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Book online «THE DRAGON LORDS OF ELEBOR by MIHIGO EMMANUEL (best english novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author MIHIGO EMMANUEL

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right away to search for him and one fate full night in the mountains of Elebor the dragons offered most precious a gift, so i summoned the king immediately, unfortunately the evil we all feared had been growing in the heart of the kingdom and with king out of the way Elebor fell and darkness overtook the old world." The old man leaned back in his chair the pain of the memory visible in his eyes. Feeling pity for him Ntende offered him to stop but Mihigo egged him on. "I knew i had to keep some sort of hope alive, so i hide Lord Grimwarld's daughter. So long as the people knew the royal line was still alive, the torch of hope was kept burning. I knew when she returned i would have to resume my search, the search for Elebor's hero and only hope… the dragon lord."

Mihigo turned to Ntende "Well buddy i remember you saying you want an adventure." he then turned to the old man who had a quizzed expression. "What are the chances you'll come across a portal during your search for this hero?" “Quiet high, but to find the right one is a different story.” the old man answered. "Well then," Mihigo smiled "allow us to accompany you, we can find our way home and help, any way we can." Alexandria considered this; she didn't believe in coincidences, she believed everything happened for a reason. These boys were dragged with her back home, something tied them together so they couldn't let go of her and one of them has the power of second sight. Maybe... "You may come along but there is more to the story, the darkness has grown but one man sits at the height of it all. They call him the bringer of death. No one has seen his face and lived to tell about it, only those who knew him when he was beginning his reign of terror remember, though he is hardly the same. The chance of you dying is as great as the sun rising every morning. You are free to turn back, i will not think any less of you." Ntende made a sound somewhere between a snort and a chuckle, "I will. Do you really think we can live in a world which is dying and there is something we can do about it and simply sit back and watch? Well, you clearly don't know us, right buddy?"

Mihigo stood by the window gazing out to a view only he could see "Are you with us?" Alexandria's voice jolted him to reality. He smiled, "Old man i never caught your name." The old man smiled "That is something i only tell my friends." “Very well, i shall call you wizard then.” Mihigo nodded as if agreeing with himself and said "Wizard, would someone who save's your life qualify as friend?" the old man nodded "I once read a book that said something about tracer clouds, now i am no expert, but that cloud out there is quiet well defined, almost has a shape, almost like a snake preparing to strike a lowly victim who can't see past its camouflage." The old man was at the window at surprising speed. "Morgana's mocking birds! We need to leave, NOW."


Two boys, a girl, a cat and an old confused looking old man stood at the top of a small snow hill as they watched multiple squads of men dressed in all black shinny armor push against thin air though they knew better. Mihigo watched in agony a scene only he could see. The red, blue and green curtains had merged into a single angry veil that stretched tightly around a small patch of the ice desert. It flickered and burned a crimson red, streaks of blue running through it like bolts of lightning. The snake cloud however pushed harder and steadily forward, weakening the barrier. "We need to go before they break through and find out we aren't there." Ntende tugged at Mihigo who reluctantly turned to wizard. The old man through his arms outward to the sky and arched his back as though calling out. Ntende was about to voice his agitation when a vortex much like the one they used to get there appeared. "Ladies first." the old man beckoned Alexandria through, who was quickly followed by Ntende and Mihigo. They arrived in the same room through which they had first gone through the portal. The same secretary was there waiting for them. She was as beautiful as ever, thought Ntende. She wore the same knee high boots, with cutoff jeans and a black t-shirt that clung tight to her body. “I was worried when I sensed a breach of your defenses, are you alright?” Wizard turned his gaze downward and looked at his cat that was purring and rubbing his chin on his leg. “We are fine for now Nezza, thank you.” She nodded and they followed her out of the IPTC.

“We should head for my place, we will be safe there.” Spoke Nezza but Ntende shook his head “The only way to get away would have been by portal, it won’t be long before they figure it out. We should head for some place anonymous.” Wizard nodded his agreement.

The sun was high in the sky over the forest casting long shafts of light through the thick canopy. The city far behind, nature’s sounds became more evident, birds twittering, leaves rustling in the wind. “Didn’t get enough sleep?” Ntende called out seeing his friend swaying with the wind. Mihigo smiled “Maybe hearing things no one else can isn’t so bad.” “Nature’s song is heard by all, if you’re in the right state of mind.” said Wizard. A twig snapped a few feet away stopping them all in their tracks. Out of the trees stepped a hooded figure, Wizard stepped forward and said “The spark of hope is frail but hard to kill, pure of heart protect it, darkness seeks to snuff it out, those between fight to survive.” The hooded figure stood still for a minute, Ntende shifting uncomfortably until it eventually turned and was followed by wizard and the four. They were led deep into the forest, the trees slowly closing in and the forest growing ever quieter. They walked for what felt like hours but eventually the trees begun to grow more spaced and brighter with thin golden rays of light pouring in; Mihigo expected it to be the setting sun.

A large wall made entirely of large thick vines suddenly loomed above their heads. As they approached the wall the three stopped but not Wizard, Nezza and hooded figure, they walked right through the wall as though it was not there. Mihigo and Ntende glanced at each other, like the three Alexandria walked through. They soon followed warily, and found themselves in a city built entirely of trees and vines. Buildings made entirely of forest, their structure not different from the city buildings. The only inorganic materials visible were the glasses set into the windows. A fire pit at the center of the compound was smoking. Children ran all over laughing and giggling. Two children raced by chasing an unnaturally large puppy, you could tell from the puppy like yelps and barks that otherwise without made it look fully grown. Wizards cat peeped from behind Ntende’s leg then bounded away.

They followed the hooded figure into a large domed building set at the far side of the compound. It looked as though the very building was part of a humongous tree and disappeared into the tree itself. They made their way through the giant double doors into a hall filled with books. The walls, shelves and beams that held the building together were entirely made of wood or vine, as though the building itself was one giant tree. They followed the hooded figure to a desk at a window overlooking the compound. “Welcome my friends, to the eternal forest.”

He said, as he sat himself behind the desk and gestured for them to take their seats. As he did so plants immediately burst forth from the earth and shaped themselves into chairs. The figure removed his hood to reveal a man with white hair and eyes so blue they seemed to pierce your soul. The deep wrinkles on his face gave away his youthful impression. Wizard busied himself with a book on one of the nearby shelves. His voice was deep and even, with practiced steadiness as he looked down at the youngsters before him. “My name is Albadeluz, leader of this community, what are your names?” before anyone could answer Mihigo spoke “We haven’t got any…yet.” Albadeluz focused his gaze on him as did Mihigo each of them scanning the other.

“You are right to protect your identity and that of your friend, but I still need something to call you, it’s just a name.” his voice had become soothing as though coaxing a baby to let go a beloved toy. “Names have power; you will know ours once you gain our trust. But for now call me Lionel.” Albadeluz smiled. “Smarter than he looks eh.” Wizard said from behind a book. He shut it and walked over to the desk “Identified a doom cloud he did.” As he did so Ntende noticed that he no longer favored one leg and his nose seemed normal, he wasn’t hunch backed either. Noticing Ntende’s perplexed look he said “Glamour spell boy, I may be old but I am not that old.” He run a hand over his head and as he did so hair seemed to grow over the bold part, making him look slightly younger than Albadeluz. They spent the day admiring the town; it was bigger than it appeared. Every house was set into a tree and some people added an assortment of leaves and twigs to their garments, this really amused Mihigo; especially when Ntende added twigs in his hair in order to ‘fit in’ and when he was asked his name he called himself ‘Tormentadefuego’ (Storm of fire.) but later went by Blaze.


Later that night a shadow crept past the many concealed houses set into trees. Past the fire pit and onto the steps of the great library, as the huge doors swung silently open a hooded figure crept in. The cloak it hid behind could not conceal the unusually large padded feet that carried it silently along the corridors and towards an

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