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Book online «Thirst for Vengeance by Victoria Sinclair (books for 6 year olds to read themselves txt) 📖». Author Victoria Sinclair

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because of this hot spring. Although I guess you can't really call it a hot spring, its more of a warm spring." She giggled as she finished the sentence. "When it gets really cold I love to swim in here, makes for a very relaxing night!"

I had always heard about faeries but I had never actually seen one, faeries weren't something a monster hunter would deal with since they didn't cause too much trouble. Faerie folk, or the fae, are an ancient race of people and for the most part didn't interact with humans too much. Although it was common for some to manipulation it never got to a point where it needed to be taken care of.

Looking over at the faerie I gave a quick smile at her grinning face. Her face was so innocent and had the look of true happiness on it as she played with my hair.

"What's you name?" I asked her as I sat there and let her continue.

"TSK!" She said before jumping over and sitting in front of me. I guess it was also true what they said about faeries, they always kept moving.

"I can't give you my name! Don't you know names hold power?!" She said in a high pitched voice before starting to giggle again. "You can call me Sunny, I like that name." She said with a smile.

I couldn't help but to laugh with her when she said this. I didn't even know why I was laughing, but I almost couldn't stop. Once my laughing fit stopped I looked over at Sunny, she was twisting her hair around her finger as she stared at me. "It was nice to see you Sunny but I really need to take a bath, I'm exhausted and just want to get this over with to I can sleep."

As I said this Sunny instantly started pouting. "But I was having fun!" She whined loudly. I shook my head and started to stand. Sunny looked at me angrily and pointed her finger at me. Before I could make sense of what was going on I was crashing hard against a tree. My vision spotted for a moment as I slumped to the ground. 'No, not this again.' I thought to myself as the pain I was already experiencing double.

'I haven't been away from the cabin more than a few days and already I'm getting tossed around like a rag doll by monsters. My life is turning upside down.'

"I want to play!" Sunny yelled as she started stomping forward me, her green eyes were now a menacing red color. 'Aurora, what have you gotten yourself into.' I thought as I decided to keep my back against the tree. I knew I was useless at this point, just like I had been useless yesterday. 'Maybe I just wasn't cut out to be the monster hunter I had thought I was going to be. Maybe I should just got ahead and give up.'

Before Sunny reached me there was a rush of cold air that hit us both, the smell of cinnamon and cider hit my nose. The smell triggered something in my memory, it was so familiar but I just couldn't bring a picture to my mind. As the wind instantly died down I realized Sunny was no longer in front of me.

Looking around I decided to sit by the tree for a few moments before getting back up, feeling like this was another trick Sunny was playing. 'This day has gone from weird, to more weird. Just my luck.'

After a few minutes went by I decided Sunny was not coming back and got up, slowly making my way over to the pound. I carefully stripped, looking all around while doing so expecting to see a raging faerie coming at me again. I had no idea what caused the faerie to disappear but I was very grateful that she had. 'Note to self; Do not mess with faeries, if one talks to you. Run.' I thought to myself as I slipped into the pound.

The warmth of the water was welcoming to my skin. I didn't realized how bad I needed this until I put my head under the water and scrubbed my face with my hands, feeling the grim and blood come off my face. As I resurfaced I reached over and grabbed the bone comb I had brought out and ran it through my hair. I couldn't go more than an inch with out running into a tangle. "I just need to cut it all off, this is too much." I said out loud.

What felt like an eternity later I finally had all the tangles out and could feel my skin starting to prune. Pulling myself out of the water the chill of the air hit me hard, almost making me want to just go back into the pound and stay there. Sighing to myself I rung out my hair and quickly dressed into my clothes before I limped back to the cabin.

As I entered the cabin Bryce was sitting in a chair near my bed next to an oil lantern reading a book. When he heard the door open he looked up at me and smiled. "You look great! Not that you didn't look great before just less bloody." He gave me a quick wink before hopping up out of his chair and going over to the opposite end of the table to were some salves and ointment were laid out next to a basin of water and a wash cloth.

I looked over the supplies and then looked up at him, the confusion clearly showing on my face as Bryce motioned for me to come sit on the bed. "You may feel better after that bath but I'm sure you've realized you have a nasty gash on your back that needs to be taken care of before it gets infected. On the bright side, the gash on your brow doesn't look half as bad as what I predicted." Bryce said was waggling his eyebrows, bring a small smile to my face.

He would trying to make me feel better and I appreciated his efforts.

"Now, in going to need you to turn around and take your shirt off." Bryce said as he picked up what looked like to be honey and a vial of purplish oil. "I am not taking my shirt off in front of you!" I quickly huffed as I took a step back.

Bryce frowned, "Aurora, I need to take care of the wound on your back, if you are not comfortable taking the shirt off that fine but I at least need you to pull the back of your shirt all the way up."

I glared at him for a moment and sighed, the pain in my back was starting to come back so I figured it would be for the best to go ahead and get this stuff healed. I turned around and lifted the back end of my shirt til it was touching my neck. I could feel Bryce pulling my hair to one side and throwing it over my shoulder so it would not get in the way of my wounds.

There was a moment where Bryce said nothing and nothing touched my back, getting nervous I turned my head to try and look at him. "What are you waiting for?" I muttered as I turned my head back around, my neck was stiff and trying to look behind me was just a pain I didn't want to endure for too long.

"Your wound is healing, slightly faster than I thought it would. Just caught me off guard is all. I'm first going to rub some lavender oil on your back, its really good for its healing properties." I could feel his hands gliding down my back with the oil on them, at first it stung making me wince. But after a two minutes of him doing this I could feel a cooling sensation start to turn down the gashes.

"Next comes honey, it fights the bacteria away and will help the gauze stay in place when we are all done." Bryce said as I could feel him putting the honey on my back, it smelled amazing. However, I didn't really like the sticky feeling it was leaving on my back. After several minutes of Bryce applying the honest he went over to the basin and washed his hands.

My arms were getting tired of holding up my shirt and I could feel them beginning to drop lower. "Bryce are we almost done?" I grimaced as little as I realized I had sounded a little whiny. No one likes someone who whines a lot.

Bryce walked back over to me and quickly wrapped a bandage around me, going from my back, around my stomach then back to my back. Wanting to insure that the gauze was not moved while I slept. When this was finally done I released the hold on my shirt and slowly fell over on to the bed, rolling around so that my back was to the window and my face to Bryce and the fire he built.

"Thank you for everything. You didn't have to do any of this you know." I said, weariness was starting to creep on me. After everything that had happened to me I just needed a long nights sleep. Bryce smiled as he went to sit back over on the chair next to the table. "I wanted to do it, I couldn't just leave a damsel in distress!" Bryce said with another infamous smile of his.

"I am not a damsel in distress, one day I will be able to take care of myself and not have to worry. I thought that day was today but I was very wrong. I wish to be like the witch, or that faerie in your back yard." I said as my vision was starting to go black, fatigue was holding me with an iron grip and I couldn't fight it any longer.

"What are you talking about?" Bryce said as he quickly jumped up and walked over to me, I thought I saw the flash of anger in his eyes.

"When you first brought me here I had a dream of a witch, she was very nice. When I went to the pound there was a faerie out back, she got upset with me but she disappeared. Its been a very strange day Bryce." He nodded and patted my head. "Go to sleep Aurora."

I could see Bryce straighten and turn around, heading for the door to the outside. I wanted to ask him where he was going but I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore. Sleep had finally come for me and I was more than welcome to embrace it.  




The small of fresh baked rolls hit my nostrils as I jumped up out of my bed and quickly made my way to the small wooden kitchen. As I quickly turned around the corner I almost ran smack dab into a tall lanky man with dark brown hair and deep welcoming brown eyes. "Good morning Rory! Did you sleep well?" 

I looked up at him and gave him a warm smile, Rory is what my dad had called me for as long as I

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