no expression as he walked up to Ntende and once again asked him to open the book.

Ntende swallowed hard and tried but the book remained sealed shut. “Well then, it seems the book doesn’t like being stolen. You will return it now and hope no one noticed it is missing.” Amber swiftly reached for the book but Mihigo’s hand was faster and clamped down on her own. “Let me try, I have to know if I am the one, if not I will return it myself Albadeluz will be disappointed and mad but not surprised.” Mihigo scanned her eyes then let go and nodded to Ntende. He handed her the book but she also failed, Alexandria too tried with the same result.

“Won’t you try?” Ntende asked Mihigo. He only shook his head and begun walking away towards the village. No sooner had they taken ten paces than Amber suddenly ducked; then lunged forward, knocking Ntende to the ground just as there was a roar and a huge beast black as night whisked by narrowly missing Amber as she landed atop Ntende. It turned its glowing red eyes to Alexandria who raised her hand and large vines erupted from the ground only to be cut down in one swipe of its huge paw and razor claws. Amber quickly got to her feet and body slammed the creature while it was distracted.

Two new assailants appeared, though they looked human and pointed to Ntende who had the book in his arms. “Hand over the book of Dragons and we will not harm you.” “Never heard of it.” Ntende answered. One of the men flicked his arm and threw Mihigo into a tree. “Hand it over or your friends die.” “No! You can have it just don’t hurt them.” As he loosened the vice like grip he had on the book Mihigo’s voice rung out, “I CAST NATURE SHEILD.”

Suddenly the nearby trees begun to glow a faint green and Ntende was engulfed into a sphere of light. The men turned to Mihigo who charged at them with two sticks each spiked along its shaft. Again the man waved his hand and pinned Mihigo to a tree. A slight thud was heard as the beast collapsed to the ground its body packed in arrows. Alexandria stood by the beast bow in hand as Amber leaped down on the two assailants from above knocking them to the ground and freeing Mihigo, who wasted no time slamming his foot down on the man’s face closest to him and knocking him out just as Amber jabbed the other one on the back of the head also knocking him out. Mihigo walked to the sphere of light and touched it, revealing Ntende inside. “What in the name of all that is good was that?”

“That… was a mythical mirror tiger.” Amber said jerking her head to the beast. “We need to get back and worn Albadeluz and the others this is too close to the village especially after the last attack.” Alexandria said moving purposely ahead. “How did you do that spell?” Ntende asked Mihigo. “I was in the library when you came to get the book, after doing the protection spell on our names I decided to learn some in case of emergency spells and I am glad I did.” “You know why i really did this right.” Ntende held the book closer to his chest. He wondered if Mihigo would understand. He wasn’t one to break rules recklessly.

“I know you want to get home, but we don’t need to make any enemies while we are here.” The village loomed ahead and they sped up to the library to return the book before Albadeluz figured out it was missing. As they approached the library a slight glow emulated the sky as the first rays of dawn sipped through the tree tops down to them. Albadeluz and wizard emerged through the giant doors of library, Ntende gulped audibly. “Well, at least that’s one mystery solved.” Wizard said his eyes on Ntende and the book in hand. “I know your both angry, but we were attacked…by a mythical mirror tiger.” Alexandria spoke, her voice even and soothing, yet it had a commanding tone to it that made Wizard turn his attention to her.

“It has begun he said to himself but his eyes still on Alexandria.” Following Albadeluz, he returned to the library followed by the small group. “Yes Mihigo, it is time to give you what you have so patiently waited for.” Ntende turned to Mihigo who nodded curtly, before dropping into the leafy couch that had just grown before their eyes. Albadeluz watched the four pairs of eyes set upon him and sighed heavily. Ntende seemed to notice how old the man looked his face now had a somber faraway look and his fore head set in deep wrinkles of a frown. He seemed to be remembering something troublesome. Suddenly his face cleared and he looked as radiant as ever except for the intensity in his gaze. “I am going to tell you a story, I believe um… Wizard has told you part of it.” Leaning forward Ntende said “About the lost kingdom of Elebor.” “Yes,” Albadeluz faced them “Now for the details. The darkness, the danger that we are all terrified of is…Mayiga.” At the mention of the name a cold wind blew past leaving the occupants of the library covered in goose bumps.

“He was part of the king’s court, rescued as a child from a terrible event of which he was the only

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