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Book online «Thirst for Vengeance by Victoria Sinclair (books for 6 year olds to read themselves txt) 📖». Author Victoria Sinclair

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could remember instead of my birth name. I looked over a saw a long black haired woman at the kitchen table laying a loaf of fresh baked bread on the table. Her back was too me but I knew it was my mother. 

I started to run over to hear when their was an eerie knock on the door, I couldn't explain it any better. As soon as I heard the wood been knocked on chills were sent down my spine. I could see my own stiffen and look towards the door, her left eyebrow arched slightly. 

Quickly standing up she ushered me out of the kitchen and past the door, telling me I needed to go to my bedroom right away. Turning my head I could see my father walking toward the door, my mother still urging me to go to my room. 

As soon as we had made it past the doorway my mother quickly turned around and headed back toward the front door, saying again I needed to go to my room. Being as little as I was I did not understand the tone of her voice and decided to investigate this strange occurrence instead of going to my room like I probably should be doing. 

Tip toeing to the edge of the door frame I peeked around the corner to see if I could get a glimpse of the person putting dad and mom in a uncomfortable fit. What a saw was not an individual, it was a monster with piercing blue eyes. It lunged for my father, fangs long and sharp. I remember blood, blood was everywhere....



I quickly shot up  out of the bed clutching my sides, I could fell the sweat coming down my face as I wildly looked around expecting to see blood. Not recognizing my surroundings in my still dream life state I quickly stood up and looked around for one of my weapons. Not seeing anything or anyone in the small cabin I slowly sat back down and took a moment to collect.

It had finally dawned on me that I had just had a bad dream and there was nothing to worry about, then the memories of Alex and the werewolf came back, finally coming back to Bryce and this cabin. Heaving a sigh I laid back on the bed and let my thoughts overtake me for a second, I hadn't had a proper chance to grieve over Alex yet and that was weighing heavy on my mind.

Before I could help it I felt warm tears starting to slide down my cheek. After the first few came I blinked hard and wiped the tears off the side of my face. This was not the time to let my emotion show, I would have to grieve for Alex later when I was alone and had had my revenge on the werewolf. 

'Welcome to the list Mr. Werewolf. You have just made yourself lucky number two on my list.' I thought.

At that point I realized that the sun was shining through the window, giving the small cabin a warm homely feeling to it. Sitting up I peeked out the window to see the sun was not all that high in the sky yet meaning that it was still the early hours of the morning. 

Bryce was nowhere to be found. I rose again from the bed and stretched out my muscles slowly, seeing the extent of the damage this morning. To my surprise my body didn't hurt near as what it had yesterday and the pain in my back was only slightly stinging this morning.

This was a good sign and meant that I was one step closer to getting out of this cabin and enacting my revenge on not only the blue eyes vampire but upon the werewolf as well.  My thoughts were interrupted as Bryce walked through the door with what looked like a small pale of water and a wash cloth. He gave me a once over before smiling. 

"Good morning love! It's a beautiful day and I'm glad to see you are in much better shape than yesterday!" He said happily as he walked over and sat at the table next to the bed. "Are you ready for my to take the gauze off? If it looks well I wont even have to apply another layer! Unless that is unless you want me to." He said this with a quick wink. 

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to the bed and sat down, turning myself so that my back was facing him. "Lets quickly do this, I need to start excising so I can go back after the werewolf." I slowly lifted the back of my shirt up and bent forward, lowering the chance anything was exposed to unwanted parties. 

Bryce slowly began taken the gauze off of my back, causing more stinging in my back. "Oh darling, you can't fix yourself by breaking someone else. Don't waste your time on revenge. Those that hurt you will eventually face their own judgement." He took the last piece of gauze off then began cleaning the dry honey off of my back. 

"That's easy for you to say, and honestly I've heard that before. However, those words are not going to bring Alex back, nor my parents. That werewolf took a loved one and I'm not going to sit here and wait for him to face his judgement because who knows when that will be." The warm cloth felt good against my back and helped the stinging in my back ease a lot more than I thought it would.

"He took everything away from me, so I need to return the favor." When the cloth was taken away from my skin a slight chill ran down my back as the cold air hit the wound on my back. "How bad does it look?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer as I lowered my shirt down and turned around on the bed.

Bryce was washing off the cloth in the basin, from what I could see there was no blood on the rag. "It's actually looking a lot better than I expected and shouldn't need anymore gauze. You will have to go easy on yourself for the next day or so or you will tear the wound open again and this will be all for nothing."

He came rubbed his hands against his pants to get them dry then looked over at me, and odd expression on his face. "You mentioned your parents, what happened to them?"

I looked away and straightened my back a little bit, not really wanting to answer the question. "That is something I really don't want to talk about, just know they were killed and I am going to find the man who did it to them and show him the same courtesy he showed my parents." I could feel my throat starting to swell as I tried not to cry, the dream I had this morning still fresh in my mind.

After a few moments of silence I blinked away the tears and looked back over to Bryce who looked like he was studying me. It was then that I realized he had slight grey bags under his eyes, almost like he hadn't slept last night. His skin was also a little paler than yesterday. "Are you ok? You look like you are getting sick." I said as I got off the bed and walked over to him, my hand outstretched to feel his forehead for fever.

He tensed for a quick moment almost like he was going to refuse then just as suddenly relaxed. When my hand touched his forehead it was cool to the touch, its always when I realized this was the first time I had actually touched HIM. My heart started to race and I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I blushed. I jerked my hand back as Bryce gave me another sly smile of his. 

"I'm fine, just didn't sleep like normal is all." Bryce said as he stood up and stretched for a moment. "Come outside, I have a surprise for you." He said as he quickly walked to the other side of the cabin and left out the door. 

I had to stand there a moment before I followed him, when I had touched him something strange had happened inside of me and I was still having a hard time coping with the turmoil this was causing. After a shaky breath in an attempt to calm my nerves I followed out the door and was surprised to see a fire hand been started and there was a pan strung up by two poles on either side of the fire. 

Upon further inspection it seemed the pot had meat sizzling inside of it, it already had a light brown tint to it and the smell made my mouth slightly water.

"I realized last night that I didn't know the last time you had ate anything so I decided to go hunting this morning and bring you back something to build up your strength." Bryce said as he put some of the meat into a wooden bowl and handed it to me.

I sat down a couple feet from the fire, enjoying the warmth. Even though the sun was shining down on us the air around us was still chilly with the morning. Taking a bite of the meat it made my mouth water even more and I closed my eyes with satisfaction as I realized this was deer meat. 

For the past couple months the only meat I had eaten was squirrel or rabbit meat. Alex hadn't wanted me getting used to deer meat because he said that when you're on a hunt you don't always have time to enjoy the luxury of hunting, skinning, cutting, cooking, AND eating a deer. You usually had to go with something quick and on the go. 

I looked over a Bryce who was throwing a couple more logs into the fire, I didn't see a bowl for him anywhere. "Aren't you going to eat too?" I said before taking another bite of meat.

"I ate right before you woke up." He said, not looking at me. Suspicion clouded my thoughts for a moment, but I decided to hold my tongue on them. "Why are you doing all this for me? Offering your home, your bed, cleaning my wounds, and making me food? You didn't have to do any of this you know?" I had been wanting to ask this question since I had awoken here but had not had the guts to ask it until now.

"I'm not saying i;m not thankful, because I am, I just have never had anyone other than Alex be this nice to me." The last part I did not mean to come out, it seemed my mouth had a mind of its own anymore. Probably won't do me any favors in the future. 

Bryce finally looked over at me, another off expression on his face. "Why wouldn't I help you? You obviously have no place to go, you were injured, you're quite beautiful, and people are suppose to help others in need. Right?" 

He walked over and sat beside me, I could again feel my cheeks getting read. This time with embarrassment at my previous question. Almost as if he was reading my thoughts he quickly sat down beside me. "You have nothing to be embarrassed by." He looked away into the fire, giving me time to eat the rest of meat into my bowl. 

"I really am thankful. Since I have a day or two that I'm not allowed to do anything, can I stay here and rest? Then I will be gone. I promise." 

"You can stay as long as you need, and who says I'm going to let you go after a day or two anyway." As he said this he shot me another wink. He was the most flirtatious man I had ever met! As much as I wanted to despise him for it, I couldn't. In

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