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old glass encased book, bound in leather with abstract carvings set into it. In the glass reflection a pair of deep glowing amber eyes stared back at the figure, though it seemed undisturbed. As the figure closed in on the glass, the book’s carvings begun to glow a dull blue light; just then a bright yellow light filled the room and a deep steady voice called out “UNMASK YOUR SELF.” The hooded figure froze in place, then slowly turned and pulled back the hood to reveal a young girl with red hair so long that even as it was braided into a ponytail it still reached her waist line. Her fury cat like ears set near the top of her head drooped as the grey whiskers twitched with the trembling of her lips. Her pupils dilated to slits as she looked into the light and at the person who caught her.

“Amber, what are you doing sneaking in here like a thief in the night?” Albadeluz lowered the staff held in his left hand and the light emanating from the orb at the top dimmed. “Master, I did not expect to find you here.” ‘Obviously’ thought Albadeluz “What did you expect to find?” Amber lowered her gaze “I am not sure, I had a dream this morning of a stranger saving the village, but I thought it was just a dream, until I saw your guests. The boy with a marking on his cheek, he is the one I saw in my dream. I thought…” Albadeluz sighed “you thought the book could answer your questions. Dear Amber you know that book can only be read by the one.” Amber’s gaze snapped back and she locked eyes with Albadeluz. “How do you know ‘the one’ is not me? I could be here right in front of you and yet you refuse to even acknowledge me.”

“Dear child, not even the dragons know who it is, all we can do is wait, whoever it is will be revealed… in time.” Amber’s slit pupils dilated larger with concern making her look like a surprised cartoon. “You think that he or she could be revealed soon?” “All I know is that your visions have yet to lead us astray, so do tell me what our new friend saves us from.” Albadeluz put his arm around her lovingly and they walked down the aisle deeper into the library.

Morning arrived to find Mihigo in the library engrossed deeply in a book. “What do you have there with you Lionel?” Albadeluz asked as he walked in. “History of this Village, but it makes little sense to me.” Albadeluz smiled “Yet you carry on reading it, why?” “It may not make sense to me now but it will, eventually. Some things though I would like to see them myself, like the living trees. Trees are already alive, so what would make these trees so special?” Albadeluz smiled fondly “You have an adventurous spirit. Come with me, your friend is already waiting.” They made their way to the desk near the window where Ntende, Alexandria, Nezza and wizard were waiting.

Ntende was nose deep in a book when Mihigo reached him. “Yo man, check out this creature.” Ntende held up the book which showed a large bear like creature with blue crystals jutting out of its back. Mihigo smiled, “Sweet” was all he could say. “Lionel and Blaze you must know that your arrival here is no accident.” Ntende placed the book back on the shelf and turned to face Albadeluz. “On the day of your arrival I did a summoning spell, do you know what this is?” He held out in the palm of his hand a clear crystal gem. “This is conveniently named star crystal, as it absorbs star light and accumulates it into magical energy which it stores for millennia. It is thanks to this that I managed to summon you here.”

“Send us back?” Mihigo’s voice took on a deadly tone. Alexandria shrunk in her seat knowing too well the person yet to surface. “I called out to you and in an instant you came to us.” Mihigo glared at Albadeluz “You brought us here, you can send us back.” “It is not that simple, the celestial event that brought you here will not happen for another thousand years, and the magic in the crystal is nearly depleted.” “So why did you bring us here?” Mihigo asked. Albadeluz sighed. “I didn’t. All I did was call out to the one that would save us all and you arrived.” “But there are three of us who arrived.” Ntende said. “No.” Alexandria looked to Ntende and Mihigo “The spell I did was meant to carry one person… me. No, if the spell brought any one it was you two, I felt it when you grabbed me, I felt the power of the spell double. The spell didn’t bring three it brought two, the two of you.”

 Wizard and Albadeluz shared glances as if questioning each other. “Is it possible?” Wizard spoke with a new found energy. “It was hard to believe that one person could save us all, but now we know he won’t act alone and if so this means there could be more than one Dragon Lord.” “Impossible.” Nezza said “The prophecy clearly says dragon lord, as in one not two or three, one.” “Albas,” Wizard said as he rose from his seat “summoned for the one who would save us, the prophecy did not say he would be from another world either. So if these boys are the ones must we not prepare them for what is to come?” As he said this the doors to the library were heard as they were banged shut. Lionel and Blaze were no longer in the room.

“Emma!” Ntende called as he followed his friend out of the library. “You said we would help them.” Mihigo stopped in his tracks and wheeled around, confusion and desire burning in his eyes. “Enzo I said we would help them find their hero if we could find a way home in the process.” “But we are those heroes Emma, we can stay and help.” Ntende could do little to hide the excitement in his voice. “This is war Lawrence, WAR! What are the chances of us returning home if we fight a war? We don’t even know if they know we are missing, they may think we are dead from the meteorite that hit us. Enzo you don’t fight a war in a day, it takes years, decades and even centuries to end any war. Do you really think two children that came out of nowhere LITERALLY can end a war they don’t even know about?”

“No, but your arrival here has changed things.” Said a feminine voice, they turned to see who it belonged to, and found a girl about 5’1 with deep amber eyes and an abundant volume of hair so red it glittered in the sun light. Her ears were pointy like Alexandria’s but other than that she looked normal. “Hi, my name is Amber.” Mihigo clenched his jaw “Go away.” He said “I know everything looks messed up right now but things will get better.” She assured them.


No sooner had she spoken a humongous fire ball rocketed past and landed in the middle of the village. Smaller fire balls erupted from it and transformed into man like forms wearing armor and carrying all forms of crude weaponry, from clubs to axes and hammers, these creatures were armed to the teeth. They scattered and set to fire everything they touched as they crushed what they could causing mayhem and panic. Albadeluz, Wizard, Nezza and Alexandria burst forth from the library at once. On seeing what was happening they all fled in different directions, heading for burning houses and helping the people get away. Albadeluz raised his staff and a beam of light shot out into the sky, and then spread out like a dome over the area being attacked. The creatures were contained, leaving Albadeluz, Wizard, Nezza, Alexandria, Ntende and Mihigo to deal with them.

Mihigo grabbed Ntende by the arm, “we have to take cover.” He said as he instinctively ducked when one of the creatures hurled a fire ball at Wizard who waved his hand and deflected it with a gust of wind. “No,” Ntende pulled his hand back “we have to help.” With that he ran straight at one of the creatures clutching a fiery hammer and quickly realized as it set its sights on him, that he knew nothing of how to stop a flaming hammer. It smiled menacingly and hurled the hammer at Ntende who froze mid step with shock. He closed his eyes, felt the heat on his face and braced for the hot impact, when suddenly, his leg was swept off the ground and a strong hand shoved him toward the ground.

Wham! Ntende hit the ground, and opened his eyes in surprise to see the fiery hammer whisk by over his head, and crash into a nearby tree. He turned to see Mihigo glare at him in a way he’d never seen before; he had a beastly air to him that scared Ntende. The creature let out a blood curling howl and raced towards them. Mihigo was on his feet before Ntende could blink, he tore off his shirt and leaped with all his might and flung himself over the creature. Just as he was above it, he dropped his shirt over it. The creature being made of fire was now trapped within the shirt as it burned. Mihigo landed on his feet and still holding onto the shirt he tossed it at another creature and the two creatures screeched as they slammed into one another and then exploded into oblivion.

Wizard saw what Mihigo had done and created a mini tornedo that swept up a dozen of the creatures and slammed them into one another and destroyed them. Albadeluz also noticed the tactic and did the same. Soon there were no more creatures but the one that landed in the middle of the village, it begun spitting out more creatures and the battle begun afresh.

Amber ran towards Mihigo who was dragging an insistent Ntende into the library. “I know what to do now, I can get two of them to attack me and…” Ntende stopped when he looked at Mihigo and instinctively backed away. “You almost got yourself killed boy!” Mihigo’s voice boomed and ricocheted around the library just as Amber burst in. “we can’t take much of this.” She said out of breath. When Mihigo turned to look at her, she took a step back and went for the dagger strapped to her side, but as she looked into his eyes she relaxed and sighed loudly. “They just keep coming, Nezza, Alexandria and I were trying to put out the fires but it’s hopeless, at this rate the forest will soon be gone.” Mihigo walked to a window and looked outside, it was a war zone with Wizard and Albadeluz the only ones fighting as Nezza and Alexandria tried to put out the fires.

Nezza stood near a well making swift dancing like motions which the water seemed to be following out

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